What Can Visual Studio 2008 Do For You?

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Transcript What Can Visual Studio 2008 Do For You?

Eric Vogel
Software Developer
A.J. Boggs & Company
What’s new?
 New Projects for .NET 3.0 and 3.5
 Framework build targeting
 Javascript IDE enhancements
 Built in Unit Testing!
 New language additions to C# and VB
New Projects
 Windows
 Web
 WCF Service
 Office
 Office 2007
 Workflow
 Smart Device
 Target .NET 2.0,3.0, and 3.5 Compact Frameworks.
 Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0 SDK as free download.
.NET 3.0
 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
 Windows Forms replacement.
 Controls are expressed in XAML.
 Provides a more expressive UI layer for applications.
 Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
 Bridges networking APIs (Web Services, .NET
Remoting,..) into one API.
 Very configurable, supports multiple transport layers
such as http and tcp.
 SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 complient.
.NET 3.0 (continued)
 Work Flow (WF)
 Allows graphical design of sequences and state
 Good for expressing business processes.
 Card Space
 Security identification service that stores users
identification information.
 WCF supports Card Space.
.NET 3.5
 New language additions to C# 3.0 and VB .NET 9.0
 WF support in WCF Services
 Host Work Flow in a WCF Service
Framework build targeting
 Compile projects to target a specific .NET Framework.
 Supports .NET 2.0,3.0, and 3.5
Javascript IDE Enhancements
 IntelliSense support added
 Easier to debug code
 Demo
Unit Testing
 Only included in Pro and Team Editions.
 Can create tests for Web, Desktop, and Mobile
 Demo
New in C# and VB .NET
 Implicitly typed local variables
 Object intializers
 Array initializers
 Anonymous types
 Extension Methods
 Lambda Expressions
Implicitly typed local variables
Variable declarator must have an intializer
Type is inferred by the initialization of the variable
Variable cannot be initialized to null
var foo = 5;
var bar = “Hello GLUG .net”;
var foobar = new List<int>();
Dim foo = 5;
Dim bar = “Hello GLUG .net”;
Dim foobar = New List(Of Integer)
Object initialzers
 Initialize properties and accessible members of an
 Nice substitute for overloaded constructors.
 Can be embedded
 Examples:
var voyager = new Ship{Capacity=1000, Shields=200};
Dim voyager = New Ship With {.Capacity = 1000,
.Shields = 200}
Implicitly typed arrays
 The type of the array is determined by its initialized
 Examples:
var scores = new[] { 50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90, 100 };
Dim scores() = { 50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90, 100 }
Anonymous Types
 Create objects with anonymous types.
 Anonymous types inherit from Object.
 Examples:
var item = new { Id=10, ItemType="Game", Cost= 29.99 };
Dim item = New With {.Id = 10, .ItemType = "Game", .Cost
= 29.99}
Extension Methods
 Static method that extends an existing class.
 Invoked as if it were an instance method of the class
being extended.
 Shadowed by member methods of the extending class.
 Only allowed access to public members of the
extending class.
Extension Methods (C# example)
 Example:
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static bool GreaterThan(this int i, int n)
return i > n;
int num = 5;
// will return true, since 5 is greater than 2
Extension Methods (VB example)
 Example:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module ExtensionMethods
<Extension()> _
Public Function GreaterThan(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal n As Integer) As Boolean
Return i > n
End Function
End Module
Dim num As Integer = 5
num.GreaterThan(2) ) ‘ will return true, since 5 is greater than 2
Lambda Expressions
(input parameters) => { expression or statement block }
Function(input parameters) expression or statement block
 Provide a cleaner and more concise expression of
anonymous methods.
 Parameters can be explicitly or implicitly typed.
 Have a million and one uses!
 Demo
 Language INtegration Query or LINQ introduces the
ability to query objects directly in the language.
 Syntax is very similar to SQL.
 Visual Studio 2008 currently has LINQ to SQL, LINQ
to XML and LINQ to Objects.
 Demo of LINQ to Objects.
C# only additions
 Collection Intializers
 Automatic properties
Collection Initializers
 Collection must implement IEnumerable.
 Each item is added to the collection behind the scenes
by calling the Add method of the collection.
 Examples:
List<string> names = new List<string> { “Eric”, “Jeff”, “Joe” };
List<int> scores = new List<int> { 50, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90};
Automatic Properties
 More concise way to create a Property with a backing
 New default code snippet for prop in VS 2008.
 Examples:
public int NumDays { get; set; }
public DateTime DueDate { get; set; }
VB .NET only additions
 XML Literals
 Relaxed Delegates
XML literals
XML is able to be used as a literal.
IntelliSense support, including schemas.
Tight integration with LINQ to XML.
Dim products = <Products>
<Product name="CodeSmart">
Dim appConfig = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Relaxed Delegates
 Methods no longer have to exactly match their method
delegate signatures.
 Methods can have a derived type of what is defined in
the delegate as a return type (covariance).
 Methods can be passed arguments with types that are
base classes of the arguments specified in the delegate
signature (contravariance).
Covariance Example
Public Class Record
End Class
Public Class Person
Inherits Record
End Class
Public Delegate Function RecordChanged(ByVal Id As Integer) As Record
Public Function GetChangedRecord(ByVal Id As Integer) As Record
Return New Record
End Function
Public Function GetChangedPerson(ByVal Id As Integer) As Person
Return New Person
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim changedPerson As RecordChanged = AddressOf GetChangedPerson
End Sub
Contravariance Example
Public Delegate Sub PersonSelected(ByVal Person)
Public Sub RecordSelected(ByVal Record)
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim personPicked As PersonSelected = AddressOf
End Sub
 [email protected]
 http://ericvogel.com
 Twitter - @vogelvision
 Overview of C# 3.0
 http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/bb308966.aspx#csharp3.0overview_topic1
 Overview of Visual Basic 9.0
 http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/ms364068(vs.80).aspx#vb9overview_topic1
 Programming C# 3.0
 Jesse Liberty & Donald Xie, O’Reily
 The LINQ Project
 http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/netframework/aa904594.aspx