Transcript Slide 1

What can ENA do for me ?
How to recruit members?
How to retain active members?
• ENA is indispensable to the global
emergency nursing community
• Advocating for patient safety and
excellence in emergency nursing
Who Is the Average ENA Member?
Female Baby Boomer
15 Plus Years of Nursing Experience
Employed as Staff Nurse in ED
Works in Medium to Large ED (40,000 to
100,000 visits per year)
• 5 Years or Less as an ENA Member
Whether you are a staff nurse or a manager in an emergency
department, an administrator , prehospital, flight, or trauma
emergency nurse, an emergency clinical nurse specialist, nurse
practitioner, student or educator, you can benefit from membership
in ENA. No matter your level of experience, or the size of your
emergency department, membership in ENA contributes to your
professional growth.
It’s All About Retention
New members are vital to our growth but
don’t forget retention is
– equally important. 5,808 new members joined ENA and 3,576
– rejoined after lapsing their membership. But, the bigger number
to keep in mind is there were
– 8,180 who terminated their membership. So our overall growth is
1,204. Can you imagine our
– numbers if we could reduce the number of members who decide
to leave ENA! Let’s keep talking and sharing ideas.
Why They Join
• To learn new practice ideas and solutions.
• To support the profession
• To be part of an association that develops, maintains
and promotes ED nursing practice.
• To connect with other emergency nursing professionals.
• To strengthen the voice of emergency nurses regarding
national issues and government policy.
Why They Leave
Recent Lapsed Member Survey
revealed 3 primary reasons:
• Dues too costly (47%)
• Lack of participation (30%)
• Job change (22%)
Member Expectations
What They Said
• “It would be cool to have someone check in with you (to
ask)” How’s it going? Do you need help with anything?”
“A little encouragement, and reminders, to attend local
meetings would help”
“Everyone should be made to feel welcome at local
“I want to feel like I’m part of the group”
“I’d like to volunteer but for short term projects”
What Can We Do
Increase the level of participation – increase
the value of membership
• Establish member mentoring and orientation programs
• Extend numerous invitations to local meetings
• Personally greet and welcome every attendee at
• Include two new members on every project
Strategies for Retaining Active
• Host an orientation meeting for
potential members.
Provide food at the meeting and have chapter leaders and members present to
speak about the benefits of belonging to ENA.
• Offer a new member orientation.
Educate new members on how to access resources on the National, State and Local
Demonstrate that ENA is a professional development organization.
Ask new members to sign up to serve on a committee.
More Strategies…………….
• Increase personal contact with
– Personal follow-up. Invite new members to an
upcoming event.
– Assign established members to new members as
– Give members a special memento when they come
to their first meeting.
More Strategies………..
• Include members and new members in
the leadership of the chapter.
Create a leadership intern program.
Encourage members to take part in
setting the future direction of the
– Survey chapter members routinely to ensure that the chapter is
addressing their needs and offering programs of interest to them.
More Strategies……….
Ensure that the chapter is
represented at TX ENA meetings and
Leadership meetings.
– Consider sending new members to prepare them for
a chapter leader role
• Facilitate connecting members to another
chapter if they are relocating.
– Provide them with a contact person at the nearest chapter that
they will be relocating to.
Other Ideas?????
Invite chapter members to
speak/present at chapter events.
– Ask active members to speak to new members about the benefit
of belonging to the Emergency Nurses Association.
• Create opportunities for members to
network with each other.
– Give members the opportunity to connect both inperson as well as virtually.
Celebrate and become Visibility
• Increase the visibility of the chapter.
– Link the chapter Web site to the Texas ENA
– Put a face with the organization (Dean,
President, Past President, etc.)
• Celebrate your members.
– Spotlight members in the newsletters.
Communication is the key
• Establish a chapter member
communications chair position.
Have one person who is responsible for member
communications. This officer should ensure that email addresses
are up-to-date and should be the one who forwards all
communications to chapter members.
What is Your ENA Membership
• You can easily receive more than
5 TIMES your annual
membership dues in benefits,
services and resources!!!
ENA Membership Dollars Make
• Publications, including ENA’s flagship
Journal of Emergency Nursing (a $89
value) and ENA Connection newsletter (a
$50 value) $139 worth of publications
included in your ENA membership
ENA Membership Dollars Make
• Member-only discounts of 10% to 25%, or more on
educational products and merchandise.
• Discounted fees for ENA Annual Conference ($135
savings) and Leadership Conference ($110 savings), as
well as other ENA-sponsored educational seminars and
• Preferred pricing--- for Certified Emergency Nurses
(CEN); Certified Pediatric Emergency Nursing(CPEN);
Certified Flight Registered Nurse(CFRN) and Certified
Transport Registered Nurse (CTRN) exams offered by
the Board of Certification of Emergency Nursing(BCEN)
ENA Membership Dollars and
• Grants and scholarships of up to $10,000
through the ENA Foundation
• Other money-saving benefits including
discount computer purchase, cash
rebates(in most states) when you buy or
sell a home, ENA credit card and
ENA Membership Dollars Make
• Exclusive access to the members-only
section of the ENA website at which offers important
features such as Document Sharing,
Listservs, Special Interest Groups, and
Career Center
ENA Membership Dollars Make
• Continuing education programs offering contact
hours and the opportunity to meet, network with,
and learn colleagues from across the nation and
around the world. And remember, each issue of
JEN offers up to 8.5 hours of contact hours at a
very modest cost.
• A network of state councils and chapters
providing you with local meetings, events,
networking and support.
Professional Resources
• ENA Position Statements
• Standards of Emergency Nursing Practice
• Scope of Emergency Nursing Practice
• Code of Ethics for Emergency Nurse
• Guidelines for Nursing Research
• Emergency Nursing Research Abstracts Listing
But, Let’s Not Duplicate
• Time is equally valuable as hard
• National Office has a team of
recruitment specialists who are
available to assist
Don’t Spin Your Wheels
ENA has everything you need to
develop your recruitment campaign
• Chair of Member Services
• Call Member Services (800 / 243-8362).
• ENA’s Member Services Representatives will ask a few
questions and then develop a recruitment package
perfect for your campaign.
• You will receive your recruitment materials within 5
business days.
Welcome to ENA
New Member Packet
Every new member receives a new member packet within
3 to 5 business days. The packet includes:
Welcome Letter from ENA President
Leadership or Annual Conference Advance Program
Injury Prevention Volunteer Brochure
Marketplace Catalogue
Board of Directors Testimonials
Public Policy Agenda
Brochures from Affinity Partners
Membership Application to Pass Along to a Friend
Membership Card
Membership Pin
Renewal Notices
 60 Days from Expiration Date - Hard Copy Invoice
 30 Days from Expiration Date - Hard Copy Invoice with letter from
President and Executive Director
 15 Days from Expiration Date - E-Mail Notice with letter from
Executive Director
 On Expiration Date – E-Mail Notice from Director Member Services
 On Termination Date – E-Mail Notice from Director Member Services
 On Termination Date – List of terminated members sent to Comnet
(ENA’s contracted telemarketing vendor) and personal phone call.