Objective of Internship

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ERI Overview

Malyaj Varmani Assistant Director – UKIERI British Council

“UKIERI has now become a vibrant platform for networking and collaboration. It has also strengthened the bilateral links in education between India and the UK and has unleashed many outcome based activities of importance under all the four strands of Leadership, Innovation, Skill and Mobility.” – Dr. M M Pallam Raju, Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India “We share the same vision for a renewed and enhanced educational partnership between our two countries. The initiative has made excellent progress and has covered many strands in education. We now need to build on the success of UKIERI.” – David Willetts, Minister of State for Universities and Science - Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, UK.

Achievements (UKIERI Phase One: 2006 – 2011)

- Invested in a total of

182 UK India partnerships

that includes collaborative groupings among academic researchers, clusters of school and pairing of Further Education colleges; - Supported


individual awards through

88 facilitation grants to travel PhD scholarships

and fellowships; between UK and India for developing partnerships; - Enhanced

student mobility by providing 393 British students an opportunity to visit India

under the Study India Programme; - Facilitated

work placements to 106 Indian graduates

under the India Graduate work experience programme and UKIERI-GSK work placement opportunity; - Working with key stakeholders & policymakers to address the issues of Quality Assurance, Leadership, sector skill development and other policy issues

40 Events in policy dialogue and networking

UKIERI Phase Two (2011- 2016) Strand 1: Leadership Development Enhancing capacity of individuals and institutions on leadership Strand 2 : Innovation Partnerships Providing opportunities for institutions to collaborate on innovation and thematic partnerships Strand 3 : Skills Development Enhancing UK India collaborations in skills development Strand 4 : Enhancing mobility Fostering student mobility and mutual recognition of learning

Significant Achievements under UKIERI Phase Two (2011 – 13)


142 Higher Education Partnerships

delivery involving over 280 institutions to undertake joint research and programme -

26 Skills Partnerships

to support curriculum development and deliver industry relevant training

216 Facilitation travel grants for partnership development

, sharing of best practices on curriculum & pedagogy and professional development - Opportunity to

325 British Students to visit India

under the Study India Programme - Constitution of the

India –UK Qualification Recognition taskforce


18 events in policy dialogue and networking

Key Statistics

Opportunities For Institutions

- Facilitation for partnerships - Capacity building through workshops, seminars and trainings - Collaboration on student mobility programmes - Sharing of best practices and knowledge enhancement

Opportunities For States

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Facilitation of partnerships for sustainable impact Institutional Capacity building for knowledge, skills, research and leadership Developing best practices for curriculum and qualifications standardization Joint workshops/Policy engagement for leading systemic changes

Opportunities for Industry

- Engagement for knowledge transfer linking industry and academia - Develop skills for employability leading to well educated and trained workforce


Engage with students and professionals from India and the UK, who would be future


leaders and opinion formers Support investment in Research and Development

Opportunities For Staff

• • •

Leadership Development /Capacity building Supporting knowledge and skills development Faculty development and training

For further information, please visit www.ukieri.org

or Write to us at [email protected]

Thank You !