- CSUN ScholarWorks - California State University

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Appendix A
Spotlight on the Impact of Immigration and
Acculturation: A workshop for Immigrant
Families and the 1.5-Generation
A Graduate project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the degree of Master of Science in Counseling, Marriage and Family
Relevance of topic…………………………………...………..2
Facts and Historical Background……………………………3
Central America conquest, crisis, and migration………...…4
Stepwise Migration……………………………………...……..5
Pre-Migration and Migration Risks…….…………………….7
Attachment theory...……………………………………..........9
Attachment styles……………………………………...…..…10
Parenting styles and practices………………………...……11
Introduction cont.
Acculturative stress ………….....……………..……………12
Couple relational stress………………………................…13
Intergenerational conflict………..……….……………...….14
Immigration: Red flag for child welfare involvement….....15
Protective factors and cultural values as strengths and
Acculturation, ethnic identity, language, and
Familism, respeto, and educacion………………………..18
Ending notes……………………………………………..….19
● To understand the migration and acculturation stressors and the
benefits of engaging both cultures (biculturalism), and avoid family
disruption, psychological distress, contact with child protection
agencies, and becoming marginalized.
● To address discrepancies of acculturation rates and its effects on
family dynamics and to promote a bicultural perspective.
● To facilitate information, guidance, and direction to immigrant
families so they will be more likely to identify the negative factors of
the migration process and become active agents toward
reconstructing the family system and mend shattered bonds.
● To understand the dynamics involved in several case examples of
families who were referred to the child welfare system due to
allegations of domestic violence, abuse and maltreatment.
● To clear the confusion around the meaning of acculturation and
assimilation among Central-American immigrant parents.
● To establish trust, to empower, support, and enable families to
remain together.
Relevance of topic
● Identity the challenges that immigrant children and their families
encounter during the process of migration and acculturation, and
effectively respond to the specific needs of the family unit.
● To encourage Marriage and Family therapists and other mental
health and social work professionals to attempt to understand and
become acquainted with how the migration process negatively affect
the Central-America immigrant family and their 1.5-generation.
● To understand how common stressors related to immigration and
acculturation play a role for child welfare involvement.
● To show how cultural-based protective factors (e.g., familism,
educacion, language, ethnic identity) can promote psychological
resilience among immigrant Hispanic youth.
● To disseminate information of the immigration phenomenon with the
goal to avoid stereotypical profiles and to advocate for the use of
culturally competent intervention and prevention programs for
Central American families and the 1.5-generation.
Terms and Definitions
A person who leaves his or her country of origin
and settles permanently in a host country
Stepwise migration
Refers to the migration pattern of
family members who immigrate
alone while leaving members
behind in their country of origin
with the intention of reunification in
the near future (Suarez-Orozco et
al., 2002, p. 626).
Immigrant children or
adolescents who were
born and socialize in
another country and
immigrated to the U.S.
Foreign born
Refers to individuals
born outside of the
United States from
parents who are not US
Terms and Definitions
Individuals born in
the U.S with at least
one first-generation
Individuals born in the
U.S. with both parents
born in the United
Refers to the process of cultural and
psychological transformation that takes place
because of contact between cultural groups and
their individual members
An individual’s
investment or
involvement in
the host or
adopted culture
Acculturative stress
Results when individuals
experience difficulties
arising from the
acculturation process
Terms and definitions
Couple relational stress
The condition when traditional roles or
unique customs changed due to
acculturation, which generates
additional stressors for the couple
Generational stress
Refers to the cultural conflict
between immigrant parents
and their children due that
they exert their old rigid
cultural ideals in an attempt
to control
Ethnic identity
A construct which refers to
one’s identity or sense of
self as a member of an
ethnic group
Historical Background and Facts
Examples of migration through time
 First human groups from East Africa to the present
distribution around the world
 Age of Mass Migration
 Central America Crisis
Reason to migrate
 Conquest, trade,
seeking raw
material, or making
Reason to migrate
 Forced & primitive
 Push factors
 Famine, war,
Age of Mass Migration
 First wave of immigrants to the U.S. came from
Europe, “approximately 24 million immigrants
entered through Ellis Island between 1892 and
1924” (Bandiera, Rasul and Viarengo (2012).
 Northern and Western Europe, Germany, Ireland,
Britain, and Scandinavian countries
Historical Background and Facts
• The top three countries of origin for Central American immigrants in 2011 were El Salvador, Guatemala, and
Honduras. El Salvador (1.3 million or 41 percent), Guatemala (850,900, or 28 percent, and Honduras
(490,600, or 16 percent).
Share of Central American-Born Population by Country of Birth, 2011
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011
Number of Central American-Born in the U.S: 1960 to 2010
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2011
Central American conquest, crisis, and
migration pattern
Spaniards colonized Central America.
Indigenous habitants were oppressed, marginalized, enslaved,
exploited, and their traditions were devalued.
Indepencence after 300 years under Spaniard’s control. The region’s
livelihood did not change until the 19th Century.
19th and part of
the 20th Century
Late 1970s ended
by 1996
Coffee and other export crops were introduced. The U.S. and Great
Britain expanded their political influences by the 20th Century.
Large-scale political turmoil in Central America: The Nicaraguan
revolution, Civil war in El Salvador, two coups in Guatemala &
militarization of Hondura by the US.
War and state violence; displacement of thousands, fear and
economic instability forced millions of Salvadorian, Nicaraguan,
and Guatemalan citizens to flee to Mexico, USA, and Canada.
Acculturative stress
● Acculturative stress results when individuals experience difficulties arising from the acculturation
process (Williams & Berry, 1991).
● Including, perceived discrimination, racism, and feelings of pressure to assimilate to the demands
of the dominant culture, as well as “feelings of disconnectedness from the culture of origin and
parent/child relational problems due to conflicts between parental values and attitudes”
(Kuperminc, Henrich, Meyers, House, & Sayfi, 2007 p. 223).
● Theorists posit parents and children undergo different rates of acculturation leading to stress in
family relationship, which leads to family conflict, disruptive behaviors, and maladjustment (Portes,
● Miranda and Matheny (2000) explored the socio—psychological factors that may procure
acculturative stress among 197 adult Hispanic participants. Participants completed a
questionnaire aimed to asses family cohesion and adaptability, acculturation, acculturative stress,
and stress coping effectiveness. Results showed that all variables accounted for 48% of the
variability in the acculturative stress of participants. Suggesting that the acculturative stress
experienced by Hispanic immigrants depend on the following variables: efficacy of stress-coping
resources; degree of acculturation; family cohesiveness; language use; and length of residence in
the U.S.
Acculturative stress cont.
● Hispanic youths are more likely than their Black or non-Hispanic White counterparts to have
suicidal ideations or attempted suicide. They also engaged in more risky behaviors, including,
alcohol, and illegal drugs (Gil, Wagner & Vega, 2000), and experience more conflict with their
parents as they defy authority (James, 1997).
● Hovey (2000a) performed two studies to explored levels of acculturative stress among Central
American immigrants. In the first study, a correlation with high levels of depression and suicidal
ideation among Central-American immigrants was found for those low in acculturation.
● In the second study, Hovey identified family protective factors such as social support,
expectations about the future, religiosity, education, and income to be protective factors against
suicide and mood disorders among Central American immigrant during the acculturation process
(Hovey, 2000b).
● The acculturation gap between Hispanic immigrant adolescents and their parent’s has been found
to heighten the tension between the child-parent dyad and creates problematic behaviors for the
adolescent (Unger et al., 2009).
● The rate in which individuals acculturate depends on the amount of exposure and the age of the
child during arrival to the new country. Immigrant children tend to acculturate fast because they
have more contact with the host country due to school attendance and interaction with peers
(Birman, 2006).
Central American conquest, crisis, and
migration pattern
Guatemalan immigrants arrived in the U.S. during this period
(Suarez-Orozco, 2002).
Between late 1970s and mid 1980s Salvadorians lived in the U.S.
(Aguayo & Weis Fagen, 1988, p. 58).
Emigration of Nicaraguans to the U.S. began in 1979 and by 1985, it
was estimated that 50,000 lived in the U.S. (Ferris, 1998, p. 35).
End of crisis
Hondurans began migration by late 1980s ( American
Friends Service committee, 1988).
By the end of the civil unrest, many Central Americans returned to their
homeland while others stepped-up further north to the U.S. And
Warfare klled thousands and displaced millions; it also
institutionalized a migration pattern that had been minor in the
U.S. A phenomenon scholars have termed “stepwise migration.”
Stepwise Migration
• The first observation concerning step-wise migration was registered by E. G. Ravenstein (1885).
In his article title The Laws of Migration, he illuminates the process of “migration by stages” as one
in which a migrant in search of work moves from town to town and settles down at each place for
a time, until he reaches the intended destination.
• Dennis Conway (1980) suggested a schema of stepwise migration as well. He proposed that
stepwise migration was “a process of human spatial behavior in which individual or families
embark on a migration path of acculturation, which gradually takes them by way of intermediate
steps, from a traditional rural environment to the modern-urban environment.”
• Suarez-Orozco et al. (2002) gave it a working operational definition to work with Hispanic families.
They referred to step wise migration as “the migration pattern of family members who immigrate
alone while leaving members behind in their country of origin with the intention of reunification in
the near future.”
• Given that the United States is a first-world country that offers many opportunities and is nearby,
this is the first choice of destination for thousands of Central American families. The breakdown of
family ties because of migration of one or both parents is a major problem in all countries where
large numbers of people flee from poverty and hard conditions at home.
• Despite the financial rewards the U.S. offers, separation is a painful decision resulting in
emotional distress for all family members involved, specially children.
● “The literature refers to the 1.5 generation to children who migrated at a young age. Most of the
1.5-generation were born in their country of origin and attended their first years of school in their
countries. However, their social and cultural development occurred in their host countries ().
● The 1.5-generation arrived to the United States by the decision of their parents and entered the
country illegally. Currently, there is no set age for the 1.5-G cohort but for the purpose of this
paper; I use the cutoff age of under 17 years (Hirschman, 1994, p. 703 ).
● Who are the “DREAMERS?” The undocumented youth immigrants the act refers to belong to a
cohort identified by researchers as the 1.5-generation (1.5-G).
● Children known as the 1.5-generation are forced to cross through remote deserts and exposed to
many dangers even death. They struggled with hunger, illness, and witnessed fellow migrants
being killed while jumping off cargo trains.
● The 1.5-generation are smuggled through remote deserts and exposed to many dangers even
death. They struggled with hunger, illness, and witnessed fellow migrants being killed while
jumping off cargo trains. In many cases, they get detained by border patrol and kept in rooms the
children themselves have termed “Refrigerator” or “Hieleras” rooms.
● Currently there are 52, 000 children from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, who traveled
alone, retained by border patrol living at limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toL6yldFMkc
● In her book, title Enrique’s Journey, Nazario exposes the devastating realities of migration similar
to thousands of real life cases.
Pre-Migration and Migration Risks
Psychological distress
● Separation has become a common pattern among Central
American families because of stepwise migration.
● Traditionally, males initiated the immigration process while the
women remained taking sole responsibility of raising the children
and make end meets. However, during the past years, a role
reversal shift occurred, which changed the traditional migration
● The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
reported and validated the increased feminization of the migration
trend. According to the report, “most women are travelling alone as
their family’s primary income earner as a consequence of social
and economic transformation. The reasons they migrate is to
improve their living conditions and family formation and
● The current trend is alarming because research shows that when
the bond between the primary caregiver, usually the mother, is
disrupted, the entire family unit undergoes a traumatic shift.
● Suárez-Orozco et al. (2002) conducted a study in which the
experiences of 385 adolescents from Central American, Haitian,
Dominican, Asian, and Mexican origins were examined.
Qualitative data was collected from parents and teachers and the
rate of separation documented as well. The findings demonstrated
that children who reunify with one or both parents after extended
period of separation significantly experience higher incidence of
depression than those who do not separate from their parents.
● Depressive symptoms increased in accordance
with the duration of separation and if separation
occurred from both parents.
● Descriptive data showed that almost 80% of all the
adolescents had suffered a separation from their
fathers, and 55% were separated from their
● Ethnic differences between groups were also
observed in regards to the rates of separation and
depressive symptoms (Suárez-Orozco et al.,
2002). Of all the Hispanic adolescents, 90% was
found to have experienced separation from at least
one parent (Mitrani et al., 2004).
● Central American adolescents were predominant
in experiencing separation from both parents.
Attachment theory
• Attachment theory is a theory that explains normal and abnormal emotional attachment
development. It posits that forming and maintaining these attachments is essential throughout the
life cycle, but is particularly significant during the early stages of a relationship between the infant
and the caregiver (Bretherton, 1992).
• Bowlby (1969) posits that a bond between infant and caregiver is a biological need essential for
the survival of the infant. He contended, “Attachments are not derivative from food and sex but
rather from the capacity to make intimate emotional bonds.”
• “The key concept of the theory is that it is fundamental for a child to establish a secure
dependence and attachment with its caregiver prior to going out into unknown situations.” It is the
secure attachment formed early in life with parents that drives infants into feeling secure to
explore their surroundings.
• Bowlby argued that when infants are separated or deprived of maternal love, they would suffer
serious emotional consequences. Bowlby noted that two types of stimuli elicit fear in children: “the
presence of unlearned and later of culturally acquired clues to danger and/or the absence of an
attachment figure” ( Bretherton, 1992).
• Bowlby goes on explaining that humans strived to maintain an ongoing balance “between
attachment to a protective figure and to familiar home sites, (familiarity-preserving, stress-reducing
behaviors), and withdraw from strange or new situations (antithetical exploratory and informationseeking behaviors).”
• Bowlby (1969) identified three phases of response to separation: First, protest is a response to
separation. Second, despair is a response to grief and mourning. Third, detachment is related to
defense mechanisms.
Attachment theory
● According to Bowlby, anger towards a caregiver is best understood as a response to loss and
goes on to state that “the most violently angry and dysfunctional responses of all are elicited in
children and adolescents who not only experience repeated separation but are constantly
subjected to the threat of abandonment” (Bowlby, 1973).
● Suarez-Orozco et al. (2002) acknowledged that reunification with one or both parents after
prolonged periods of separation due to the immigration experience tend to suffer more from
depression as opposed to those who do not separate from their parents. Her observations showed
that depressive symptoms increase with how long and how separation occurred. In her study,
about 80% of adolescents had suffered separation from either one or both parents.
● Bowbly, Ainsworth, Boston, and Rosenbluth (1956) study the effects of mother-child separation.
The study compared delinquents with a number of non-delinquent children. The findings reported
higher rate of delinquency among those children who experienced prolongs separation from their
mothers starting from the first five years of live. Secondly, several of the delinquents were found to
have trouble in sustaining healthy, mutually satisfying relationships.
● Research also suggests that when there is a disruption of attachment, children tend to
experienced traumatic stress and related issues (Suarez-Orozco et al. 2002).
Attachment theory
● Studies have found a correlation between the age at which separation occurred, the length of
separation, and the severity of negative psychological effects on children and their parents upon
the reunification period. For example, Suárez-Orozco et al. (2002) Longitudinal Immigrant Student
Adaptation Study findings showed that the average length of parental-separation appears to be
about five years among Central American families.
● Suárez-Orozco et al. reported that separation is significantly higher for Central American
immigrants as opposed from their Chinese, Dominican Republican, Haitian or Mexican
counterparts. In addition, separation from both parents was the norm for Central American youths.
● The experience of the separation and immigration process can be very traumatic. The condition
also creates a sense of abandonment, loss, and neglect (López-Pozos, 2009). According to
López-Pozos, the unresolved grief and loss, and the trauma surrounding the separation implicates
the parent-child relationship upon reunification (p. 87). Pauline Boss (1999) suggests that
immigrants in general experience “ambiguous loss.” She defines ambiguous loss as the “inability
to mourn and heal after losing a beloved one in the case of someone who is physically absent but
psychologically present” (p. 4).
● The trauma experienced during the immigration trajectory by crossing the U.S.-Mexico border can
also negatively complicate reunification.
● The burdens that immigrant children encountered can significantly constrain for them to succeed
in the United States as well as lead to emotional distress and have an impact on parent-child
relationships and their behavior.
Attachment Styles
● Mary Ainsworth and colleagues (Ainsworth, 1989) designed The Strange Situation study and
identified the following three attachment patterns: Secure, avoidant, and resistant/ambivalent.
● Secure attachment: Infants identified as having a secure attachment feel safe to explore their
environment. During separation, they show distress but are quickly comforted and will reinitiate
and maintain contact when the parent returns.
● Avoidant: The avoidant infant fails to cry on separation and ignores parent after reunion. Affect
seems flat and contact with parent is not initiated.
● Resistant/ambivalent: The infant fails to explore before separation occurs and displays anger
and aggressive responses when the parent returns after separation.
● Disorganized/disoriented: An infant shows contradictory behaviors such as clinging or flat affect
while approaching the parent.
● The early work of Harlow and Zimmermann’s (1958) on the effect of maternal deprivation in
rhesus monkeys set the ground in explaining an infant or a young child response to separation.
Parenting Styles
● According to Driscoll, Russell, and Crockett (2008), change is one of the unexpected bi-product
of acculturation.
● Although, research points out that an authoritarian approach to parenting may be counteractive
because an excessive disciplinary approach produces a negative effect; this is the parenting
practice that many Central-American immigrant parents (Mexican parents as well) used.
● The four parenting styles that will be presented and discussed in this work are the four parenting
patterns formulated by Baumrind (1971), authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful or
● Authoritative: High support and responsiveness. Authoritative parents are demanding and
controlling, but they are also receptive, warm, and accepting. Overall outcome: psychological wellbeing, higher self-reliance and social competence, reinforces the motivation to achieve, lower
psychological distress and problem behavior among adolescents (Baumrind,1971; GonzalezMena, 2006; Gupta & Theus, 2006).
● Authoritatian: Low in responsiveness and support; high in control. They are the “my way or the
highway” parents and rules are punitive and negative behavior is punished. Overall outcome:
poorer psychological and behavioral outcomes, dependency, anger, rebellion, lack of confidence,
social inhibition, low self-esteem, and low in achievement motivation (Gupta & Theus, 2006).
Parenting Styles
● Permissive: High responsiveness and low levels of control These are the easy-going parents.
They are highly receptive to their children’s basic and emotional needs but never exert direction or
control. Overall outcome: low self-control, impulsiveness, and short temper, low respect for adults,
no adherence to rules and lack of sympathy toward others, low in achievement, and seeks instant
gratification (Gonzalez-Mena, 2006).
● Neglectful or uninvolved parenting style: Low responsiveness and low levels of control. Often
these parents provide only the basic physiological needs such as food and shelter. Overall
outcome: Teens are at risk for poor mental health and low in academic attitudes and achievement,
lack of self-control, loneliness, emotionally withdrawn from social situations, disengagement from
family, and high risk for drug-alcohol addiction, low-self esteem, prone to develop fear, anxiety,
and stress disorders, and defy authority (Shucksmith, Hendry, & Glendinning, 1995).
Parenting Styles
● Driscol et al. posit that “ parenting practices and styles are linked to the behavioral and emotional
development of teens, while at the same time, immigration and acculturation processes affect
parent’s childrearing styles and parent-child relationships” (p. 186).
● Although immigrant parents are to adapt their parenting behaviors and childrearing practices in
response to the impact of acculturation, research shows that they either maintained their
traditional childrearing practices or they adopt a rigid parenting approach.
● Urban, Carlson, Egaland, and Sroufe (1991) found significant differences between secure and
insecure attachment in Central American immigrant children. Children rated higher on the
insecure anxious-avoidant and insecure anxious-ambivalent or resistant attachment patterns.
● Driscol et al. examined generational patterns of parenting styles (e.g., permissive, disengage,
authoritative, and authoritarian parenting) and adolescent well-being among youth of CentralAmerican, and Mexican origins, and the role of generational parenting style patterns in explaining
generational patterns in youth behavior (e.g., delinquency and alcohol problems) and
psychological well-being (e.g., depression and self-esteem).
● Driscol et al. found generational shifts in parenting styles. Findings showed that a higher
percentage of immigrant parents, as opposed to native parents, exercise firm control over their
adolescents, a parenting related aspect to behavioral adolescents’ problems. On the other hand,
parents’ from the third-generation tend to practice permissive parenting practices.
Parenting Styles
● A generational pattern in behavioral problems suggests that first-generation teens of authoritarian
parents have higher behavioral problems as opposed to second and third generation. On the other
hand, third-generation teens with permissive and disengaged parents, have worse behavioral
problems that do their counterparts with immigrant parents.
● First generation teens of permissive and authoritarian parents had lowest level of self-esteem as
opposed to the second and third generation of teens. Levels of depressive symptoms,
delinquency, and alcohol-related problems were low across all generations of teens of parents
who used an authoritative parenting style.
● Third-generation of teens had lower levels of self-esteem and higher levels of problem behaviors
(e.g., delinquency & alcohol-related problems) than did the children of immigrant parents or the
first-generation (1.5-G) who adopted a disengaged parenting practice.
● The findings for depression show that third-generation teens with permissive parents experienced
higher levels of depression than did the first-generation of immigrant teens. However, first
generation teens of authoritarian parents had the highest levels of depression.
● These findings suggest that a permissive parenting style may be more effective in protecting the
1.5 generation of teens when exercised by immigrant parents.
● Research has highlighted parenting practices and the transmission of ethnic identity (Phinney,
● Acculturation in its most formal definition refers to the process of cultural and psychological
transformation that takes place because of contact between different cultural groups and their
individual members (Berry, 1997).
● Berry (1997) notes that assimilation is one form of acculturation. However, assimilation is a
unidirectional change meaning that change occurs in one direction while acculturation is more
complex. Usually, the direction is toward assimilating the dominant culture.
● Acculturation generates changes in three levels of functioning; behavioral, affective, and cognitive.
In the behavioral level changes, include customs and language. In the affective level changes,
include feelings toward the country of origins versus the host country. In the cognitive level
changes, involved are in the individual’s belief system and values.
● Acculturation occurs at a group or individual level. At a group level, not all of its members may
experience acculturation at the same rate; within that group there may be second or third
generation individuals who acculturate at a faster rate.
● The transformations that occur at an individual level include stress and behavioral shifts (Berry,
● An individual who becomes highly acculturated is said to be one who successfully adjust to the
new society. In contrast, a less acculturated individual is said to be one who has not adapted to
the changes or may be resistant to change
● Berry (1997) formatted four different strategies that represent various level of acculturation and
are use to identify the level of acculturation an individual has reached: Assimilation, separation,
integration, and marginalization.
● 1. Assimilation occurs when individual adopt the cultural norms of the dominant host culture,
over their original culture.
● 2. Separation occurs when individuals reject the dominant or host culture in favor of preserving
their culture of origin.
● 3. Integration occurs when individual are able to adopt the cultural norms of the dominant or host
culture while maintaining their culture of origin, integration leads to, and is synonymous with
● 4. Marginalization occurs when individuals reject both their culture of origin and the dominant
host culture.
Couple Relational Stress
● After establishing in the United States, immigrants adopt practices and behaviors from the new
● New beliefs are assumed, traditional roles or unique customs changed while generating additional
stressors for the family (Rice, 1999).
● Poverty, or financial burden precipitate for women to become wave earners and work outside the
home for considerable hours to contribute to the family’s household income. Given that in CentralAmerican countries gender polarization is the norm, the fact that working outside the home gives
women a sense of financial independence and empowerment can be perceive as a threat to most
Hispanic males.
● Research with Central American immigrants shows that when roles reverse and women become
primary breadwinners there is a drastic change in gender relations. For example, Menjivar (1999)
contended that Salvadoran men to cope with their frustration of role reversal turn to drinking and
domestic violence. In contrast, it was observed that Guatemalan male immigrants perceived
working women as an opportunity that benefits the entire family.
Couple Relational Stress
● Menjivar points out that women not necessary benefit from the salary they bring home but on the
contrary the gains come from the social processes they observed and learned from their domestic
and child care jobs. “They observed behaviors, patterns, and child rearing practices from the
middle-class families they work and incorporate these into their own families.”
● The end result of learning new skills or practices through close contact with the host society
members may create partner relational problems because Central-American males are not used
to the demands in the gender division of labor.
Intergenerational Conflict
● Generational stress refers to the cultural conflict between parents and children due that parents
retain their old cultural rigid ideals in an attempt to control their children (Lau, Jernewall, Zane, &
Myers, 2002).
● After several years of separation and longing for reunification, the parent-child reunion occurs.
The ambivalent thought processes and feelings associated with separation are replaced with
feelings of joy during reunification.
● Upon arrival, children discovered that their mother remarried and there is a stepfamily in the new
● These youths may be trouble with belongingness, uncertainty, and direct anger upon the parent or
resent the stepfamily..
● The implication of family separations and disruption of attachments and the found conditions upon
arrival combined with both parents and children’s unmet expectations about the reunion may
precipitate for the child to react with anger, aggressive responses, and rebellion. Parents may
perceive this behavior as lack of appreciation for their sacrifice and attempt to exert strict control
over their children.
Intergenerational Conflict
● Since immigrant children tend to adapt more easily than do their parents to the new language,
children serve as interpreters for their parents. This shift of role reversals aggravates family
relational problems because parents “resent having to rely on their children and view this
codependency as damaging their parental authority” (Velez & Ungemack, 1995).
● Research suggests that when parents are attuned to their child’s development and support his or
her autonomy in decision-making, the adolescent is better adjusted and self-esteem is high.
● Szapocznik and Kurtines (1993) note “these intergenerationally related cultural differences added
to the usual intergenerational conflicts that occur in families with adolescents to produce a much
compounded and exacerbated intergenerational and intercultural conflict.” (p. 403).
● Traditionally, adolescence has been viewed as a stage of differentiation and increased separation
from parents or primary figures. This is viewed as a normal developmental psychosocial stage in
an individualistic Western society.
● Central American families come from a collectivistic society and parents perceived the pursuit to
gain differentiation as a threat to family cohesion.
Intergenerational Conflict
● Participation and economic collaboration by family members is an expected filial duty for survival
of the family unit.
● Parents expect their children to consider the family as the central source of support and loyalty.
Tension builds up as children experience conflict between parental expectations and the values of
the new culture, which emphasizes autonomy and independence.
● The acculturation gap between immigrant children and parents causes hostile parent-child
interactions because parents feel threatened by conflicting acculturation responses. Parents fear
their children will give up the values and customs of their country of origin and adopt those of the
new one.
Immigration: Red Flag for Child Welfare
● The stressors resulting from acculturation can lead to added strains and difficulties on the family
system including domestic violence and substance abuse. Furthermore, the stress due to the
ongoing fear of deportation combined with cultural differences in parenting styles.
● Currently there is an increased number of immigrant families who have come in contact with child
welfare agencies due to various allegations including; maltreatment, use of excessive discipline,
poor parenting styles, domestic violence, and high family stress (Dettlaff, Earner, & Phillips, 2009).
While national and state data indicates a rising trend involvement with child welfare agencies, the
number of immigrant families currently in contact with these agencies is unknown because they
are under represented.
● California houses 493, 000 foreign-born children of immigrant parents ranging from ages one to
seventeen (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011).
● About 376,000 of the population of foreign-born children are from Central America (U.S. Census
Bureau, 2011).
● About 98,00 of foreign-born children live in one-parent household and 279,000 live in a two-parent
household (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011).
● A report from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services cited that in 2012 about
11,344,422 (17.8%) Hispanic children, ranging from ages one to seventeen, were victims of child
Immigration: Red Flag for Child Welfare
● In the state of California, this accounted for 41,224 substantiated open cases (p. 37).
● As data shows, there has been a steady increased from 14.2% in 2000 to 17.4% in 2005 to 17.8%
in 2012.
● Hovey (2000b), identifies five stressors associated with sociocultural changes that may preclude
Hispanic immigrant families to fall into child protection agencies. These include; financial burden,
unemployment and marginalization; and the loss of a social network and extended family.
● “Driscoll et al. note “parent’s own acculturation plays a crucial role in their children’s well being.”
● Hispanic immigrant parents adopted authoritarian child rearing practices and parenting styles that
puts them at higher risk for child welfare involvement.
● Driscoll et al. stressed that parental acculturation levels are to be taken into consideration when
assessing generational patterns of emotional well-being and problem behaviors among immigrant
youths. In addition, education and socioeconomic status often play a role in parenting practices
and parenting styles.
Protective Factors and Cultural Values as
Strengths and Assets
• Protective factors
-Ethnic identity
• Cultural values as strengths and asset
Acculturation, ethnic identity, language, and
• Refers to the process of cultural and psychological transformation that takes place because of contact
between different cultural groups and their individual members (Berry, 1997).
● Berry (1997) notes that assimilation is one form of acculturation. However, assimilation is a unidirectional
change meaning that change occurs in one direction while acculturation is more complex. Usually, the
direction is toward assimilating the dominant culture.
● Acculturation generates changes in three levels of functioning; behavioral, affective, and cognitive. In the
behavioral level changes, include customs and language. In the affective level changes, include feelings
toward the country of origins versus the host country. In the cognitive level changes, involved are in the
individual’s belief system and values.
● Acculturation occurs at a group or individual level. At a group level, not all of its members may experience
acculturation at the same rate; within that group there may be second or third generation individuals who
acculturate at a faster rate.
● The transformations that occur at an individual level include stress and behavioral shifts (Berry, 1997).
● An individual who becomes highly acculturated is said to be one who successfully adjust to the new
society. In contrast, a less acculturated individual is said to be one who has not adapted to the changes or
may be resistant to change
● Research shows that acculturation is a protective factor and either high and low levels of
acculturation may produce desirable or undesirable results. The negative effects of low
acculturation levels are associated with: depression, social withdrawal, family disengagement,
despair, hostility, depression, and anxiety. On the other hand, more acculturated immigrant teens
may display negative behavioral outcomes: higher levels of alcohol-and-drug use, and
● Parent-child relational problems (e.g., impaired communication, overprotection, rigid discipline
action) may occurred among Hispanic adolescents due to disagreements about adopting a new
belief system, attitudes, customs, and lifestyles.
• Partner relational problems (e.g., negative communication, unrealistic expectations,
disengagement) may occur due to different levels of acculturation between the couple. An
example of partner relational problems may be if one of the partners has been residing in the
United States for several years whereas the other partner stays in the country of origin.
Ethnic identity
• The term ethnicity consists of a group of people who share same cultural characteristics such as
language, history, beliefs, customs, and values.
● Jean Phinney (1990). Conceptualized ethnic identity as “a dynamic, multidimensional construct which refers to
one’s identity, or sense of self as a member of an ethnic group.”
● She developed a three-stage model of ethnic identity development based on a study with minority adolescents
from junior and high school who appeared to be at different stages of ethnic identity (Phinney, 1990).
● Phinney focused on the process of ethnic identity formation.
● Unexamined ethnic identity is the first stage. At this stage, an individual has no interest to question his or her
identity. Individuals at this stage may experience diffusion or foreclosure.
● Ethnic identity search/moratorium is the second stage. This stage is characterized by encounter and exploration.
The individual is receptive of his or her ethnic identity during this stage and begins the exploration process. This
process may be initiated by some kind of direct or indirect upsetting or surprising event or experience that begins
the questioning process of “who am I?” and “where do I belong?” and initiates an ethnic identity search. This stage
is compatible with that of Erikson (1968) “ego identity” referring to the identity crisis, or the “storm and stress”
crisis. According to Erikson, this is a “necessary turning point, a vital moment, when development must move
either way, marshaling resources of growth, recovery, and further differentiation” (p.16).
● Ethnic identity achievement stage is characterized by acceptance and internalization of one’s ethnicity. In which an
individual has resolved any discrepancies or uncertainties and has cemented his or her ethnic identity.
● A positive ethnic identity has been shown to buffered the negative associations of perceived discrimination with
self esteem and depressive symptoms among immigrant and U.S. born youth Hispanics, primarily of Mexican
origin (Umaña-Taylor & Updegraff, 2007).
● “Having a strong ethnic identification facilitates a positive interaction with other groups and this in
turn, might facilitate improvement in academics, perhaps via reduction in acculturative stress”
(Guzman, Santiago-Rivera & Haase, 2005).
• Language is an essential aspect of our identity, which is passed down as legacy from one
generation to the other to give identity and pride with a sense of belonging to a group.
• Immigration predisposed immigrant families to many difficulties but one of the most important
changes brought about by immigration is the need to learn the language of the dominant society.
This fact represents a threat since as Spector-Bitan (2007) notes “the new language stamps its
imprint on the national identity.”
● Luis A. Rubalcava, Ph.D. (2004) in his essay title The Death of the Bilingual Self and Academic
Achievement demonstrates, as he notes, “ how the denigration of the Spanish speaking self by
English monocultural schools forces many students to suppress and negate their Spanish
speaking self, and the subsequent painful rupture that occurs with their home culture.”
● Dr. Rubalcava describes the journey of a Latino student through his or her academic achievement
in the U.S. somehow as a process of grief and mourning; loss and never-ending longing as they
acquire a new “English cultural self” and suppress their “Spanish self.”
● Researchers advocate and support a multicultural education by suggesting that such approach
would remove the “affective barriers to learning” while at the same time “facilitates the resolution
of cultural mourning.”
● Ethnic language proficiency has a positive impact on ethnic identity among all three groups; social
interaction with peers from same ethnic group was significantly related to ethnic identity; and
parents’ behaviors promote cultural maintenance of ethnic identity (Phinney et al. 2000).
● Usage of the mother language may benefit Hispanic youth or their parents in other dimension of
functioning. For instance, Ainslie, Harlem, Tummala-Narra, & Barbanel (2013) when doing an
extensive literature review to examined the ways the mother language can be beneficial in
treatment when the patient, the analyst, or both are immigrants, they found “that speaking in one’s
mother tongue may allow one to connect more immediately and directly with the emotions that
surround childhood memories and experiences.”
● For many immigrant youth learning a second language is difficult and it takes time. Hill (2004),
acknowledge that youths who arrived to the U.S. after age 17 appeared to have the most difficulty
with learning the English language.
● In a comparative sample of first-generation immigrant youth, Suárez-Orozco and Carhill (2008)
demonstrated that first-generation of immigrant youth who had resided in the United States for
about seven years only about 7% have developed English skills as opposed to their native-born
English-speaking peers.
● Hill (2004) notes that overall, at the national level, California first-generation of Hispanic
immigrants “are less likely to be fluent in English. On the other hand, second and third generation
of Hispanic youth appear to be fluent in English.” These statistics show that first-generation of
Hispanics are having difficulty in becoming proficient in English.
● For immigrant children to succeed, school support is needed to help them mastered both
● How can this be achieved? As suggested by Rubalcava (2004) and other researchers, helping
Hispanic youth succeed academically means moving toward a more multicultural education
• There is not a definite definition of biculturalism but most generally it has been define as the ability
to affiliate and interact in both ethnic and mainstream U. S. culture (Phinney, 1996).
• Immigrant children are often described as living between two worlds or that they are split between
two cultures.
• According to La Fromboise et al. (1993) “bicultural competence has several dimension [which]
include knowledge of cultural beliefs and values, positive attitudes toward both majority and
minority groups, a sense of efficacy in both cultures (i.e. he belief that one has the ability to
establish and maintain effective relationships in both cultures), communication ability, role
repertoire (i.e. a range of culturally appropriate behaviors), and a sense of being grounded (i.e. a
well-developed social support system in one or both cultures).
● Hao & Woo (2012) analysis demonstrated that the 1.5 generation significantly did better on
educational, social, and behavioral issues than the second or third generation of Hispanic youth.
The findings suggests, as they note, that several protective factors including, family support and
cohesiveness, same ethnic Hispanic role models, and the “dual culture” foreign-born immigrant
children inherent by having to live in two cultures are all protective factors. He adds “the 1.5
generation is able to combine the best of two cultures to navigate the educational system and the
labor market”.
● Fluent bilingualism keeps open communication with parents and allows future generations of
immigrant youths to acknowledge and value their parental culture, thus promoting healthy
parent/child relationships.
Cultural values as strengths and assets:
Familism, respeto, and educacion
● The literature review confirms that cultural values are strengths that ameliorate the impact of the
immigration and acculturation stresses.
● Familismo, personalismo, machismo, marianismo, and religion have been hightlight as cultural
factors that empower and connect immigrant families (Triandis, 2001).
● All the mentioned values serve as protective factors, however, literature claims that the three
following values, familism, respeto, and educación are important for understanding parenting
behavior and childrearing practices among Hispanic immigrant families.
● Familism is a strong desire to maintain family tights, a sense of responsibility, support, loyalty, and
commitment to the family over individual needs
● Studies show that Hispanics have higher levels of family cohesion (Rumbaut, 2001), which can be
a source of emotional support and personal identity.
● Respeto emphasizes self-respect, and respect for authoritarian figures including, parents, and
elders (Calzada, 2010). Educación is a set of beliefs and practices that reflects moral standards
and good behavior.
● It is fundamental that immigrant parents understand that adolescents need to achieve a sense of
competence and autonomy in a Western society. Immigrant parents must change their methods of
control, their attitudes, and their way of relating to encourage autonomy and independence in
order for their youth to become healthy and emotionally stable adults.
● A vast quantity of research has suggested that success or social mobility in the U. S. will come as
immigrant families fully assimilate to the dominant culture. This suggestion implies that “cultural
genocide” would be the end goal for Hispanic immigrants to fully assimilate and be accepted into
the dominant society, however, the literature review for this work shows differently.
● Literature shows that cultural-based protective factors including internalization of cultural values
and beliefs, family bonding and involvement, ethnic identification, language, and development of a
bicultural identity are factors that may promote psychological resilience among immigrant Hispanic
youth and their families.
Gracias por su participacion!
La metáfora del puente
El puente es imaginario, y se encuentra en lo que Winnicott ( 1973:1)
denomina 'espacio transicional'. En ese espacio, entre la realidad y el
sueño, se erige mi puente, envuelto en nubes, con tramos de sol y canto y
otros de tormenta y lágrimas. El inmigrante sale de su tierra y sube a ese
puente, del que nunca bajará. El acento extranjero indica que nadie desea
renunciar a su pasado, bajándose del puente para perderse en la multitud
(Spector-Bitan, 2007)
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