The Importance of Manners in ISLAM

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Elementary Course on Islam 2010
Organized by: Dawah Committee of Kowloon Masjid
The Importance of Manners
Mohamed Atallah
04 Dec, 2010
Do you know?
Do you know how Islam spread to places like
Indonesia, Malaysia, Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda, Nigeria, North Europe, etc?
Do you know what was the main mission of
the Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
Do you know why the Muslim nation is today
lagging behind other nations?
Do you know what is a key factor for nations
to prosper?
Listen to this story…
• A man came to the Prophet PBUH and told
him that, O Messenger of Allah PBUH,
there is a lady who is known for performing
a lot of prayers, fasting and charity
however she harms her neighbors by her
tongue, so the Messenger said
"Do you know who is the one who is bankrupt?"
'The bankrupt is the one who has no money and no
possessions.' He said, 'Among my Ummah, the one
who is bankrupt is the one who will come on the
Day of Resurrection with prayer and fasting and
Zakah (to his credit), but he will come having
insulted this one, slandered that one, consumed
the wealth of this one and shed the blood of that
one, and beaten that one. So they will all be given
some of his hasanaat, and when his hasanaat run
out, before judgment is passed, some of their sins
will be taken and cast onto him, then he will be cast
into the Fire.'"
The Prophet PBUH said, there are 3
characters if to be found in someone then
he’s a HYPOCRATE! Even if he fasts, prays,
performs Hajj and Ummrah and says I’m a
Whenever he talks, he tells a lie..
Whenever he makes a promise, he
breaks it.
Whenever he makes a covenant he
proves treacherous.
The 2 Extremes!
Good Manners
*(Prayers, Fasting, Hajj, Charity)
Manners & Worship
َ ‫صالَ َة َت ْن َه ٰى َع ِن ٱ ْل َف ْح‬
• ‫آء َوٱ ْل ُم ْن َك ِر‬
ِ ‫ش‬
َّ ‫إِنَّ ٱل‬
"And establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from
shameful and unjust deeds" [29:45]
Manners & Worship
• ‫صدَ َق ًة ُت َط ِّه ُر ُه ْم َو ُت َز ِّكي ِه ْم ِب َها‬
َ ‫ُخ ْذ مِنْ أَ ْم َوالِ ِه ْم‬
• "Take alms of their wealth, wherewith thou mayst purify
them and mayst make them grow" [9:103]
Manners & Worship
ْ َ‫ٱ ْل َح ُّج أ‬
َ ‫س‬
ٌ ‫ش ُه ٌر َّم ْعلُو َم‬
‫وق َوالَ ِجدَال َ فِي‬
ُ ُ‫ض فِي ِهنَّ ٱ ْل َح َّج َفالَ َر َف َث َوالَ ف‬
َ ‫ات َف َمن َف َر‬
َّ ‫ٱ ْل َح ِّج َو َما َت ْف َعلُو ْا مِنْ َخ ْي ٍر َي ْعلَ ْم ُه‬
• "For Hajj are the months well known. If any one
undertakes that duty therein, Let there be no obscenity,
nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever
good ye do, (be sure) God knoweth it." [2:197]
Manners & Worship
When any one of you gets up in the morning in the state of
fasting, he should neither use obscene language nor do
any act of ignorance. And if anyone slanders him or
quarrels with him, he should say: "I am fasting, I am
fasting." (Muslim, 2563)
Quranic verses that shows the strong link
between manners & worship
ُ ‫صالَ ِت ِه ْم َخاشِ ُعونَ َوٱلَّذِينَ ُه ْم َع ِن ٱللَّ ْغ ِو ُّم ْع ِر‬
َ ‫َقدْ َأ ْف َل َح ٱ ْل ُم ْؤ ِم ُنونَ ٱلَّذِينَ ُه ْم فِي‬
"The believers must (eventually) win through, Those who
humble themselves in their prayers, Who avoid vain
talk." [23:1-3]
َ ‫ض ه َْونا ً َوإِ َذا َخ‬
ُ ‫ٱلر ْح َم ٰـ ِن ٱلَّذِينَ َي ْم‬
ً ‫سالَما‬
ِ ‫شونَ َعلَ ٰى ٱألَ ْر‬
َ ‫الجا ِهلُونَ َقالُو ْا‬
َ ‫اط َب ُه ُم‬
َّ ‫َو ِع َبا ُد‬
"And the servants of (God) Most Gracious are those who
walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant
address them, they say, "Peace!"" [25:63]
َ‫صالَتِ ِه ْم َساهُونَ ٱلَّذِينَ ُه ْم ُي َرآ ُءونَ َو َي ْم َن ُعونَ ٱ ْل َما ُعون‬
َ ‫صلِّينَ ٱلَّذِينَ ُه ْم َعن‬
َ ‫َف َو ْيل ٌ لِّ ْل ُم‬
So woe to the worshippers, who are neglectful of their
prayers, those who (want but) to be seen (of men), But
refuse (to supply) (even) neighborly needs." [107:4-7]
Selections of some of the manners that the
Prophet PBUH has taught us
Making peace among people.
Feeding ones wife.
Being good to neighbors.
Guarding secrets.
Politeness in speech.
Etiquettes: Guests, relatives &
• Treating servants.
• Being humble.
• Selflessness (Ethaar)
Making peace among PEOPLE
"Doing justice between two men is charity, and assisting a
man to ride an animal or to load his luggage on it is
charity; and a good word is charity, every step which one
takes towards the mosque is charity, and removing
harmful things from the way is charity." [Bukhari]
Feeding ones WIFE
"You will never spend anything seeking thereby the Face of
Allah, but you will be rewarded for it, even (the food) that
you put in your wife’s mouth“ [Bukhari 56]
Being good to NEIGHBORS
"By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer!
By Allah, he is not a believer." It was asked, "Who is that,
O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "One whose neighbor
does not feel safe from his evil." [Bukhari].
Guarding SECRETS
"The most evil of the people to Allah on the Day of
Resurrection will be the man who consorts with his wife
and then publicizes her secret." [Muslim]
Politeness in SPEECH
"It is also a charity to utter a good word." [Bukhari]
“He who believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him show
hospitality to his guest; and he who believes in Allah and
the Last Day, let him maintain good relation with kin's;
and he who believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him
speak good or remain silent." [Bukhari]
"Anas (the servant of the Prophet PBUH) says: "I served
the holy Prophet for ten years. He never said 'Uf
(expressing dissatisfaction), nor did he ever ask me why
I did this or did not do that. [Muslim]
"He who observes humility God will make him so exalted
that, ultimately, he will attain the highest grade in
Selflessness (Ethaar)
It means, giving preference to others over yourself and considering
their happiness and welfare before your own. For example:
When Omar Ibn-Al-Khattab was dying after being struck by Lo’lo’a AlMajoosi, he asked his son to go to Aisha (RA) and tell her, “Omar
Ibn-Al-Khattab, and don’t tell her Amir Al-Mo'mineen for I am not so
any more, tell her Omar Ibn-Al-Khattab is requesting your
permission to be buried beside his friends (the Prophet (PBUH) and
Abu-Bakr (RA)) in her room. She replied, “I wanted that place
for myself, but I shall offer it to Omar”.
The rewards & blessings of having good
1. Pleasing Allah SWT
2. Being close to the Prophet PBUH on the Day of
3. Paradise.
4. Heavy deeds in the scale on the Day of Judgment.
5. Being amongst the best in the world.
1. Pleasing Allah SWT
The Prophet PBUH said "Allah is beautiful and loves
beauty, and He loves noble manners (ma'ali) and He
hates, he despises lowly characteristics."
2. Being close to the Prophet PBUH on the
Day of Judgment
"Those of you who will be closest to me on the Day of
Judgment will be those who have the best manners."
"And the people who are the most hated by me and the
ones who are the furthest from me in the Hereafter are
those who have the worst manners.”
3. Paradise
"Someone asked the Prophet PBUH, "What is the one
characteristic that will cause the most amounts of people
to enter Paradise?" The Prophet PBUH responded, "To
have the taqwa (fear) of Allah and to have good
4. Heavy deeds in the scale on the Day of
""The heaviest aspect, the heaviest matter [that will help a
believer] that will be in the Meezaan (scale), on the
scales on the Day of Judgment, is good manners."
5. Being amongst the best in this world
• "The best blessing that a person can be given in this life is
• "Mankind has not been given anything better than good manners."
• "The people (or the Mu'mins) who have perfected their eman (faith)
most perfectly, are those who are best in manners.“
• "The best of the Mu'mineen (the believers) are the ones who are
best in their manners.“
• "The best of you are those of you who are best to their wives."
The Prayer of the Prophet PBUH
The Prophet PBUH used to supplicate:
"Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min munkaratilakhlaqi, wal-a`mali, wal-ahwa`i (O Allah! I seek
refuge in You from undesirable manners, deeds,
and aspirations).''[At-Tirmidhi]
"O Allah, as You have beautified my image, so
beautify my morals"
Can a person really change / improve his
manners / behaviors?
Definitely, and the biggest proof are the
companions of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Choose the right companions.
Accept criticism and work on improving.
Know the importance and the blessings of
having good / perfect manners.
Follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad PBUH, whom Allah SWT says
about him in the Quran "And indeed, you
are upon a noble conduct, an exemplary
manner" [68:4]
- May Allah SWT reward you all -
Mohamed Atallah
Serving Islam Team – Hong Kong
+852 90973841
[email protected]