Transcript PPTX

Learning Centered
Conferencing with the
Using the Danielson
John Hellwich & Michelle Lewis
● Identify the steps in a learning centered pre
and post conference
AWSP Criteria 5
Improving Instruction: Monitoring, assisting and
evaluating effective instruction and assessment
Level 3: Proficient: Develops and uses observable
systems and routines for monitoring instruction and
assessment; uses data consistently to provide staff
meaningful, personal feedback that is effective for
improving instruction and assessment practice
1. Teachers practice improves with on-going feedback
2. Feedback is best delivered in bite size bits
3. Opportunities to practice and apply skill are critical
to changing practice
4. Immediate application and follow-up is essential
5. Self-Assessment is at the heart of learning process
6. “Learning is done by the learner.”
Pre Conference
● Purpose is to elevate the quality of the
● One-on-one coaching session
● Teach transferable skills that can be
generalized across multiple lessons
● Focuses deeply on a lever
What makes a good lever?
● Teacher possess…
…. to implement the strategy tomorrow
● Can be generalized across multiple lessons and
content areas
● There are often several possible levers
Before Pre-Observation
Prior to the pre-observation conference the evaluator
reviews the lesson plan
Determines lever
Plans questions to ask teacher
Your turn
● Review lesson plan
● Identify potential levers
● Which ONE would you select? What is your
John’s Pre-Conference Lever:
• Identify and communicate a Mastery
Outcome. A Mastery Outcome
should include what students should
know and be able to do and it should
be measurable.
Watch Mock Pre-Conference:
• Write down the key questions or
comments that Michelle
(principal) makes while talking
with John (teacher).
• Review your notes
• In your own words, name all of
the steps she takes in your own
Between the Observation and
Post Conference
Evaluator observes lesson and tags evidence to
Danielson components
Teacher reviews evidence, add additional evidence (if
Both teacher and evaluator independently rate
Evaluator identifies areas of disagreement to discuss
during post-observation conference
Evaluator identifies lever to discuss at postobservation conference
John’s Post-Conference Lever:
• Pacing – Warm Up is used to get
students working immediately upon
entering the classroom and begin
launching main portion of lesson
related to learning outcome within 510 minutes of the start of the period.
Post-conference Video
Watch Mock Post-Conference:
• Write down the key questions
or comments that Michelle
(principal) makes while talking
with John (teacher).
●Review your notes
● In your own words, name all of the
steps in the post-observation
● Leverage Leadership