Transcript Slide 1

for VMware® vSphere™
John Borhek, VCP 3-5, VSP, VTSP
◦ Lead Solutions Architect
VMsources Group, Inc.
NetCom Learning Instructor
WinSCP – Introduction and Use Case
◦ Live Demo
RVTools – Introduction and Use Case
◦ Live Demo
Wireshark – Introduction and Use Case
◦ Live Demo
Questions and answers
WinSCP (Windows Secure CoPy) is a free and open-source
SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Microsoft Windows.
Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a
remote computer. For secure transfers, it uses Secure Shell
(SSH) and supports the SCP protocol in addition to SFTP.
RVTools is a Windows application which uses the VI SDK to
display information about your virtual machines and ESX
RVTools is able to list information about VMs, CPU, Memory,
Disks, Partitions, Network, Resource pools, Clusters, ESX
hosts, HBAs, Nics, Distributed Ports, Service consoles,
Datastores, health checks, and much more.
Is a free and open-source packet analyzer.
Originally named Ethereal, the project was
renamed Wireshark.
It is used for network troubleshooting,
analysis, software and communications
protocol development, and education.
In this Webinar we have provided an
introduction and overview into three useful
3rd. party tools for VMware® vSphere™
◦ WinSCP
◦ RVTools
◦ Wireshark
Thank you for attending!