Eco-Design & the Economy

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Transcript Eco-Design & the Economy

Decentralization & Design
• Technological:
– networked info economy
– distributed generation
– miniaturization
• Ecological: economic
biomimicry / ecosystem model
of development
• Social: creativity base: humanscale
• Localization
Environmental Protection
• protection / eco-efficiency / politics of limits
• involves: controls on profit-motive and/or
engineering incentives and disincentives to spinoff social & enviro benefits from profit motive
• no fundamental changes in economic and
political power
• no fundamental change in industrialism’s labour
/ resources relationship
Historical Trends in Regulation
• Early industrial capitalism:
– Unconscious-decentralized / focus on material needs /
subordination of state to markets: Invisible Hand / focus on
production / unbridled exploitation of nature / theoretical
• Fordist & state-socialist industrialism:
– Conscious-centralized / new (and disguised) focus on non-material
needs / Need for more planning: political intervention / More
concern with consumption & (quantitative) demand / managed
exploitation of nature / representative democracy
• Postindustrial Potentials (today):
– Conscious-decentralized / direct focus on non-material needs /
integration & transformation of state & markets / integration with
nature / direct democracy
– Super-industrialism: Post-Fordist globalization: avoidance,
suppression or channeling of the above. Crisis.
Trends in Mainstream
• End-of-pipe control and cleanup : 70s
• Point Source Prevention : 80s
• Consumption Patterns and Product &
System Design : today
River (Industrial-Linear) vs. Lake
(Green-Cyclical) Economy
resources: Life cycle approach
human need: end-use approach
EPR and design for environment
is industrial capitalism a form of quantitative
development or accumulation?
– explains why efficiency or even profit isn't
enough: question of self interest
• Stahel: issue of liability
• Beyond Capitalism & Socialism:
What forms of Ownership support
Industrial Ecology & Service
• Industrial ecostructure: Reuse-based Manufacturing
• entails new levels of producer liability
• reduces both the flow of resources and their speed
through the economy
• encourages local/regional economies, and
• facilitates high skill levels
Manufacturing & the Ecological
Service Economy
• Production contributes to Qualitative Wealth
• Waste Equals Food
• Dematerialization of Production and Higher
Resource Efficiency
• Reduction of the Speed of Resource Flow
through the Economy
• Appropriate Scale
• Regenerative Work is Created
• New Rules & Closed Loops: LCA and EPR
Production in an Eco-economy
• Craft: money and the economy of labour
• Eco-infrastructure and food, energy and
• Eco-industrial Parks and Networks
• industrial ecosystems
• biorefineries
• eco-Flexible Manufacturing Networks
Benign Materials &
the Carbohydrate Economy
• plant matter as the original source of
synthetics & plastics
– biological revolution & genetic engineering: make
possible cheaper & more prolific creation of enzymes.
– biochemicals: less toxic & degrade more quickly than
– detergents, paints, dyes, inks, adhesives, fabrics,
building materials, etc.
• zero discharge and industrial clusters
– complete use of plant materials
– plantations, biorefineries and green cities
The Centrality of the Landscape
“The industrial age replaced the natural processes of the
landscape with the global machine…while regenerative design
seeks now to replace the machine with landscape.”
…John Tillman Lyle
The Soft Energy Path
• A flexible diverse mix of energy supply
• Primacy of Renewable energy sources
• Focus on End-use, on Conservation, and on
efficiency of use
• Energy matched to the task at hand in both
• Participation-oriented structure--in both
production and consumption
• People-intensive development and Jobcreation
Energy & Spatial Organization
• Energy & the Landscape
Eco-infrastructure: going with nature
• The Eco-system Model: eco-infill
• Integrating the Divided Economy
Every place a locus of eco-production
Buildings as producers not just
consumers of energy
Key Areas of Green Building
Green Building Certification
--new construction
• Natural Building & ecocommunity design
Loops in Building
“Waste” & Design for Adaptability:
Shearing Layers
Local First not “buy local”
Stability / security
– Peak Oil / Corporate Mobility
• Quality of Life
• Efficiency