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Transcript LP4_Confirmation

Being a Teenager
What is important
to me ?
What sort of person
do I want to be ?
The 5 aspects of my
life that really matter
to me are…
To describe the events in
To explain the importance of
To evaluate why
confirmation follows baptism
Someone who decides to be a
Christian, needs to confirm in
2 ways:
1. confirm that you want to live
the faith your parents
baptised you in.
2. The Bishop, in the name of
the Church, confirms that you
are a full member of it.
1. Draw the diagram (stick people) and label
to show what
1. you confirm
2. the bishop confirms
2. Why does confirmation usually happen
some years after baptism?
**Explain why you would, or would not, want
to confirm the faith you received in baptism.
I confirm that…
I confirm that…
How does the Bishop know that you’re
serious about being a real Christian ?
Think of 3 tests that
he could use.
1. Describe the 3 ways the Bishops
checks to see if you really mean to
be a Christian
2. What sort of questions could the
Bishop ask you? Give 2 examples.
3. What sort of real life situation might
test your faith ? Give an example.
**What gifts could God give you in
Confirmation to help you live your faith ?
Questions you, to see if you know what you
believe in
Asks you to repeat your Baptismal vows in
public: Do you believe in God the Father, His Son
Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and reject evil? Do
you believe what the Catholic Church teaches?
Gives you a slap on the cheek – to see if you are
prepared to suffer for your faith
Anointing with Oil:
your mission from God
received at baptism is
When you have passed the
tests, you are ready to be
confirmed…and receive God’s
Laying on of
Hands: you
receive the
Holy Spirit’s
7 gifts
1. Explain the 2 things the Bishop does when he confirms you
2. Draw the pictures and the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit that you
receive when the Bishop lays his hands on you.
3. Explain what 3 of the gifts mean, using the “dictionary” box.
**Why is it important to have so many gifts of right thinking
(knowledge, understanding, wisdom and right judgement) to be
a Christian?
1.Wisdom = knowing what
to think about something
2.Understanding /
3.Knowledge = about who
God is and what He is like,
and what we should be like
4.Courage = to do the right
thing & keep at it
5.Right Judgement =
knowing how to act in a
6.Piety = prayerfulness
7.Reverence = deep respect
and fear of God
Watch the
Which Gifts of
the Holy Spirit
did the boy
I think the gift of the Holy Spirit that
would help me most in my life is..
Which gift of the Holy
Spirit do you think
would be most
important to have?
Explain why.