Transcript Slide 1

Air, Water and Land Pollution

Chapter 10:

Chromatographic Methods for Environmental Analysis

Copyright © 2010 by DBS


• Introduction to Chromatography • Instruments of Chromatographic Methods • Common Detectors for Chromatography • Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis • Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

Chromatographic Methods…

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Types of Chromatography and Separation Columns

• • Chromatography – separates chemical mixtures by distributing them between a stationary phase and a mobile phase All chromatographic analyses are based on the establishment of equilibrium between the two phases e.g. Gas Chromatography (GC), Liquid Chromatography (LC), and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) have gas, liquid and supercritical fluid mobile phases

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Types of Chromatography and Separation Columns

• GC – gas mobile phase / stationary phase (GSC) liquid stationary phase (GLC) or gas mobile phase / solid • LC – separation is achieved on the basis of molecular polarity partitioning between liquid mobile phase / liquid film adsorbed on a solid support material ( LLC ) or liquid mobile phase / solid stationary phase ( LSC ) • Also separation via molecular size (size exclusion chromatography) or molecular charge (IC)

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography • • Separation in modern analyses is performed in a column Column chromatography has stationary phase in a narrow tube through which mobile phase flows under pressure • LC Columns Packed Column: stainless steel tube 3-25 cm long with packing materials inside the tube

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography • GC Columns (2 types) Packed Column: glass or stainless steel coil (1-5 m long, 5 mm i.d.) filled with stationary phase or packing coated with stationary phase • Capillary Column: thin fused-silica tube (10 100 m long, 250 µm i.d.) with stationary phase inside – tubular structure – no packing material inside, coated inside in one of 3 ways:

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography • GC Columns (2 types) Capillary Column: 1. “wall-coated open-tubular” (WCOT) has a thin wall coated liquid film stationary phase 2. “support-coated open-tubular” (SCOT) has microparticles attached to the wall of the capillary, coated with liquid stationary phase 3. “porous layer open-tubular” (PLOT) has solid-phase microparticles attached to the capillary walls

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography • Open tubular structure has low resistance to gas flow, column can be made much longer (up to 100 m) than packed columns • Long length permit very efficient separations of samples of complex mixtures • Used in ~ 80 % of environmental analyses

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Common Stationary Phases: The Key to Separation

• • Thousands of commercially available stationary phases Choice of stationary phase has greatest influence on the separation obtained • •

GC Column Stationary Phases

Gas-Solid chromatography (GSC) stationary phase is alumina (Al polymers 2 O 3 ) or porous Based on adsorption of gaseous chemicals onto the stationary phase and limited to low molecular weight gas species (H 2 S, CS 2 , CO, CO 2 etc.) • Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC) – various liquid stationary phases

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Common Stationary Phases: The Key to Separation

GC Column Stationary Phases

Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC) – various liquid stationary phases with general structure of polydimethyl siloxane and polyethylene glycol • e.g. Polydimethyl siloxane: -R groups are all hydrophobic (R = CH 3 ), least polar stationary phase, other stationary phases contain different functional groups altering their polarity

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Common Stationary Phases: The Key to Separation

GC Column Stationary Phases

Must chose nonpolar column for a nonpolar mixture and a polar column for a polar mixture

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Common Stationary Phases: The Key to Separation

• •

HPLC Column Stationary Phases

Adsorption-based LSC and partition based LLC LSC stationary phases are limited to either silica or alumina • Most liquid chromatography is performed via LLC – partition between liquid mobile phase and liquid stationary phase (adsorbed or chemical bonded) • Bonded phase packing can be either ‘normal’ or ‘reverse’

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Other Parameters Important to Compound Separation

• • Column related parameters: length, i.d., stationary film thickness, particle size of packing, etc.) Operational parameters: flow velocity of mobile phase, temperature, selection of mobile phase

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Other Parameters Important to Compound Separation

• e.g. size of sample (capacity) increases on using a longer or wider column with a thicker film of stationary phase – Increases analytical time – Improves resolution

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Other Parameters Important to Compound Separation

• Temperature control for GC and mobile phase selection for HPLC • • •

Temperature for GC

Column temperature is a compromise between speed, sensitivity and resolution High temperatures – analytes spend most of their time in the gas mobile phase (eluted quickly) – Resolution is poor – Sensitivity is increased (peaks are closer together) Easy parameter to control so not considered as important as choice of column •

Mobile Phase for HPLC

Polarity is important since it is the basis for separation in HPLC

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

• • Chromatogram – output of a chromatographic analysis Plot of detector signal vs. time

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram t

m = mobile-phase holdup time – time required for a molecule of the mobile phase to pass through the column – may be due to air or methanol in GC, or solvent in HPLC


r = retention time – time taken after sample injection for analyte to reach detector A = first eluted compound eluted at




rA B = second eluted compound eluted at





Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

• 3 important features of a chromatogram: – Unretained compound peak (air or solvent) – As time increases peaks broaden (due to diffusion in the column) – Symmetrical nature of eluting peaks (normal distribution) • Ideal chromatogram has narrow, symmetrical, well-spaced peaks • Number of concepts related to separation principles

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

Distribution Constant (K c )


c =


s /


m • • • Where


s = conc. Solute in stationary phase,


w = conc. Solute in mobile phase Larger the


c , the more solute is sorbed or partitioned in stationary phase Temperature dependent, compounds must have different


c resolved values in order to be

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

Retention Factor (k)




s /


m • • • • • Where


s phase = amount of solute in stationary phase,


m = amount of solute in mobile Larger the value of k the larger the amount in the stationary phase, longer solute will be in the column Depends on both mobile and stationary phases and temperature Can be calculated from a chromatogram,


= (


r –


m ) /


m Ideal


values 2-10, analytical time too long if


> 20

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

• •

Separation Factor ( α)

Ratio of distribution constants of two solutes Can be calculated as the ratio of retention factors (


) of two solutes






A =




rA – –




m • Larger value of α the easier the separation, compounds can only be separated if α > 1.0

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Terms and Theories of Chromatogram

Resolution (R)


is the measure of a column’s ability to separate two peaks


= peak separation / average peak width =


rB –


RA / [(


A +


b )/2] • • • Where


A and


B are the baseline width of two peaks When R = 1.0 two peaks of equal widths have a 2.3 % overlap which is the minimum for quantitative separation Typically R > 1.5 is needed (depends on height ratio of the peaks)

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Introduction to Chromatography

Use of Chromatograms for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

• Qualitative analysis: compare retention time of analyte to that of a pure standard (libraries) • Quantitative analysis: measurement of peak area (proportional to analyte concentration) • Standard calibration curve relates area of peak to concentration

Chromatographic Methods…

toluene and chlorotoluene Introduction to Chromatography Calculate: Retention factor (


), Separation factor (


), and Resolution (



Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Gas Chromatography

• Components – Carrier gas – Flow control – Sample injection port – Separation column – Oven – Detector – Data-acquisition system

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Gas Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Gas Chromatography

• Carrier gas: carry analytes through the GC – He and N 2 most common – Chemically inert and of high purity – Impurities such as O 2 and H 2 O attack the liquid stationary phase in the columns – Pressure us controlled by gas regulator • Sample port – Manual or autosampler – Sample size is typically very small in GC – Microsyringe used to introduce gaseous or liquid samples – Inlet transfers the sample to the column

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Gas Chromatography

• Column and oven: – Oven contains heaters for the injection port and the detector – 3 components (oven, injection port and detector) have independent temperature controls – Temperature control is critical for all 3 – Injection port: 50 ºC higher than Bpt. of sample, high enough to vaporize the sample rapidly but low enough not to thermally decompose the analytes – Column temperature should be ± 0.5 ºC in order to optimize chromatographic separation – Detector temperature: must be hot enough to prevent condensation of sample and/or liquid phase • Detector: see later

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• Components: – Solvent reservoirs – Solvent pump – Sample injection system – Column (guard and analytical) – Detector – Data acquisition system

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• Solvent reservoir: – Solvent (neat liquid, mixture, buffered solutions) – HPLC grade (purity), free from particles and dissolved gases – Inlet filter inside each solvent container to remove particles – Degassing unit or degassing unit removes dissolved gases • Solvent pump: – High pressure, pulse free, accurate flow rate – Mobile phase solvent is passed through the column for separation – Typical pressure 1000-3000 psi

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• Sample injection system – Manual (syringe) or autosampler – Located between pump and column • Column: – Analytical column and guard column – Guard column contains same packing material as analytical column • Detector: – See later: Ultraviolet, differential refractometers, fluorescence, conductivity

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• Solvent mobile phase is the most often changed component in HPLC • Given a set of compounds and a given column, what solvent mixture should be chosen to maximize separation efficiency?

– –


– solvent or mixed solvent at constant composition over time


– solvent or mixed solvent composition changes over time • Gradient elution is used to improve separation similar to changing temperature in GC to improve separation

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• Solvent properties?

– Viscosity – UV cutoff – Refractive index – Boiling point – Polarity

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

• UV cutoff: – If UV detector is used, solvents should be transparent at required wavelength • Volatility (Bpt.): – Important for evaporative light-scattering detectors (refractometers) – Solvents with high v.p. produce bubbles in the detector • Refractive index (Solvent’s property in changing the speed of light): – Important for evaporative light-scattering detectors – Should be as large as possible for both solvent and sample • Polarity: – More polar solvents cause increased retention in reverse phase HPLC and reduced retention in normal phase HPLC

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Ion Chromatography

• Similar components to HPLC – Eluent reservoir (in place of solvent reservoir) – Pump – Sample injection system – Column (analytical and suppressor) – Detector – Data-acquisition system

Dionex ICS-1000

• Chromeleon software • Continuous electrolytic suppression

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Ion Chromatography

• Separation in IC is based on ion exchange of ionic species rather than partitioning for HPLC • Mobile phase, column, stationary phase, and detector are all different from those used in HPLC • IC uses ion exchange, eluent suppression, and conductivity detection • IC uses acid/base or salt buffer solutions as the eluent (mobile phase) • Type and strength of eluent affects the retention times of ionic analytes • Eluent carries the mixture through the column

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Ion Chromatography

• IC uses 2 columns: Analytical – separates anions or cations – If anions (A ) are to be analyzed column contains cationic exchange resin (+ve charge –N(CH 3 ) 3 + ) Called anion exchange column – If cations (M + ) are to be analyzed column contains anionic exchange resin (-ve charge –SO 3 H) Called cation exchange column • Suppressor – reduces the background conductivity of the eluent to low levels – For A analysis suppressor is anionic exchange resin used to retain cations and convert anions to HA – For M + analysis suppressor is cationic exchange resin used to retain anions and convert cations to MOH

Ion-Chromatographic Separation

Principles 1. Mobile phase – eluent carries the mixture through the column 2. Stationary phase – compounds adsorb to ion-exchange resin in the column. Stickier compounds require more elution time 3. Force pushes the mixture through the column – pump 4. Separation depends on retention time (ion charge and size) • • • e.g. Anion analysis Column is covered in +ve binding sites - N(CH [Resin] + -HCO 3 + Cl 3 ) 3 + As sample passes over the resin, anions in the sample replace bicarbonate ions bound to the resin → [Resin] + -Cl + HCO 3 Eventually sample anions are displaced again by new eluent (bicarbonate) and washed off the column

Chromatographic Methods…

Instruments of Chromatographic Methods

Ion Chromatography

• Na 2 CO 3 and NaHCO 3 is most common eluent, suppessor reactions 2R-SO 3 H + Na 2 CO 3 ⇌ 2R-SO 3 Na + H 2 CO 3 (retains cation, anion converted to HA) R-SO 3 H + NaHCO 3 ⇌ R-SO 3 Na + H 2 CO 3 • Suppressor removes all buffer ions via ion exchange - Na + replaced by H + , eluent converted to carbonic acid, then CO 2 • Cations are retained in suppressor column and separated anions in their acid form (HA) are measured using conductivity detector

Kegley, 1998

IC Chart

Conductivity Conductivity ~ concentration Compare peak area of unknown with that of a standard

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography • Detectors: – Recovers chemical information from column effluent: e.g. presence, concentration, mass, structure

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• More than 60 different types for GC • Environmental applications use: – Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) – Flame Ionization Detector (FID) – Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• • • • • • •

Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

Electrically heated filaments in a temperature-controlled cell Two gas streams (column flow = carrier gas + sample, reference flow = carrier gas) pass over two separate temperature sensitive resistors (filaments) Under normal conditions there is a stable heat flow from the filament to the detector body Temperature of electrically heated filaments depends on the thermal conductivity of the surrounding gas When an analyte elutes and the thermal conductivity of the column effluent is reduced, the filament heats up and changes resistance This resistance change is often sensed by a Wheatstone bridge circuit which produces a measurable current/voltage change.

Current change is compared to current in a reference cell with carrier gas only

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• • •

Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

TCD is relatively universal detector with a low sensitivity Limited use Measurement of major constituents of air (H 2 O, CO, CO 2 , H 2 )

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

Uses H 2 /air flame to burn organic compounds • Sample effluent from the column is mixed with H 2 /air and ignited electrically at a small metal jet • Number of ions produced ~ number of reduced carbon atoms in flame ~ number of molecules • Electrode collects ions formed at the flame, produces electrical signal • GC-FID requires 3 gases: He (carrier), H 2 and air

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• • •

Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

FID can be used for all organics Exceptions include non-hydrogen containing organics (e.g. hexachlorobenzene), and compounds with carbonyl, alcohol, halogen, and amine functionality that yield fewer ions or none at all in a flame No response to H 2 O, CO 2 , SO 2 , NOx, and other non-combustible gases

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• •

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

ECD uses a β-emitting radiochemical Ionizes the carrier gas (N 2 ) to produce electrons Ni 63 → β β + N 2 → 2e + N 2 + • • Electrons generate an electrical current between a pair of electrodes When organic molecules containing electronegative functional groups (F, Cl, Br etc.) are present the e are captured and reduce the measured current M + e → M -

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

• • •

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

ECD is very sensitive but not a universal detector Cannot detect amines, alcohols or hydrocarbons 10-100 x more sensitive than FID, 1,000,000 x than TCD • Invention of ECD in 1961 revolutionized our understanding of global fate and transport of pesticides

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for Gas Chromatography

Comparison of Major GC Detectors

• Photo Ionization Detectors (PID): similar to FID, uses UV light for ionization instead of a flame • Nitrogen-Phosphorous Detector (NPD): similar to FID, uses ceramic bead containing alkaline metal that emits positive ions when heated in a gas stream containing certain analytes (N + P compounds) • Flame Photometric Detector (FPD): GC effluent is mixed with H 2 /O 2 , chemiluminescence emitted from combustion of S- or P- compounds is measured spectrophotometrically • Hall or Electrolytic Conductivity (ELCD): S-, N-, and halogen compounds converted to ions under a Ni catalyst, conductivity of dissolved ion is measured

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Common Detectors for Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography TCD and MS detect all FID sensitivity is low for non-H containing organics ECD sensitive to halogen compounds NPD only detects N-, P containing compounds PID uses UV, saturated halogens not detected

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

• Limited compared to GC detectors: – UV detectors – Fluorescence detectors – Refractive index detectors

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

UV Detectors

• • • • Relies on strong absorbance of analyte in UV region Same UV detector as used in UV-VIS spectrometers Most powerful UV detectors are photodiode array (PDA) detectors Simultaneous detection of spectral data in a range of wavelengths

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Fluorescence Detectors

• • • • • Design similar to UV-VIS units Requires two wavelengths of emitted radiation UV lamp emits a range of wavelengths Filters or monochromator acquires the needed exciting beam λ excitation Emitted light (fluorescence) is measured at a 90º angle to the exciting light beam at a wavelength λ emission

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

• • •

Fluorescence Detectors

Not universal, limited to certain chemicals Typically 1 order of magnitude more sensitive than UV Most intense fluorescence is found in aromatic compounds e.g. PAHs

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Refractive Index Detectors

• • Refractive index of solutions is changed by the presence of solutes RI detector responds to all solutes (universal)

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

• •

Detectors for Ion Chromatography

Conductivity detector is most commonly used Conductivity electrodes – ability of a solution containing a salt to conduct electricity across two • 3 related terms are used for “conductivity”: – Conductance (


) – Specific conductance or conductivity (


) – Equivalent conductance (


) •




) (ohm -1 or mho) measured between two electrodes of area


(cm 2 ) and spacing


(cm) is the reciprocal of resistance R (ohms)


= 1/


Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Detectors for Ion Chromatography


= 1/



has international units of Siemens (


), 1


= 1 Ω -1 •




) ( Ω -1 cm -1 ) is also called “specific conductance”




• Where


(cm -1 ) is called the cell constant (=





Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Detectors for Ion Chromatography

Equivalent conductance



), conductivity of an ion with a valence


at 25 ºC relates conductance to concentration: in dilute solution


= 1000

k C z

• Where


mol -1 ) = molar concentration of ion (mol/L) and is equivalent conductance (


cm 2

Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Detectors for Ion Chromatography

• Combining previous 2 equations:




= 1000

k C z

G =

ΛCz /



• Conductivity detector: for a given ion (constant


proportional to




), the conductance



Chromatographic Methods…

Common Detectors for Chromatography

Detectors for High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis • Key instrument for organic analysis: – Petroleum and petrochemicals – Clinical and pharmaceuticals – Forensic and crime labs – Environmental monitoring

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Gases, Volatile, and Semivolatile Organics with GC

• Analysis with GC methods • Direct analysis: – Gases – Volatile compounds – Semivolatile compounds • Sample may require extraction and clean-up steps depending on matrix (chp. 7)

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Gases, Volatile, and Semivolatile Organics with GC

• Volatility can be compared based on Henry’s Law constants (


) – Highly volatile:


> 10 -3 atm.m

3 /mol – Volatile: 10 -3 <


< 10 -5 atm.m

3 /mol – Semivolatile: 10 -5 < H < 3 x 10 -7 atm.m

3 /mol – Nonvolatile:


< 3 x 10 -7 atm.m

3 /mol

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis X (aq) ⇌ X (g)


H =




(mol/L) Many pollutants have low VP but high


H, Preference for gaseous phase over water

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Gases, Volatile, and Semivolatile Organics with GC

• 3 main categories of GC-based US EPA methods: – Air, – Water and wastewater – Waste

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Gases, Volatile, and Semivolatile Organics with GC

• 3 main categories of GC-based US EPA methods: 1. Determination of toxic organic compounds in air (TO series): sampled by absorbent trap made of Tenax, molecular sieve, activated charcoal, XAD-2 resin, or graphited carbon, desorption by thermal or solvent. VOCs analyzed via GC-FID, GC-ECD, or GC-MS 2. Water/wastewater: 500 series (1988) published to support Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Low concentrations in drinking water. 12 methods total, 6 for VOCs and 6 for specific synthetic organics and pesticides. 5 use purge-and-trap, 6 use L-L extraction, 1 uses L-S extraction.

600 Series published for Clean Water Act and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). 624 – GC/MS for purgable organic compounds (includes compounds from 601, 602, 603, 612) 625 – Semivolatile organics (includes compounds from 604, 606, 607, 609, 610, 611, 612) 608 – Pesticides and PCBs 613 – Dioxin

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Gases, Volatile, and Semivolatile Organics with GC

• 3 main categories of GC-based US EPA methods: 3. Waste: 8000 series published in SW-846 (test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste), all use a variety of detectors, constantly updated year to year.

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Semivolatile and Nonvolatile Organics with HPLC

• 85% of known organics are not sufficiently volatile or stable enough to be analyzed via GC

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Semivolatile and Nonvolatile Organics with HPLC

• • • 85% of known organics are not sufficiently volatile or stable enough to be analyzed via GC HPLC should have greater potential for analysis Number of HPLC methods developed by US EPA is significantly fewer than GC – GC has many more detectors – HPLC more expensive – More trouble shooting is required

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Semivolatile and Nonvolatile Organics with HPLC

• 3 main categories of LC-based US EPA methods: 1. Determination of toxic organic compounds in air (TO series): aldehyde, ketone, phogene, phenol, cresols, formaldehyde and PAHs 2.

Water/wastewater: 500 series (1988) published to support Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Low concentrations in drinking water.

531: Analysis of N-methylcarbomoyloximes and N-methyl carbamates 600 Series published for Clean Water Act and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

605: Benzidines and 610: PAHS 3. Waste: 8000 series published in SW-846 (test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste), all use a variety of detectors, constantly updated year to year.

Carbonyl compounds, acrylamide, acrylonitrile, acrolein, N-methylcarbamates, nitroaromatics, nitramines, tetrazene, nitroglycerine • Some SVOCs can also be analyzed via GC

Chromatographic Methods…

Applications of Chromatographic Methods in Environmental Analysis

Ionic Species with IC

• Separates anions and detects at ppb levels – F , Cl , Br , I , NO 2 , NO 3 , SO 4 2 , HPO 4 2 , PO 4 3 , SCN , IO 3 , ClO 4 US EPA method 300 for Cl , F , NO 3 , NO 2 , PO 4 3 , SO 4 2 in water US EPA method 9056 and 7199 for anions in waste – IC is method of choice for anions – Sensitive and powerful alternative methods for cations (atomic spectroscopy) – Recent advances include the separation of various species of Hg, Se and As (differences in toxicity and bioavailability drive the requirements)

Chromatographic Methods…

Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

What Can and Cannot be Done with GC and HPLC

• • • • • All gases and volatile compounds can be analyzed via GC not by HPLC Nonvolatiles and thermally unstable compounds cannot be analyzed via GC unless their structures are changed through derivatization For some semivolatile compounds (e.g. PAHs, nitroaromatics and explosives) both GC and HPLC can be used HPLC is preferred when direct analysis of aqueous sample is needed to avoid time consuming extractions In other cases, GC is instrument of choice due to variety of detection methods

Chromatographic Methods…

Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

What Can and Cannot be Done with GC and HPLC

• • Volatility is related to Bpt. And molecular size Smaller nonionic organics tend to be more volatile – Organics containing up to 25 carbons can liekly be analyzed via GC – HPLC can handle larger molecular weight (MW > 1000) (biomolecules – amino acids, proteins, HCs, carbohydrates, drugs, steroids etc.) – Most chemicals of environmental concern have MW < 500

Chromatographic Methods…

Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

What Can and Cannot be Done with GC and HPLC

• Advantages of GC: – – – – Low cost, fast analysis, ease of operation More sensitive and higher resolution Variety of columns and detectors Can use mass spectrometry (see chp. 12) • Advantages of HPLC: – – Direct analysis of aqueous samples (can’t be done on GC) Mobile phases of various polarities provide versatility • HPLC is usually more expensive, less sensitive and slower, operationally more problematic hardware

Chromatographic Methods…

Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

Development for GC and HPLC Methods

• p280-284

Chromatographic Methods…

Practical Tips to Chromatographic Methods

Overview on Maintenance and Troubleshooting

• • • • • • • General Guidelines on Maintenance HPLC Maintenance GC maintenance General Guidelines on Troubleshooting Baseline Problems Peak Problems Retention Time Problems


• • McNair, H.M., and Miller, J.M. (1998

) Basic Chromatography

. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

O’Dell et al (1984)


1. Calculate: Retention factor (


), Separation factor (


), and Resolution (


) for slide 29. Comment on how these may be adjusted to give optimum values.

11. Explain why resolution and speed of analysis is always a compromise during a chromatographic analysis 26. Describe the principles of measuring anions in water by anionic ion-chromatography with Na 2 CO 3 -NaHCO 3 as the eluting solvents.

31. Describethe following: (a) What chemical functionalities will contribute fluorescence and can be measured by fluorescence detetcors? (b) How halogen substitution affects a compound’s ability to fluoresce?

35. For the following compound and the sample matrix, which chromatographic instrument (GC, HPLC, IC) and detetcor would you recommend? Suggest an EPA standard method for each chemical as well.

(a) trichloroethene (volatile) in air, (b) PAHs in solid wastes, (c) BTEX in soil, (d) acid rain composition (sulfate, nitrate, chloride), (e) species of chromium (C r6+ ) in water.