Transcript Document

The clay particle is a dot on
the page; the sand is huge in
Sandy soils have spaces
between particles and drain
readily, are drought prone
and nutrient poor.
The tiny clay particles tightly
packed and therefore clay
soils are very dense. Clay
soils are more nutrient rich
and moisture retentive, but
when they do dry out, tend
to be very hard.
The relative amounts of clay, silt
and sand determine soil type.
Notice that a large portion of the
chart refers to clay soils. The
presence of clay has a very
strong influence on the
character of the soil. It only
takes about 20 % clay particles
for a soil to behave as a clay soil.
The perfect combination is
called loam and consists of
• 40% sand
• 40% silt
• 20% clay
Soil layers are called “Horizons”
O Horizon (Organic matter): Leaf litter and other
biological material that has not decmposed.
A Horizon (Topsoil): Layer of mineral soil with organic
matter . This is where the action is – earthworms, fungi
and other microbes that decompose organic matter,
and , hopefully, lots of plant roots. This layer is
sometimes missing in urban soils.
B Horizon (Subsoil): This layer contain the finer
particles (often clay) that have washed down from
above and contains minerals (iron, aluminum ,
calcium , etc) ; mineral content will vary depending on
the site.
C Horizon (Parent rock): Layer of large unbroken rocks.
This is the simple version of soil horizons. Soil scientists have much more detailed versions
with additional categories and subdivisions within categories.
The image is from Wikipedia
Feel test – Rub some moist soil between fingers.
• Sand feels gritty.
• Silt feels smooth.
• Clays feel sticky.
Ball squeeze test – Squeeze a moistened ball of soil in the hand.
• Coarse texture soils (sand or loamy sands) break with slight pressure.
• Medium texture soils (sandy loams and silt loams) stay together but
change shape easily.
• Fine textured soils (clayey or clayey loam) resist breaking / don’t change shape
Texture test - Mix soil and water in a jar and measure layers of sediment
(sand, silt, clay) to determine proportions
Ribbon test – clay soils will form a ribbon
The above information is from
Directions for all of the above can be found at that site.
Moisten a handful of soil and knead to a
consistent texture. (The test will not
work if too much water is added; the
goal is a consistently moist, not wet, ball
of soil.)
Roll into a cigarette shape and squeeze
it between your thumb and forefinger
to form the longest and thinnest ribbon
Soil with high silt content will form
flakes or peel instead of forming a
ribbon. The longer and thinner the
ribbon, the higher the percentage of
The soil pictured here has a long
ribbon and therefore a high clay
The chart is from
Using just water and
your hands, you can
classify the soil type
even further.
Follow the instructions
on this chart. No tools
The soil types here
correspond to those on
the soil texture triangle.
A soil probe can be used
to collect samples for soil
testing. Take several samples
from the area to be tested, mix
together, and send to a lab in a
soil sample box.
The soil probe can also be used to see the soil profile.
Ease of collection can be an indication of compaction: the
more difficult it is to insert the probe, the more compact the
soil. (Frozen or very dry soils are exceptions.)
Soil profile using the soil probe About 6 inches of good, loamy soil with heavy clay below.
There is a fairly clear distinction between the A and B horizon.
Sections of soil can be removed from the probe for testing.
Determining soil type is easy if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty!
You may also need a soil test for nutrient availability and pH if you plan to
apply lime or fertilizers.
If you do use chemical fertilizers, do so with caution in sandy soils since
they will leach out easily, won’t be available to plants for long and may
enter the ground water.
Determining soil type is useful before planting. Many trees are very
adaptable and tolerate most any soil type. Others have more specific
requirements. An example would be trees that require moisture retentive
soils; these should not be planted in sandy soils.
Knowing the soil type may also help you determine how frequently new
plantings should be watered.