Transcript Document


Mehtap KAÇAR KOÇAK M.D. PhD Yeditepe University Medicine School, Pathophysiology


General Introduction

Respiratory diseases is often classified as acute or chronic, obstructive or restrictive, and infectious or noninfectious.


Reduction of Pulmonary Function



Inadequate blood flow to the lungs –


Inadequate air flow to the alveoli -



Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Disease

 Dyspnea,  Abnormal breathing patterns,  Hypoventilation and hyperventilation,  Cough,  Hemoptysis,  Cyanosis,  Pain,  Clubbing,  Abnormal sputum. 4


 Dyspnea breath” – subjective sensation of uncomfortable breathing, feeling “short of  Ranges from mild discomfort after exertion to extreme difficulty breathing at rest.

 Usually caused by diffuse and extensive rather than focal pulmonary disease.



 Due to:  Airway obstruction • Greater force needed to provide adequate ventilation • Wheezing sound due to air being forced through airways narrowed due to constriction or fluid accumulation  Decreased compliance of lung tissue 6

Signs of dyspnea:

 Flaring nostrils  Use of accessory muscles in breathing  Retraction (pulling back) of intercostal spaces 7

Types of dyspnea


is caused by the horizontal position, which redistributes body water, causes the abdominal contents to exert pressure on the diaphragm, and decreases the efficiency of the respiratory muscles.

 Some individuals with left ventricular failure wake up at night gasping for air and must sit up or stand to relieve the dispnea, this type of positional dyspnea is termed

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND)

 PND results from fluid in the lungs caused by the redistribution of of body water while the individual is recumbent.


Abnormal breathing patterns

 Normal breathing (eupnea) is rhythmic and effortless. Ventilatory rate is 8 to 16 breaths per minute, and tidal volume ranges from 400 to 800 ml.

 The rate, depht, regulatory and effort of breathing undergo characteristic alterations in response to physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions…..


   

Kussmaul respiration (hyperpnea);

→ no expiration pause.

is characterized by →a slightly increased ventilatory rate, → very large tidal volume, Strenous exercise or metabolic acidosis induces Kussmaul respiration.

Labored or obstructed breathing

on the site of obstruction.

consists of slow ventilatory rate, large tidal volume, increased effort, and prolonged inspiration or expiration, depending Audible wheezing (whistling sounds) and stridor (high-pitched sounds made during inspiration) is often present. 10

Restricted breathing

is characterized by small tidal volumes and rapid ventilatory rate (tachypnea).

 Restricted breathing is commonly caused by disorders such as pulmonary fibrosis that stiffen the lungs or chest wall and decrease compliance.


occurs with exercise.  Shock and severe cerebral hypoxia contribute to

gasping respirations

that consist of irregular, quick inspirations with an expiratory pause. 11

Sighing respirations

consists of irregular breathing characterized by frequent, deep sighing inspirations. Sighing respirations are caused by anxiety.

Cheyne-Stokes respirations

are characterized by alternating periods of deep and shallow breathing. Apnea lasting 15 to 60 seconds is followed by ventilations that increase in volume until a peak is reached, after which ventilation (tidal volume) decreases again to apnea.  This respirations results from any condition that slows the blood flow to the brain stem, which in turn slows impulses sending information to the respiratory centers of the brain stem. 12

Hypoventilation and hyperventilation


is inadequate alveolar ventilation in relation to metabolic demands. It is caused by alterations in pulmonary mechanics or in the neurologic control of breathing.

 With hypoventilation, CO2 removal does not keep up with CO2 production and PaCO2 increases, causing hypercapnia (PaCO2>44 mmHg).  This results in respiratory acidosis, which can affect the function of many tissues throughout the body. (somnolence or disorientation) 13

 Hyperventilation is alveolar ventilation that exceeds metabolic demands. The lungs remove CO2 at a faster rate than it is produced by cellular metabolism, resulting in decreased PaCO2 or hypocapnia (PaCO2<36 mmHg).

 Hyperventilation results in a respiratory alkalosis that also can interfere with tissue function.

 Hyperventilation commonly occurs with severe anxiety, acute head injury, and conditions that cause insufficient oxygenation of the blood.

 Hypoventilation and hyperventilation can be determined only by arterial blood gas analysis.


Blood Gas Analysis

Factors Connected with blood gas measurements

Abnormalities of respiratory control

Gas exchange

Respiratory mechanics



Blood Gas Analysis

Blood gas values

pH : 7.35


  

PaO 2 : 80 —100mmHg(10.6~13.3kpa) SaO 2 : 91 —97.7% PaCO 2 : 35 —45mmHg(4.67~6.0kpa)



 Attempt to clear the lower respiratory passages by abrupt and forceful expulsion of air  Most common when fluid accumulates in lower airways  Most coughs are initiated in the larynx and in the tracheabronchial tree by both mechanical and chemical irritant receptor stimulation.


 Other cough receptors are located:  The external auditory canal,  Diaphragm,  Pericardium,  Pleura,  Stomach,  The most distal bronchioli and the alveoli (a few).

 Stimulation of cough receptors is transmitted centrally through the vagus nerve. (this way is inhibited by opiates and serotoninergic agents) 18

Acute cough:

         It is cough that resolves within 2 to 3 weeks of the onset of illness or resolves with treatment of the underlying condition.

It is commonly the result of; Upper respiratory infections, Allergic rhinitis, Acute bronchitis, Pneumonia, Congestive heart failure, Pulmonary embolus, Aspiration.


Chronic cough:

 It is defined as cough that has persisted for more than 3 weeks.

 In nonsmokers, chronic cough is almost always caused by  postnasal drainage syndrome,  Asthma,  Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

 In smokers, chronic bronchitis is the most common cause of chronic cough.



 Hemoptysis is the coughing up of blood or bloody secretion.

 Hemoptysis is sometimes confused with hematemesis, which is the vomiting of blood.

 Blood that is coughed up is usually bright red, has an alkaline pH, and is mixed frothy sputum, whereas blood that is vomited is dark, has an acidic pH, and is mixed with food particles.


 Hemoptysis results from damage to the lung parenchyma with rupture of pulmonary vessels or from inflammation, injury, or cancer of the bronchial tree. 22

The most common causes of hemoptysis are:

 Tuberculosis,  Bronchiectasis,  Lung cancer,  Bronchitis,  Pneumonia.



 Cyanosis is bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by increasing amounts of desaturated or reduced hemoglobin (which is bluish) in the blood.

 Cyanosis generally develops when 5 g of hemoglobin is desaturated, regardless of hemoglobin concentration. 24

 Cyanosis can be caused by decreased arterial oxygenation (low PaO2), pulmonary or cardiac right-to-left shunts, decreased cardiac output, cold environments, or anxiety.

 Lack of cyanosis does not necessarily indicate that oxygenation is normal. For example, severe anemia and CO poisoning can cause inadequate oxygenation of tissues without causing cyanosis.


 Most cases arise as a result of peripheral vasoconstriction – result is reduced blood flow, which allows hemoglobin to give up more of its oxygen to tissues-

peripheral cyanosis.

 Best seen in nail beds  Due to cold environment, anxiety, etc.


Central cyanosis

can be due to :  Abnormalities of the respiratory membrane  Mismatch between air flow and blood flow  Expressed as a ratio of change in ventilation (V) to perfusion (Q) : V/Q ratio • Pulmonary thromboembolus - reduced blood flow • Airway obstruction – reduced ventilation 

In persons with dark skin can be seen in the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes.



 Pain caused by pulmonary disorders originates in the pleurae, airways or chest wall.

 Pleural pain is the most common pain caused by pulmonary disease and is usually sharp or stabbing in character. (infection and inflammation)  Pleural pain is also common with pulmonary infarction caused by pulmonary embolism.


 Pulmonary pain is central chest pain that is pronounced after coughing and occurs in individulas with infection and inflammation of the trachea or bronchi. (it is differentiated from cardiac pain).

 Pain in the chest wall is muscle pain or rib pain. (excessive coughing, costochondritis) 29


 Clubbing is the selective bulbous enlargement of the end (distal segment) of a digit (finger or toe), whose severity can be graded from 1 to 5 based on the extend of nail bed hypertrophy and the amount of changes in the nails themselves.



 Clubbing is commonly associated with diseases that interfere with oxygenation, such as bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, lung abscess and congenital heart disease.

 Lung cancer is sometimes associated with clubbing even in the absence of significant hypoxemia.  This syndrome is called

hypertrophic osteoarthropathy

(HOA) and its pathogenesis is unknown.


Abnormal sputum

 The color, consistency, odor and amount of sputum vary different pulmonary disorders. 33

Conditions Caused by Pulmonary Disease or Injury

          

Hypercapnia, Hypoxemia, Acute respiratory failure, Pulmonary edema, Aspiration, Atelectasis, Bronchiectasis, Bronchiolitis, Pleural abnormalities (pneumothorax, pleural effusion, empyema) Abscess formation and cavitation, Pulmonary fibrosis



         Hypercapnia or increased CO2 in the arterial blood is caused by hypoventilation of the alveoli.

Causes include; * depression of the respiratory center by drug, * infection of CNS or trauma, * spinal cord disruption or poliomyelitis, * diseases of the neuromuscular junction (MG, MD) * chest injury, * large airway obstruction.

Hypercapnia and the associated respiratory acidosis can result in several important clinical manifestations. (dysrythmia, coma, somnolence) 35


         Hypoxemia or reduced oxygenation of arterial blood is caused by respiratory alterations.

The five causes of hypoxemia are; * decreased oxygen content in inspired gas (high altitude), * hypoventilation (drug overdose, neurologic damage), * diffusion abnormalities (emphysema, fibrosis, edema), * abnormal ventilation-perfusion ratios (asthma, chronic bronchitis, ARDS), * pulmonary right-to-left shunt (congenital heart defects).

Hypoxemia is often associated with a compensatory hyperventilation and resultant respiratory alkalosis.

Hypoxemia result in widwspread tissue dysfunction and when severe can lead to organ infarction.


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Acute respiratory failure

 Respiratory failure is defined as inadequate gas exchange, that is hypoxemia, where  PaO2 is ≤50 mmHg  PaCO2 is ≥50mmHg, (hypercapnia)  pH ≤7.25.


Pulmonary edema

 Pulmonary edema is excess water in the lung.

 The normal lung contains very little water or fluid.

 It is kept dry by lymphatic drainage and a balance among capillary hydrostatic pressure, capillary oncotic pressure and capillary permeability.  The most common cause of pulmonary edema is heart disease. 39

Pulmonary Circulation


Consists of:

Pulmonary artery & its branches

Thin-walled, easily distensible Pulmonary

• • • • •

capillaries Pulmonary venous system Left Atrium Low pressure Low resistance to blood flow Accepts all blood from right heart


PA pressure: Sys: 20 – 30 mm Hg Dias: 8 – 12 mmHg.

12 – 15 mm Hg mean Normal L.A.Pr: 8 mm Hg with an Upper limit of 15 mm Hg Blood vol: About 1 litre.

More than 100 ml in capillaries.


Pulmonary Circulation

Pul cap pr.: about 10 mm Hg

Oncotic pressure: 25 mm Hg

Inward gradient: 15 mm Hg

Pul congestion and oedema result when the pul cap pr is >25 mm Hg (“backward failure”)


Pulmonary Arterial Pressure rises during:

Negative pressure breathing

Supine position

Systemic venous congestion from any cause


Left ventricular failure


Pulmonary Arterial Pressure falls during:

Positive pressure breathing

Upright position

Valsalva manuevre

After haemorrhage

Systemic vasodilatation from any cause.



Classified into: Cardiogenic: Otherwise called as Hydrostatic or Transudative.

Non-Cardiogenic: Other-wise called as Permeability or Exudative.


Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema

Increased pulmonary vascular pressure

Transudation of fluid across endothelium into pulmonary interstitium and then into the alveolar space.

Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema

 

Low pressure pulmonary edema Injured microvascular endothelium allows protein-rich fluid to enter the extravascular spaces.


Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema Causes:

   

Left ventricular failure Volume overload Mechanical obstruction of left outflow tract e.g. Mitral stenosis Other valvular diseases like Mitral stenosis, PDA, Aortic valvular diseases & also in congestive failure and hypertension.

Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema Causes:

     

Toxins: eg. Smoke, ozone, phosgene, Nitrogen dioxide, Emboli: Air, thrombotic, amniotic fluid Trauma and burns Aspiration of gastric contents Acute radiation Pneumonitis D.I.C.



Incompletely understood:

High altitude pulmonary edema

Neurogenic: midbrain lesions, Middle/Posterior cranial fossa surgeries

Reperfusion pulmonary edema

Narcotic overdose

Tocolytic therapy


Negative pressure pulmonary edema.


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Symptoms: Acute Dyspnea Cough, Pink frothy sputum Signs: Tachycardia Blood Pressure: variable Lung crepitations 50


 Other signs of congestion:  Increased JVP  Peripheral edema  Cardiac enlargement -- apex beat displaced  S3 Gallop – apical 3 rd heart sound 51


 Atelectasis is the collaps of lung tissues. The two types of atelectasis:  1-

Compression atelectasis

is caused by the external pressure exerted by a tumor in the lung, or by fluid or air in the pleural space.

 2-

Absorption atelectasis

results from gradual absorption of air from obstructed or hypoventilated alveoli or from inhalation of concentrated oxygen or anesthetic agent.  .


Clinical manifestations of atelectasis are dyspnea, cough, fever and leukocytosis.

Atelectasis tends to occur after surgery.

Prevention and treatment of postoperative atelectasis usually include deep breathing. (open pore of Kohn)




 Bronchiectasis is persistent abnormal dilatation of the bronchi.




It results from two causes:  Infectious insult  Impairment of drainage, airway obstruction, and/or a defect in host defense. 57

 Infection: Bacterial, mycobacterial,  central airway bronchiectasis  Airway obstruction: intraluminal tumor, foreign body, lymph nodes, COPD  Immunodeficiency: ciliary dyskinesia, HIV, hypogammaglobulinemia, cystic fibrosis (obstruction and immunodef.) 58

 Bronchial dilatation may be; 

Clindrical bronchiectasis

, (with symmetrically dilated airways as is commonly seen after pneumonia and is reversible) 

Saccular bronchiectasis

(in which the bronchi become large and balloon-like), 

Varicose bronchiectasis

constrictions and dilations deform the bronchi).

(in which 59


Clinical manifestations of bronchiectasis:

 Cough (90 %)  Daily sputum production (76%)  Dyspnea (72%)  Hemoptysis (56%)  Recurrent pleurisy 61




 If wide spread   Dyspnea   Clubbing of the fingers  h pulmonary blood pressure  Cor pulmonale 64


 Pneumothorax is the presence of air or gas in the pleural space caused by a rupture in the visceral pleura or parietal pleura and chest wall. 65

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 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)  Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases :  *Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Chronic bronchitis and Emphysema)  *Asthma  Respiratory Tract Infections (Tuberculosis)  Pulmonary Vascular Disease (Pulmonary Embolism and Pulmonary Hypertension) 67

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome :

 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (or Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) • Rapid and severe onset of respiratory failure characterized by acute lung inflammation and diffuse injury to the respiratory membrane with noncardiogenic edema.



 Identified in last 25 years  Affects 200 -250 thousand people each year in U.S.  Mortality in persons < 60 is 40% ( ↓ 67%)  Those over 65 and immuno compromised still have mortality over 60 %  Most survivors have almost normal lung function 1 year after acute illness.


Pathophysiology of ARDS

 All disorders causing ARDS acutely injure the respiratory membrane and produce severe pulmonary edema, shunting, and hypoxemia.

 Shunting: blow flow is normal, but gas exchanged is decreased. V/Q ratio changes: the same effect as if blood were shunting or bypassing the lungs.


Damage can occur directly:

Aspiration of acidic gastric contents

Inhalation of toxic gases

Or indirectly:

Chemical mediators from systemic disorders


Result is massive inflammatory response by lungs

 Initial injury damages the pulmonary capillary epithelium, causing platelet aggregation and intravascular thrombus formation.

 Platelets release substances that attract and activate neutrophils.  Damage also activates the complement cascade which also activates neutrophils and the inflammatory response.


 Role of neutrophils is central to the development of ARDS.

 Neutrophils release inflammatory mediators:  Proteolytic enzymes  Toxic oxygen products  Prostaglandins and leukotrienes  Platelet activating factors  These damage the respiratory membrane and increase capillary permeability, allowing fluids, proteins, and blood cells to leak into alveoli → pulmonary edema and hemorrhage 73

 Reduces pulmonary ventilation and compliance  Neutrophils and macrophages release mediators that cause pulmonary vasoconstriction → pulmonary hypertension  Type II alveolar cells also damaged, see decreased surfactant production  Alveoli fill with fluid or collapse.

 Lungs become less compliant, and ventilation decreases.


 After 24 – 48 hours hyaline membranes form  After about 7 days, fibrosis progressively obliterates the alveoli, respiratory bronchioles and interstitium  Result is acute respiratory failure 75

 In addition, chemical mediators often cause widespread inflammation, endothelial damage and increased capillary permeability throughout the body  This leads to systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which leads to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)  Death may not be caused by ARDS alone, but by MODS 76

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Clinical manifestations:

Symptoms develop progressively:

Hyperventilation →

      

respiratory alkalosis→ dyspnea and hypoxemia→ metabolic acidosis→ respiratory acidosis → further hypoxemia → hypotension → decreased cardiac output →



Evaluation and Treatment

    Diagnosis based on physical examination, blood gases and imaging Treatment is based on early detection, supportive therapy and prevention of complications, esp. infection Often requires mechanical ventilation Many studies underway for treatment:   Prophylactic immunotherapy Antibodies against endotoxins    Inhibition of inflammatory mediators Inhalation of nitric oxide to reduce pulmonary hypertension Surfactant replacement 80

Obstructive and Inflammatory Lung Disease

 Chronic Bronchitis  Emphysema  Asthma

Christine Hooper, Ed.D., RN Spring 2006


A- Normal lung, B- Emphysema, C- Chronic bronchitis, D- Asthma

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: COPD

Disease of airflow obstruction that is not totally reversible

Chronic Bronchitis



Risk Factors for COPD

Nutrition Infections Socio-economic status Aging Populations


COPD: Etiology

 Cigarette smoking #1  Recurrent respiratory infection  Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency  Aging 85

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Mucous plug

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Chronic Bronchitis

 Recurrent or chronic productive cough for a minimum of 3 months for 2 consecutive years.

 Risk factors  Cigarette smoke  Air pollution 89

Chronic Bronchitis Pathophysiology

 Chronic inflammation  Hypertrophy & hyperplasia of bronchial glands that secrete mucus  Increase number of goblet cells  Cilia are destroyed 90

Chronic Bronchitis Pathophysiology

   Narrowing of airway  Starting w/ bronchi  smaller airways  airflow resistance  work of breathing  Hypoventilation & CO2 retention  hypoxemia & hypercapnea 91

Chronic Bronchitis Pathophysiology

 Bronchospasm often occurs  End result  Hypoxemia  Hypercapnea  Polycythemia (increase RBCs)  Cyanosis  Cor pulmonale (enlargement of right side of heart) 92

Chronic Bronchitis: Clinical Manifestations

 In early stages  Clients may not recognize early symptoms  Symptoms progress slowly  May not be diagnosed until severe episode with a cold or flu  Productive cough • • Especially in the morning Typically referred to as “cigarette cough”  Bronchospasm  Frequent respiratory infections 93

Chronic Bronchitis: Clinical Manifestations

 Advanced stages  Dyspnea on exertion  Dyspnea at rest  Hypoxemia & hypercapnea  Polycythemia  Cyanosis  Bluish-red skin color  Pulmonary hypertension  Cor pulmonale 94

Chronic Bronchitis: Diagnostic Tests

 PFTs  FVC:  FEV1:   Forced vital capacity Forcible exhale in 1 second  FEV1/FVC = <70%  ABGs     PaCO2 PaO2  CBC   Hct 95


 Abnormal distension of air spaces  Actual cause is unknown 96

Emphysema: Pathophysiology

 Structural changes  Hyperinflamation of alveoli  Destruction of alveolar & alveolar-capillary walls  Small airways narrow  Lung elasticity decreases 97

Emphysema: Pathophysiology

Mechanisms of structural change

 Obstruction of small bronchioles   Proteolytic enzymes destroy alveolar tissue Elastin & collagen are destroyed   Support structure is destroyed “paper bag” lungs 98

Emphysema: Pathophysiology

      The end result: Alveoli lose elastic recoil, then distend, & eventually blow out.

Small airways collapse or narrow Air trapping Hyperinflation Decreased surface area for ventilation 99

Healthy Lung

 elastic  clean  many alveoli with large surface areas  healthy capillaries  clear airways 100

Emphysema Lung

 loss of elasticity  filled with toxins from tobacco smoke  fewer alveoli with smaller surface areas  destroyed capillaries  blocked airways 101


acinus according to distribution within the        

Panacinar: Uniform involvement

of the acinus Associated with

α1-antitrypsin deficiency Centriacinar: Enlargement of central parts of the acinus

(respiratory bronchioles and alveolar duct),


the peripheral alveoli

(distal alveoli

) More common and more severe in apical segments of

upper lobes In heavy smokers Chronic bronchitis

and often associated with 102

A- Centriacinar emphysema, B- Panacinar emphysema

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Emphysema: Clinical Manifestations

 Early stages  Dyspnea  Non productive cough  Diaphragm flattens   A-P diameter increases • “Barrel chest” Hypoxemia may occur • • Increased respiratory rate Respiratory alkalosis  Prolonged expiratory phase 104

Emphysema: Clinical Manifestations

 Later stages  Hypercapnea  Purse-lip breathing  Use of accessory muscles to breathe  Underweight • No appetite & increase breathing workload  Lung sounds diminished 105

Emphysema: Examination

 Pulmonary function •  residual volume,  lung capacity, DECREASED FEV 1 , vital capacity maybe normal  Arterial blood gases   Normal in moderate disease May develop respiratory alkalosis  Later: hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis  Chest x-ray   Flattened diaphragm hyperinflation 106

Goals of Treatment: Emphysema & Chronic Bronchitis

 Improved ventilation  Remove secretions  Prevent complications  Slow progression of signs & symptoms  Promote patient comfort and participation in treatment 107


 Asthma is defined as  A chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which many cells and cellular elements play a role, in particular mast cells, eosinophils, T lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and epithelial cellls.

 In susceptible individuals, this inflammation causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing, particulary at night or in the early morning. 108


     Reversible inflammation & obstruction Intermittent attacks Sudden onset Varies from person to person Severity can vary from shortness of breath to death  Triggers  Allergens  Exercise  Respiratory infections  Drugs and food additives  Nose and sinus problems  Emotional stress 109

Asthma: Pathophysiology

Swelling of mucus membranes (edema)

Spasm of smooth muscle in bronchioles

Increased airway resistance

Increased mucus gland secretion


Asthma: Pathophysiology

Early phase response: 30 – 60 minutes

 Allergen or irritant activates mast cells  Inflammatory mediators are released • histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, platelet activating-factor, chemotactic factors, cytokines  Intense inflammation occurs  • • • Increased vasodilation and permeability Epithelial damage Bronchospasm • • Bronchial smooth muscle constricts Increased mucus secretion Edema 111


Asthma: Pathophysiology

Late phase response: 5 – 6 hours

 Characterized by inflammation   Eosinophils and neutrophils infiltrate Mediators are released mast cells release histamine and additional mediators   Self-perpetuating cycle Lymphocytes and monocytes invade as well  Future attacks may be worse because of increased airway reactivity that results from late phase response • Individual becomes hyperresponsive to specific allergens and non-specific irritants such as cold air and dust • Specific triggers can be difficult to identify and less stimulation is required to produce a reaction 113

Asthma: Early Clinical Manifestations

 Expiratory & inspiratory wheezing  Dry or moist non-productive cough  Chest tightness  Dyspnea  Anxious &Agitated  Prolonged expiratory phase  Increased respiratory & heart rate  Decreased PEFR 114

Asthma: Early Clinical Manifestations

 Wheezing  Chest tightness  Dyspnea  Cough  Prolonged expiratory phase [1:3 or 1:4] 115

Asthma: Severe Clinical Manifestations

 Hypoxia  Confusion  Increased heart rate & blood pressure  Respiratory rate up to 40/minute & pursed lip breathing  Use of accessory muscles  Diaphoresis & pallor  Cyanotic nail beds  Flaring nostrils 116

Classifications of Asthma

 Mild intermittent  Mild persistent  Moderate persistent  Severe persistent 117

Asthma: Diagnostic Tests

 Pulmonary Function Tests  FEV1 decreased • Increase of 12% - 15% after bronchodilator indicative of asthma  PEFR decreased  Symptomatic patient  eosinophils > 5% of total WBC  Increased serum IgE  Chest x-ray shows hyperinflation  ABGs  Early: respiratory alkalosis, PaO2 normal or near-normal  severe: respiratory acidosis, increased PaCO2, 118

Asthma: Collaborative Care

 Mild intermittent  Avoid triggers  Premedicate before exercising  May not need daily medication  Mild persistent asthma  Avoid triggers  Premedicate before exercising  Low-dose inhaled corticosteroids 119

Asthma: Collaborative Care

 Moderate persistent asthma  Low-medium dose inhaled corticosteroids  Long-acting beta2-agonists  Can increase doses or use theophylline or leukotriene-modifier [singulair, accolate, zyflo]  Severe persistent asthma  High-dose inhaled corticosteroids  Long-acting inhaled beta2-agonists  Corticosteroids if needed 120

Asthma: Collaborative Care

 Acute episode  FEV1, PEFR, pulse oximetry compared to baseline  O2 therapy  Beta2-adrenergic agonist • • via MDI w/spacer or nebulizer Q20 minutes – 4 hours prn  Corticosteroids if initial response insufficient • • Severity of attack determines po or IV If poor response, consider IV aminophylline 121

Asthma: Client Teaching

 Correct use of medications  Signs & symptoms of an attack  Dyspnea, anxiety, tight chest, wheezing, cough  Relaxation techniques  When to call for help, seek treatment  Environmental control  Cough & postural drainage techniques 122

COPD Complications

Cor pulmonale

Pulmonary hypertension




COPD Complications

Right side of the heart must increase to push blood into the lungs

Right-sided heart failure develops

Subsequent intravascular volume expansion

Systemic venous congestion


Pathophysiology of Cor Pulmonale


Cor pulmonale signs&symptoms

 Heart sound changes to the second heart sound, right-sided ventricular diastolic S 3 gallop, and early ejection click along left sternal border  Distended neck veins  Hepatomegaly with upper quadrant tenderness  Ascites  Epigastric distress  Peripheral edema  Weight gain  Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis  Acute respiratory failure 126


 Pathophysiology   Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tubercle bacillus 127


Etiology  Assoc. w/      Poverty Malnutrition Overcrowding Substandard housing Inadequate health care    Elderly HIV Prison 128


   5-10% become active Only contagious when active Primarily affect lungs but…     Kidneys Liver Brain Bone 129


Pathophysiology  Mode of transmission   Air-borne  alveoli  Multiplies in alveoli 130


 Immune response phase  Macrophages attack TB  TB has waxy cell wall that protects it from macrophages  Immune system surrounds the infected macrophages  Forms a Lesion  Called a Tubercle 131

Clinical manifestations of Tuberculosis

(active phase)  NOC sweats  Low grade fever  Weight loss  Chronic productive cough  Rust colored sputum  Thick  Hemoptysis 132

Natural history of tuberculosis in a

newly infected

not necessarily disease)

(adult) contact




Cell-mediated immunity





 systemic infection  primary infection/disease  progressive primary disease  miliary disease  meningitis  chronic TB (re-activation) 134

Inhalation of Infected Droplet Nuclei non-specific bronchopneumonia 1) skin test sensitization 2) resistance to exogenous reinfection 3) lympho-hematogenous spread complete resolution (rare) progression healing with granuloma formation massive necrosis (rare) breakdown with development of (re-activation)TB DISEASE stable





 95% of cases begin with pulmonary focus  usually a SINGLE focus  hypersensitivity develops 2 to 6 weeks  until then, focus may grow larger  hypersensitivity brings caseation 136


Infection: Lympho-hematogenous spread

 8-14 weeks after onset of TB  usually occult  Mantoux positive during this phase  body wide seeding occurs during this phase   bone, kidney, meninges etc.

3% of children with nl CXR’s develop calcifications in lung apices (SIMON FOCI) 137



TB: endo-bronchial consequences

 lymph nodes draining primary infection site become involved  lymph node capsule becomes adherent to bronchial wall  infection can progress to ulceration into the bronchial wall  bronchial compression occurs with more than one node at same level  with healing, bronchial constriction/stenosis can occur 139








SIMON FOCI CALCIFIED nodes and peripheral lesion

(Ghon complex)

other VISCERAL sites




INFECTION infection lympho-hematogenous spread healed PRIMARY infection






 occasional (3.7%) local progression, despite hypersensitivity (more common in younger pt)  can be cavitary  can have endo-bronchial spread  similar in appearance to adult type, “reactivation” disease  2/3 of cases progress to death in the untreated 143

PROGRESSIVE PRIMARY DISEASE lymph node involvement cavitation pleural effusion


Progressive Primary Disease





Disease Generalized Hematogenous Tuberculosis

 generalized dissemination through bloodstream  caseous focus ruptures into blood vessel  growth of tubercle within the blood vessel  may be acute, occult or chronic  uniformly fatal if not treated  rare  usually occurs in the first 4 months after primary infection 147


TB (re-activation/adult type)

 occurs only after primary infection  0.5-10 % incidence (7% by Lincoln)  usually not less than 1 year of age  most cases occur when primary infection aquired after 7 years of age  minute areas of bronchopneumonia  tissue hypersensitivity (Type IV hypersensitivity reaction - cavity formation  few symptoms early on in disease 148

Pulmonary embolism


Epidemiology & Pathophysiology-1

 Thrombi commonly form in deep veins in the calf  propagate into the proximal veins, including & above the popliteal veins  from which they are more likely to embolize 150

Epidemiology & Pathophysiology-2

 About 79% of patients with PE have evidence of DVT in their legs  PE occurs in up to 50% of patients with proximal DVT  Dual pulmonary circulation ( pulmonary & bronchial arteries ), pulmonary infarction : not usually present 151


Epidemiology & Pathophysiology-3

 APE, anatomical obstruction is the most important cause of compromised physiology  release of vasoactive & bronchoactive agents (serotonin from platelets )--- deleterious ventilation – perfusion matching 153

Epidemiology & Pathophysiology-4

 As RV afterload increases, tension in RV wall rises  dilatation, dysfunction, & ischemia of RV  Death results from RV failure.



Virchow's classic triad of risk

 Hypercoagulability  Stasis  Venous injury 156

McCance & Heuther 32.17

NURSING 621 Adult Respiratory Pathophysiology W. Rose

Pulmonary hypertension


Predisposing factors

Defective fibrinolytic systems

Presence of lupus-like anticoagulant

Deficiency of protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III


Atrial septal defects

Indwelling venous catheters


Pulmonary Hypertension

   Etiology/Contributing factors • • • • • Primary: Rare Female > Male Age 20-40 years hereditary tendency usually die within 5 years of diagnosis • Secondary: • • Existing cardiac or pulmonary disease Mitral valve disease COPD 160

Pulmonary Hypertension

    Pathophysiology • Pulmonary arteries narrow Vasoconstriction • Increased Pulmonary BP (>30 mmHg) • How do you measure pulmonary BP?

Only can be measured during right side heart catheterization 161

Pulmonary Hypertension

 Pathophysiology  If increase in BP   Right ventricle has to work harder  Right ventricle hypertrophy • enlargement and dilation   Right ventricle fails  Precursor to Cor Pulmonale 162

Pulmonary Hypertension in COPD

Chronic hypoxia Pulmonary vasoconstriction Pulmonary hypertension Cor pulmonale Edema Muscularization Intimal hyperplasia Fibrosis Obliteration Death

Source : GOLD 2007 163

McCance & Heuther 32.18

NURSING 621 Adult Respiratory Pathophysiology W. Rose

  

Selected etiologic conditions giving rise to pulmonary hypertension

honeymoon period”

The existence of a

“honeymoon period”

during which time pulmonary hypertension is present but the subject exhibits few symptoms, if any. It is during this time that compensatory hypertrophy of the right ventricle occurs in an effort to maintain cardiac output in the presence of increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR).


The pathophysiological events in the progression of pulmonary hypertension during this period have not been well defined.


Pulmonary Hypertension

  Clinical manifestations of • • • • Pulmonary hypertension without right sided heart failure (Not clinically evident until late in progression) Dyspnea and fatigue that worsens over time Cyanosis and Tachypnea Crackles and decrease breath sounds 168

Pulmonary Hypertension

 Clinical manifestations of…  Right sided heart failure • • • • • • Peripheral edema Ascites Distended neck veins Liver engorgement Crackles Heart murmur 169

Pulmonary Hypertension

  Diagnostic exams/procedures ABG’s: • PaO2 • • Decreased Hypoxemia • • • PaCO2 Decreased Hypercapnia 170

Pulmonary Hypertension

 Diagnostic exams  ECG • Shows right ventricular hypertrophy  Cardiac catheterization • Right sided heart catheterization only way to measure pulmonary pressure  X-ray  Pulmonary function test 171

Pulmonary Hypertension

      Treatment Oxygen therapy • Vasodilators (in some people) Anticoagulants – Warfarin (Coumadin) Diuretic to decrease blood volume Heart/lung transplant • Really there is no cure – death within 2-3 years of diagnosis unless transplant 172

Pulmonary Hypertension

 A 66-year-old client takes a potassium depleting diuretic. Foods that will help to keep the client’s potassium level within normal limits include • • • • • • Bananas Oranges Cantaloupe fish Spinach whole-grain cereals 173

Restrictive lung disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis



The lung volumes are reduced either because of: 1.

Alteration in lung parenchyma.


Diseases of the pleura, chest wall or neuromuscular apparatus.

Physiologically restrictive lung diseases are defined by reduced total lung capacity, vital capacity and functional residual capacity, but with preserved air flow.


Restrictive lung diseases may be divided into the following groups:  Intrinsic lung diseases (diseases of the lung parenchyma)  Extrinsic disorders (extra-parenchymal diseases) 176

Intrinsic Lung Diseases

These diseases cause either:  Inflammation and/or scarring of lung tissue (interstitial lung disease) or  Fill the air spaces with exudate and debris (pneumonitis).

 These diseases are classified further according to the etiological factor.


Extrinsic Lung Diseases

The chest wall, pleura and respiratory muscles are the components of respiratory pump.

Disorders of these structures will cause lung restriction and impair ventilatory function.

These are grouped as:   Non-muscular diseases of the chest wall.

Neuromuscular disorders.



Intrinsic lung diseases:  Diffuse parenchymal disorders cause reduction in all lung volumes.

 This is produced by excessive elastic recoil of the lungs.

 Expiratory flows are reduced in proportion to lung volumes.

 Arterial hypoxemia is caused by ventilation/perfusion mismatch.

 Impaired diffusion of oxygen will cause exercise induced desaturation.

 Hyperventilation at rest secondary to reflex stimulation.


Extrinsic Disorders

 Diseases of the pleura, thoracic cage, decrease compliance of respiratory system.

 There is reduction in lung volumes.

 Secondarily, atelectasis occurs leading to V/Q mismatch  hypoxemia.

 The thoracic cage and neuromuscular structures are a part of respiratory system.

 Any disease of these structures will cause restrictive disease and ventilatory dysfunction.


Diffuse Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis

 Synonyms: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonia, cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis.


 Thickening of interstitium.

 Initially, infiltration with lymphocytes and plasma cells.

 Later fibroblasts lay down thick collagen bundles.

  These changes occur irregularly within the lung.

Eventually alveolar architecture is destroyed – honeycomb lung 181


Unknown, may be immunological reaction.

Clinical Features  Uncommon disease, affects adults in late middle age.

 Progressive exertional dyspnea, later at rest.

 Non-productive cough.

 Physical examination shows finger clubbing, fine inspiratory crackles throughout both lungs.

 Patient may develop respiratory failure terminally.

 The disease progresses insidiously, median survival 4-6 years.