Hacktivism - Indiana University of Pennsylvania

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Transcript Hacktivism - Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Lauren Tanking COSC 101-007 Presentation

This presentation will show:      What is hacktivism and activism The difference between a hacker and a hacktivist The causes of hacktivism What risks hacktivism Some famous examples of Hacktivism

   The act of “hacking”, or breaking into a computer system, for a politically or socially motivated purpose.

It is the fusion of hacking and activism.

Example of Hacktivism: Chinese-American Plane Collision in 2001. They were both hacktivists.

  The term “activism” is defined as a policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal.

Therefore, hacktivism and activism go hand in hand.

 A hacker is a person who accesses a computer system by destroying its security system  A hacktivist is a person who hacks a computer system to bring attention to a political and social cause  A hacktivist uses the same tools and techniques as a hacker, except that profit and data theft are not important to hacktivists; they would rather embarrass others by defacing a website. Defacing is a common technique for a hacktivist.

 A hacktivist’s top priority is to embarrass the government.

 A person who supports hacktivism mostly wants the power of politics.

 Unlike hacking, hacktivism is not motivated by money and high visibility. However, hacktivists are in it for the revenge, politics, ideology, protest and a desire to humiliate victims.

 Some see hacktivism as a necessary tool against oppression, while other’s see it as nothing more than cyber-terrorism.

 It is another wakeup call to remind us that not maintaining a good balance between security and freedom for your employees can in itself be a risk.  A risk for the hacktivist is that they could go jail if they would get caught.

 These incidents are all examples of hacktivists all over the world: • 1989- NASA and the WANKWORM • 1999- The Hong Kong Blondes • 2000- Human Rights Violation • 2010- “Anonymous” and Operation Payback

 Hacktivism is the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system, for a politically or socially motivated purpose. It is the acts of hacking and activism combined.  A hacktivist’s top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information. They want the top power of politics. All they want is revenge.  A good balance and connection is needed between security and freedom for your employees.

 "Hacking Motivations – Hacktivism." GFI - Web, Email and Network Security Solutions for SMBs on Premise and Hosted. Emmanuel Carabott, 04 Aug. 2011. Web. 04 Dec. 2011. .

 "Hacktivism." Imperva. 2011. Web. .

 "World Famous Incidents Of HACKTIVISM." CRASHDEX. WoodSpoon SDC, 10 Dec. 2010. Web. 05 Dec. 2011. .

 "What Is Hacktivism? - Definition from Whatis.com." Information Security Information, News and Tips - SearchSecurity.com. TechTarget, May 2001. Web. 07 Dec. 2011. .