Transcript Document

Observing Osmosis Lab
9/17/12 Observing Osmosis
On p. 34, COPY and ANSWER the
following questions:
2. Explain the difference between passive and
active transport.
Diffusion – Movement of molecules from a high concentration
to a low concentration
Osmosis – Movement of water molecules from a high
concentration to a low concentration
Selectively Permeable Membrane - Will allow certain
molecules and ions to pass through via diffusion while
restricting others
Solution – A homogeneous mixture composed of two or more
substances. The solution that forms has the same physical
state as the solvent.
 Examples - Salt water, Sugar water, Air
Mixture – One compound is added to another and no
chemical bond is formed
Solvent – Substance that dissolves another solid, liquid, or
gaseous substance.
Solute – Substance dissolved by solvent
Types of Solutions
Hypotonic – contains less solute (more water) compared to
another solution. Water diffuses across a semi-permeable
membrane OUT OF a hypotonic solution. (into egg)
Hypertonic – contains more solutes (less water) compared to
another solution. Water diffusion across a semi-permeable
membrane INTO a hypertonic solution (out of egg)
Isotonic – two solutions have the same concentration of solutes
(equate amounts of water), so there is NO NET MOVEMENT
of water across a semi-permeable membrane.
Lab Setup
Vinegar contains acetic acid, which breaks apart the solid calcium
carbonate crystals
Lab Setup
You will need to be very careful with these eggs now that the
shell has been removed. You will clean up any mess
you make.
Overview of Lab
Day 1 - Put egg into vinegar.
Day 3 – Observe egg and record info
Carefully rub shell off egg
Rinse egg in water and let dry
Weigh egg
Put egg into corn syrup
Make Hypothesis!
Overview of Lab Continued…
Day 4 – Observe egg and record info
Rinse egg in water and let dry
Weigh egg
Put egg in tap water
Make Hypothesis!
Day 5 – Observe egg and record info
Let egg dry
Weigh egg
Clean-up lab station
Data and Analysis
Think of your egg as your baby!
Think of your egg as your own little baby.
Be gentle and caring with it.
Do not kill your little egg baby.
In other words, if you break your egg at
any point in the lab there will be SEVERE
consequences for it!
Observing Osmosis Lab
Paste your Observing Osmosis Lab to p. 35