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•The direct impact of
the food you eat is
it builds your cells.
• Your cells build your
tissues. Your tissues build
your organs. Your organ
systems allow you to live
your life. Do you think food
• Do you think food additives/chemicals added
to the food are as dangerous as smoking?
• Do you read the labels on the products? Do
you understand the contents/ingredients?
• Why are food additives used?
• Why are organic foods growing popularity?
Food Additives
• Food additive is a substance added
to foods to improve its certain
characteristics such as color, aroma,
consistency, taste, packaging and
shelf life. Additives are not generally
considered nutritional even if they
have some nutritional value.
The Most Dangerous Food Additives
• aspartame
• hydrogenated vegetable oil
• artificial coloring
• propyl gallate
• sodium nitrite
• BHA and BHT
• olestra and saccharin
Why should we be concerned
about these additives?
• Because they cause cancer, brain cell
death, brain tumours, seizures,
strokes, headaches and heart
Useful vocabulary before reading
• nutrition/ malnutrition/poor nutrition
• ingredient
• natural/artificial ingredients
• food preservation
• preserve
• prevent food from spoiling
• natural preservatives (sugar/honey/salt)
• pure/natural
• use additive(s)
• add/addition
• Artificial
food/intelligence/sweetener/flavoring and
coloring/gassing tricks (to make tomatoes
turn red, ripe)
• synthetic food dyes
• Adulterate (make impure or of poor
quality by adding other substances)
The company is accused
of adulterating its products with cheap
• food/drink adulteration
• Adulterated food
• Tasty/delicious/appetizing/flavorful
• Processed food (hot dog, ham…)
Mold (n):
the greenish substance that grows on old food
Controversy began over the use of chemicals.
Fake (adj) x original=genuine
contaminate (v): to make a substance dirty/impure by
putting chemicals or poison in it
Our water supplies are contaminated due to chemicals
from factories.
conglomeration (n): a group of different things that
are gathered/collected together: conglomeration of
health organizations /schools/tribes
ingest (v): take food or other substances into
your body
Metabolize (v): to change food in your body into
energy and new cells
• To be loaded with smt: to be full of
smt/containing a lot of smt
snacks loaded with fat
paintings loaded with cultural significance
• Pose (v): cause/present a danger, problem
pose a threat/danger/risk
• (Pesticide) residue: a substance that cannot be
removed easily/that remains after a chemical
• Palate (n): sense of taste “It tasted very strange to my
• Flavor (n): taste of a food “Which flavor do you want?
Chocolate or vanilla?”
• Flavorful (adj) delicious
• Appetizing (adj): food that look beautiful and makes you
want to eat it: “The food wasn’t really appetizing so I
pretended to eat.”
• Adulterated food: food that contains chemical
• Regulation (n): an official rule or order
“Under the new regulations, all staff has to have
safety training.”
new regulations on parking
• Thorn leaf
• Ash tree
•Stiffen (v): to make a material stiff so it will not bend easily
“I had to cut quickly before the dough stiffened.”
• tint (v) : to slightly
change the color of
“Her hair is cut and tinted.”
• Grated cheese
• Preserve (v): to store food for a long time after putting
some substances so that it will not decay
“In past times, people preserved meat by drying and
putting salt.”
Preservation (n)
• Long haul
• Taste bud
• Plump tomato
Give off (phr.v.): to produce a smell, light, heat, a
sound etc.
internal (inside) (adj) x external (outside)
ripen (v): to become ripe
“The apples were ripening on the trees.”
Additive (n): a substance that is added to food to improve its
taste/appearance “Our products are free from artificial
spoil (v):decay
“Some vegetables and fruit will spoil if you don’t
keep them in your fridge.”
Substitute (n/v):a person or thing that you use
instead of the one that you usually have, because
the usual one is not available
a sugar substitute
Enhance (v): improve something
“Good lighting will enhance my room.”
Decline (v): to decrease in quantity or importance
“Car sales have declined remarkably.”
Mental retardation
Dizziness (n)
Feeling dizzy (adj)
Bologna (n)
Seizure (n): a sudden attack or convulsion
Processed food
Focus Questions
1. what are some historical examples of food
2. What are some purposes of food additives?
3. what are the three unsafe additives
discussed? Describe them briefly.
Skimming and scanning for details
• 1. Additives are put into food to
make things lighter, tastier,easier to
prepare, last longer, look more
appetizing and more pleasing to the
• 2. Tea was adulterated in 18th century
London because it was brought all the way
from China and was very expensive.
• 3. Artificial gassing tricks the tomato into
turning red so that it looks ripe, but it
doesn’t have the flavor of a ripe tomato.
4. Antioxidants are added to oil-containing
foods to prevent the oil from spoiling.
• Chelating agents stop food from discoloring.
• Emulsifiers keep oil and water mixed
• Flavor enhancers improve the natural flavor
of foods.
• Tickening agents absorb some of the water
present in food and make food thicker. They
also keep oil, water and solids well mixed.
The End