The Battle with Grendel

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The Battle with Grendel
Part 3
The Battle with Grendel
• Line 270 reminds us again of the
_______________________with the idea that
Grendel was “bearing God’s hatred.”
• The poet uses __________when he gives
inanimate objects personal characteristics, such
as line 289’s “His heart laughed…”
• Line 293-5 gives us a blatant example of
____________________“but fate, that night,
intended Grendel to gnaw the broken bones of
his last human supper.”
The Battle with Grendel
• In line 296,“Human eyes were watching his evil
steps,” shows us that the _____were not
sleeping, but rather were ____________Grendel.
• “death and Grendel’s great teeth came together,
snapping life shut” in lines 302-4 is an example of
figurative language, specifically a _________
comparing death and Grendel’s bite.
• Lines 309 give us two examples of ________ .
The Battle with Grendel
• Lines 312-5 tell us that Grendel isn’t ______at
all, but had been relying on his strength and
power to dominate the _______.
• Lines 321-5 show what a coward he is!
• Line 327 tells us that “The Danes shook with
terror…” How does this explain why Beowulf
wanted to fight Grendel with only his men?
The Battle with Grendel
• Anglo-Saxon heroes were supposed to be
larger than life... How do lines 328-9 apply this
quality to Beowulf?
• How do lines 357-363 tell us why Beowulf
didn’t want to use weapons to fight Grendel?
• “Trying to open a path for his evil soul” in line
358-9 is figurative language that tells us the
warriors were trying to _____him.
The Battle with Grendel
• Lines 364-7 is another example of
______________, which tells us who is going
to win the battle, Beowulf.
• Line 367 is a little like Catholic scare tactics; it
reinforces the idea that hell is filled with
___________who will torture you according
to your _________________.
• According to lines 373-7, how did Grendel
escape, but Beowulf still win the battle?
The Battle with Grendel
• I want you to evaluate why Beowulf hung
Grendel’s arm from the ceiling. Is it
necessary? Is it a worthy thing for a hero to
do or a symbol of hubris?
• Lines 412-5 give us a nice example of
alliteration. Which letter is repeated?
• Line 420 is an example of hyperbole. What is
the difference between hyperbole and
The Battle with Grendel
• Summarize (give the highlights or main ideas)
the last lines of this section, 396-420.