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Corporate Governance
in Family Owned
Businesses Forum
BDI-EPCC Joint Event
Eastern Provinces Chamber of Commerce,
Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
10th May 2011
Faculty Profiles
(alphabetically by company)
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Allen & Overy
Abdulaziz AlGasim has over 20 years of extensive experience in Shari’ah and Saudi
Arabian law. He was a judge in the Shari’ah courts until 1992 when he set up in private
practice. Mr. Algasim has experience on a wide range of matters including banking and
finance, banking litigation, capital markets and regulatory, real estate funds, related
investments and insurance. He has advised numerous government institutions and
bodies on drafting laws and regulations, working with the Ministry of Justice, The Saudi
Arabian Monetary Agency, the Riyadh Municipality and the Capital Market Authority,
among others. He also holds membership of Shari’ah boards in many financial
Mr. Algasim’s regulatory experience includes drafting and reviewing a number of new
regulations relating to real estate finance, instalment sales, lease finance and
cooperative insurance. His banking and insurance advisory experience includes real
estate product development including the structuring of Shari’ah-compliant insurance
coverage (takaful) for a wide variety of risks. As a former judge, he also runs a busy
dispute resolution and litigation practice, acting for individuals, banks and other
companies in a wide range of commercial and regulatory disputes.
His positions include: Member of Shari’ah Supervisory Board of Saudi Investment Bank,
Member of Shari’ah Supervisory Board at Unicorn Investment Bank, Shari’ah Consultant
to SAMBA Financial Group, Shari’ah and Legal Consultant to Al-Jazira Bank, Shari’ah
Consultant to the Public Investment Fund, Shari’ah and Legal Consultant to the Saudi
Arabian Public Pension Agency (Real Estate Fund), Member of the legal committee at
the Chamber of Commerce, Shari’ah and Legal Consultant to Dubai Islamic Bank and
Shari’ah Consultant of Tawuniya Insurance Company.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Allen & Overy
Dr. Johannes Bruski has been a partner of Allen & Overy LLP since 1999.
He has worked in the Frankfurt office of Allen & Overy for 10 years and has
been seconded to Abdulaziz Algasim Law Firm in Association with Allen &
Overy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, since 2008. Before he joined Allen & Overy
he was a partner in a leading German law firm.
Mr. Bruski has advised individuals and family and other businesses
throughout his career, on matters ranging from mergers and acquisitions,
corporate restructurings and shareholder disputes to prenuptial agreements
and succession planning. He has almost two decades of experience and
has, in the last ten years, focused on mergers and acquisitions, capital
markets transactions and financial regulatory matters. He is the author of
various articles on corporate finance and tax matters and a co-author of the
leading German treatise on banking and finance law. He has been a
lecturer at the Universities of Hamburg and Jena.
Mr. Bruski is a member of the German bar (Rechtsanwalt) and a certified
tax attorney (Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht) and now works as an international
legal advisor in Saudi Arabia. He graduated from the University of Bonn,
Germany, in 1987 and holds a Ph. D. in law from the University of Bonn,
Germany, and an LL.M. from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. In 1989
he was awarded the Canadian Securities Commission Award for Research
in Securities.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Capital Markets Authority
Dr. Abdulrahman A. Al-Tuwaijri is Chairman and Chief Executive of the
Capital Market Authority. Dr. Al-Tuwaijri has a Bachelor of Economics, King
Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and a Ph. D. in Economics from Iowa
State University, United States.
Dr. Al-Tuwaijri’s has held the position of Graduate Assistant from 1978-1984
at the Department of Economics, King Saud University and later from 19851988 became Assistant Professor. He also held the role of Economic
Advisor to the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab
States of the Gulf (GCC), Alternate Executive Director for Saudi Arabia at
The International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C., Executive Director for
Saudi Arabia at The International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Prior to
his current position, he was Secretary General, Supreme Economic Council
from 1999-2009.
Dr. Al-Tuwaijri is a Founding Member of The Saudi Economic Association,
Riyadh as well as Member of the Board of Saudi Arabian Oil Company
(Saudi Aramco).
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Capital Markets Authority
Mr. Alsheikh is the Director of Corporate Governance In the Capital Market
Authority of KSA. His experience extends to more than eighteen years in
risk management, corporate governance, financial analysis, accounting
standards, bank management ,compliance and audit. He has significant
experience in working closely with international accounting firms, and
members of the Board of Directors and executives of large companies in
the financial market of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Alsheikh has received training in many colleges and international
institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, U.S. Federal
Reserve and the University of Harvard. He served as a member of the
Board of Directors and a member of the Audit Committee of the TunisianSaudi Bank "Bank Stusid" between 2004 and 2009.
Before joining the Saudi Capital Market Authority, Mr. Alsheikh worked for
the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) for a number of years where
he oversaw local banks and in many committees of the ILO.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader is the founding Executive Director of GCC Board Directors Institute. He
also is an Advisor at the Ministry of Higher Education and a board member of The Gulf
International Bank, a leading regional bank.
He joined the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) where he has
been teaching, researching, and consulting in the area of Management Information
Systems ever since. Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader recently completed his five year term (2004-2009)
as a commissioner with the Saudi Capital Market Authority (CMA), where he participated as
a commissioner in its founding board and developed the corporate governance code.
Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader has a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Colorado,
USA (1988), a MBA from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals (1983) and a
BSc in Business Administration.
Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader ‘s extensive experience includes his position as a Board Member in the
Saudi Computer Society, the Saudi Organization of Certified Public Accountants and Saudi
Telecom (STC). Besides his board member assignments at Saudi Telecom, Dr. Al-AbdulGader served as a member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee of
the board, through STC’s ambitious growth and service level goals in the Kingdom’s
For six years, Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader has participated as a member in the Accounting
Standards Committee in the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA),
where the committee develops accounting standards and provides professional opinions
and advisory services. Throughout his career, Dr. Al-Abdul-Gader’s participation has
involved speaking at numerous conferences and attending executive training programs at
renowned institutions such as Harvard Business School (USA) and University of Bath (UK).
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
McKinsey & Company
Kito de Boer is a Director of McKinsey & Company in the Middle East. Kito
joined McKinsey in London in 1985 and in 1993 moved to New Delhi to help
launch the India practice. In 2000 he moved to Dubai to lead the formation
of the Middle East practice, which he was Managing Director of till 2008.
Since founding the Middle East office, Kito has served clients across the
Middle East, North Africa and South-Asia (MENASA). He currently leads the
Public and Social Sector Practice across Europe, Middle East and Africa
(EMEA) and is a member of McKinsey’s Shareholder Council, which
functions effectively as McKinsey’s worldwide Board of Directors.
The central theme of Kito de Boer’s work with Government clients has been
reform. He has helped to support the region’s leaders create the modern
institutions and policies required by forward-looking governments.
Specifically, Kito has worked on issues related to Labour Market Reform,
Economic Reform, Education Reform and Heathcare Reform.
Kito is a Dutch national, born in Venezuela and educated in the U.K. He is
married and has three children.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Amin Nasser is a Partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers UAE, and has
been with the firm in Dubai and London since 1980. Amin is a a Fellow of
the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in England & Wales and
a member of the Family Firm Institute (USA). He is also a member of the
Society of Trust and Estate Practioners – UK.
He heads the PricewaterhouseCoopers Family Business Forum in the UAE
and is responsible for developing the firm’s activities in Family Business
Advisory Services in the Middle East.
Amin’s experience with family business in the Middle East is considerable.
He has worked with a large number of families advising them on key family
issues such as continuity, succession planning and conflict management.
He has also helped these families establish their ownership governance
and their family constitutions or protocols. In doing so, he has developed
various family structures that help these families achieve sustainable long
term continuity and success .
Amin is a regular speaker at family business conferences and forums and a
regular contributor to a number of business media and magazines.
Amin also has a wide range of business advisory and corporate finance
experience gained in the UAE and the UK in a variety of business sectors
including government, oil and gas, airlines, manufacturing, construction and
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SEDCO Holding
Dr. Adnan Soufi is the CEO of SEDCO Holding since January 2010, and a
Board member of SEDCO Capital. Previously he held the Managing
Director’s position at Financial Investment Group of SEDCO and was
responsible for public and private equity investment programs, collaboration
with financial institutions and investment management firms, and direct
equity investments in financial services sectors. Dr. Soufi’s professional
relationship goes back to 1991 where he started as Assistant to the General
Manager until his appointment as Senior Vice President of the Direct
Investments Group in 1998, and later served as Advisor to the Chairman,
and CEO from 1999. He also served as a board member of several
Dr. Soufi held the position of professor of Finance and International
Business during 1984-1994 at King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) in Jeddah,
and was the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration during
1995-1998. He was also a Senior Associate Member of Oxford University’s
St. Antony’s College in 2005.
Dr. Soufi is a Fulbright scholar, who holds a Ph.D. in Business
Administration and International Finance from the George Washington
University, and he received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering, and MBA
from the Seattle University.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abdulla Al Zamil is a member of the Board of Directors of Zamil Industrial
Investment Company (Zamil Industrial). He was appointed CEO of Zamil
Industrial in October 2009. He acted as COO of Zamil industrial since
January 2004. Prior to that, he was Senior Vice President of Zamil Air
Conditioners and Zamil Industrial’s Shared Services. He began his
professional career in 1987 with Zamil Air Conditioners as an Industrial
Engineer and subsequently Vice President Sales & Marketing and
Purchasing and Materials Management.
Abdulla is also an associate member of the World Economic Forum in
Davos. He has participated as a keynote speaker in many local, regional
and international conferences.
He holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of
Washington, Seattle, USA and an MBA in Finance and Business
Administration from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
(KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
10th May, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hussein Fayez is COO at Zuhair Fayez Partnership. As COO he oversees
the Admin, HR, Technology, Finance, Proposals & Legal Departments.
Hussein has risen through the ranks through a long career with ZFP,
including his first role in 1982 as a Site Engineer. He later served as Civil
Engineer, Assistant Director of Special Projects, and Managing Director of
the ZFP Riyadh office.
From 1990 to 1995, Hussein was Vice President, responsible for several
key projects in both Central and Eastern Provinces of the Kingdom. After
this, he worked as Senior Vice-President (Technical Services and Industrial
Departments) from 1995 - 2009. He was ZFP’s foremost representative in
the Central and Eastern Provinces of the Kingdom. He was also in-charge
of the Engineering Information Systems Project (Final Phase) for the Royal
Saudi Air Force. More recently, Hussein became Executive Vice-President
(Architecture/Engineering & Support
Technologies and Industrial
Departments) from 2009 -2011.
Hussain holds a B.Sc. in Structural Engineering from Seattle University
(1982) and M.Sc. in Construction Management from University of Colorado