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Waste Co-operatives Project

Update on the Priority Initiative

March 2012

Location Expected Duration Implementing Agencies Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, Gauteng 12 months, staring from January 2011 •Regional Government of Tuscany •EMM Overall budget 500.000 Euro

Background & Policy Framework

T he Ekurhuleni Priority Initiative is aming at contributing to the improvement of waste management municipal services in the areas of Wattville and Actonville in Ekurhuleni.

The initiative is implemented in strict collaboration with the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, in particular the Local Economic and Waste Departments.

A strategy is being explored on developing a sustainable model of providing waste management municipal services (collection and recycling) through an outsourcing modality involving Community Based Organizations.

In defining the waste management outsourcing modalities, special attention will be paid to the disadvantaged groups within the two communities The implementation of this project will be inline with the relevant legislation such as the National Waste Act 2009, and the National Waste Management Strategy which focuses on the measures to avoid/minimize the generation of waste and where it is not possible, re-use, recycle, recover

Progress Vs. Results



DIRECT EXPECTED RESULT MAIN INDICATORS PROGRESS Improving the waste management service in Actonville and Wattvile through the elaboration of a sustainable waste management strategy involving CBO’s and deriving a model for its replication in the whole of EMM

Waste management strategy (collection and recycling) for the 2 areas of intervention involving CBO’s and in line with the national/provincial/local guideline, laws and procedures elaborated A criteria for the selection of CBO’s has been developed and two co-operatives selected to participate in the project The strategy and operating model presented by the Italian experts is in process to be adapted to Ekurhuleni context A local consultant expert is in a process of developing a legal framework that will guide the municipality in outsourcing its services to the local waste co-operatives

Progress Vs. Results


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Contributing in the promotion of new job opportunities for disadvantaged communities


Waste collection contractual modalities and waste recycling contract framework entailing the involvement of CBO’s elaborated and approved Strengthening the capacity of the EMM in particular the Economic Development and Environment Development Departments in participatory strategic plans Level of co-ordination among municipal departments strengthened and networking with institutions and organizations at national /provincial /local levels is developed and in place


The two co operatives selected are already collecting waste on a periodically reviewed contract Working relations within three (LED, Waste. Environment) departments are tremendously improving Bi- monthly meetings are held and attendance has improved

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Work already completed

Baseline survey conducted through desk and field studies to develop a clear understanding of the context of reference and inform the project plans Partnership with CSIR for improving the in-house collection in Actonville and Wattville Training unit established by 8 members from the 3 departments (LED, Waste and Environment) Process of formalizing the Training Unit’s roles and responsibilities, (reporting lines and accountability mechanism) is in process Training Unit has received training from the Italian experts on the important elements of Integrated Waste Management Strategy and Operating Model (November 2011 & January 2012) A local consultant is currently adapting the contents of the strategy/operating model into Ekurhuleni local context

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Work already completed cont....

Study visits to examples of good practises have been conducted, outside and inside the province (Italy, North West, Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces, and local recycling projects (Tembisa, Daveyton and Midrand ) In January a round table discussion with the recycling industry was held in Midrand wherein co-operatives had an opportunity to have direct contact with big recycling companies and government deparments and to understand their operations and future plans for the industry A criteria has been developed for selection of CBOs to be participate in the project and as a result two local co-operatives are already on board through a short term (4wks) reviewed contract A local consultant is offering monitoring and support to the the co opoeratives and is developing a Recycling Guideline and Vademecum

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Work already completed cont....

4 Information and awareness campaigns have been conducted in the targeted areas in collaboration with the local schools and youth organization (Sisonke Youth Organization, Green Revolution) A colouring activity book has been developed to assit children in understanding issues of environment and recyling A partnertship was formed with the Department of Education to gain access to all the schools and to effectively run a environmental awareness programs 8 women have undergone an Arts and Craft training where they’ve been trained on producing economic assets out of waste such as books, pencil holders, fruit trays, cash boxes, gift bags......

Out of this training a women co operative was born “Imvelo Creations Primary Co-operative and they are already selling some of their products.

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Work in Progress

Construction of drop off points and purchasing of the equipment Information and Awareness- A run race will be held in Wattville on the 31 st March to raise awareness on the importance of Clean Environment and Recycling A Recycle swop shop concept is being introduced and will be piloted in two schools (1 high school Actonville and 1primary school in Wattville) In partnership with CSIR, we are developing an effective in house collecting strategy through transport optimization Training modules relevant to SETA unit standards has been offered to co-operatives Continuing capacity building and support and monitoring is offered to co-operatives Awareness Schools Programme is on going

Upcoming Events, including next tenders (and timeframes)

Construction of a fully fledged drop off/collection point in Actonville • Purchasing of equipment • Recycling Awareness Run race - March 31, 2012 • Recycling Swop Shop in Liverpool High, Actonville and Khutalang Primary in Wattville.

• NETSAFRICA and SABC (South African Broadcasting Corporation) Awareness Environmental Campaign Showcase TV series on the national TV channel SABC 1

Critical Issues & possible risks

Development of a sustainability plan by the municipality to ensure the continuation of the pilot project activities • Delays in Construction of Drop off/collection points due to some municipal services approval processes

Engagement with stakeholders and beneficiaries

Regular Training Unit meeting to discuss the implementation and sustainability of the Initiative • There are no structured meetings with CBO’s but they are engaged on a regular basis • Regular formal and informal meetings with other partners at a national/provincial and local level such as the District Department of Education, COGTA and other private institutions.

Role/inputs from Tuscan partners

•Guidance on sustainable waste management strategies and operating model •Sharing of technical skills/expertise on waste for an example waste engineers •Obtaining information on sustainable collection and recycling models


• Commitment and support demonstrated by the Training and by the political level has assisted in shaping up the direction and the movement of the project • Further engagement and development of working relations with other government departments and private institutions is also assisting in the effective implementation of this project

Thank You Grazie Enkosi!!