Science and society in ERA

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DG Research – Science & Society Women and Science

Johannes Klumpers DG Research - European Commission

[email protected]



How did “women and science” start at EU level?


What do we do to promote gender equality in European scientific research?


How do we monitor progress made?


What will happen in FP7?


An introduction to Women & Science

Gender equality - Treaty of Amsterdam

Article 2: “The Community shall have as its tasks… to promote … equality between men and women….”

1997 FP5 Mobilisation of women scientists

Commission Communication (17 Feb 1999)

Women & Science Action Plan (Policy Forum and Gender Watch System)

Women & Science sector

Council Resolution (20 May 1999) and EP Resolution (3 February 2000)

Political support


An introduction to Women & Science (Part 2)

• • • • • • •

2001 Women & Science Unit Commission Staff Working Paper (W & S), 15 May 2001

Report on progress made Council Resolution on Science and Society and on Women in Science, 26 June 2001

Continued political support Science and Society Action Plan, December 2001

4 Women & Science Actions FP6 Report to Council and Parliament on progress, end 2004 Preparation for FP7


Integrating European Research (82%)

Priority Thematic Areas (69 %)

Policy-oriented research

Specific activities

New and emerging S & T Specific SME activities Specific international cooperation activities JRC activities Research and innovation Structuring ERA


Human resources & mobility Research infra structures Strengthening ERA foundations


Science and Society Coordination of national activities Support for policy development




Gender Equality Policy

Why ?

Improving scientific excellence within the European Research Area. How ?

Promoting the participation of women scientists in Framework Programme activities Ensuring that the gender dimension is properly addressed in EU-funded research content.


Policy Forum Helsinki Group Statistics/Indicators

Women & Science actions at European level

Gender Watch System

Women’s participation in FP - 40% target Integrating the gender dimension - Engendering work programmes - Gender in proposal life cycle - Gender Action Plans - Gender Monitoring studies - Women and Science Working Group Gender research - Research on gender and science

European Platform WIR Enwise


Women & Science Call for Proposals 2004

Published 30 April 2004

Re-published 30 June 2004 in 20 languages

Closing date 15 October 2004



a) b) c)

a) b) c) d)

Call structure

HEADING INSTRUMENT Stimulating the policy debate at national and regional level and mobilisation of women scientists

- Empowerment and promoting public debate - Ambassadors for women and science - Women scientists in Eastern & Central Europe and Baltic States

Developing a better understanding of the gender issue in scientific research

- Benchmarking policy measures - Gender bias and scientific excellence - New areas of data collection and analysis - Sociology, psychology, philosophy and history SSA STREP, CA, SSA

Promoting the enhancement of the Gender Watch System and associated activities to promote gender equality throughout the ERA

- Practical tools for mainstreaming/monitoring STREP, CA, SSA 9

Integrating the gender dimension Gender Action Plan

Proposers to explain:

 Whether

gender issues

are associated with the subject of the research proposal  How they have been


content in the research 11

Why Gender Action Plans?

• To increase

women’s participation

research workforce.

at all levels of the • To allow a

better understanding

dimension in research.

of the gender • To raise

gender awareness

of actors.

among different categories • To

highlight the responsibilities

of all these actors in pursuing gender equality and implementing gender mainstreaming policies.


A good Gender Action Plan…

..should be built around the 2 following steps:

• A diagnosis of current situation within Consortium • Practical actions based on this diagnosis

..should provide detailed information on actions to be undertaken - and monitored - to:

• Ensure equal opportunities in recruitment at all levels • Encourage women to participate in all project activities, including management and scientific committees • Integrate gender issues at all stages of research 13

Good Gender Action Plans?

Gender Awareness Group or equivalent structure to encourage networking and mentoring amongst women researchers.

• •

Outreach activities such as girls days.

Incentives (fellowships and training awards) for women scientists.

Collect sex-disaggregated statistics of the research workforce.

Address and monitor where relevant the specific gender aspects in the research.


Women’s participation (WP) in FP6 submitted proposals FP6 submitted proposals - Women & Science Project co ordinator FP6 Instruments N° of prop.

Nr. of particip. Women in % FP6- MAIN INSTRUMENTS CA - Co-ordination actions IP - Integrated projects STP - Specific target projects NOE - Network of excellence SSA - Specific support actions 5.550

264 1.234


599 1.012







15% 17% 14% 15% 14% 24%


Reaching the 40% target ?

0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 Expert databases Evaluation Panels Monitoring Panels AG's Programme Committees EURAB FP4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 16

Future European Union support research – FP7*







Creating European centres of excellence through collaboration between laboratories Launching European technological initiatives Stimulating the creativity of basic research through competition between teams at European level Making Europe more attractive to the best researchers – “the role and place of women in science and research” Developing research infrastructure of European interest Improving the coordination of national research programmes *COM (2004) 353, Brussels 16 June 2004Science and technology, the key to Europe's future – Guidelines for future European Union policy to support research 18

Future European Union support research – FP7*





Realising the potential of a Europe of 25 and more Taking full advantage of complementarity with the Structural Funds Supporting the Union’s political objectives Space and security *COM (2004) 353, Brussels 16 June 2004Science and technology, the key to Europe's future – Guidelines for future European Union policy to support research 19

Future European Union support research – FP7

Research themes in FP7

“The European Commission is undertaking a process to identify thematic domains for future European support under the 7th Framework Programme. It is essential to identify those domains where support at European level is most needed and will have the greatest impact, as set out in the Communication Science and Technology, the key to Europe’s future – Guidelines fir future European Union policy to support research . This concerns those areas where thematic domains will be predetermined at the start of the Framework Programmes. This is particularly important for future support to transnational collaborative research .” ONLINE – CONSULTATION December 31


Future Priorities Women & Science







Improving scientific excellence and fairness by promoting gender awareness Strengthening gender research and the gender dimension in research Boosting the numbers of women in leading positions in European Research Efficient Benchmarking and monitoring of gender mainstreaming policies and practices at national and european levels Reconciling professional and private life : increasing the knowledge base and redressing work-life imbalances Enhancing the role of women in engineering and innovation 21

General Information Register as an Expert

Vademecum on Gender Mainstreaming in FP6

Gender and Excellence in the Making society/documents_en.html

Gender impact studies - specific reports:

She Figures 2003 society/documents_en.html