Transportation Topics

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A Perfect Storm:
Navigating State and National Waters
Presented to FAPT Mid-Year
Transportation Directors Meeting
February 12, 2009
Charlie Hood, Director, School Transportation
Florida Department of Education
Legislation 2008--Failed
• HB 249 and SB 382- School Zone Signs;
requires posted warnings on signs about
increased fines for speeding
• SB 316- Biodiesel and Ethanol Fuels; requires
increasing purchase of biofuels in state owned
and school district vehicles and equipment over
next three years
Legislation 2008--Failed
• SB 1112 and HB 1121- Public School
Supervision of Students- Provides that district
school board does not assume supervisory
duties for students en route to and from school
by having adopted the required student Code of
• SB 1662- Diana Kautz Student Safety
Sponsors Act
• Claims Bill ( HB 767) for family of Jean A.
Pierre Kamel
Legislation 2008--Failed
• SB 1216- Expands hazardous walking
conditions to allow more grades and more
• HB 1351- Increases distance from bus
stop where certain sexual offenders may
not live
Legislation 2008--Passed
• Appropriations- Student Transportation FEFP
for 2008-09 set at $471M, then reduced to
$461M in the January 2009 Special Session
• SB 154- Requires motorists to stop for
pedestrians in crosswalks
• HB 503- Allows licensed weapons on employer
property, except in schools or buses where
prohibited by s. 790.115, F.S.
Legislation 2008--Passed
• SB 1070- Intergovernmental Cooperationrequires that local governments cooperate for
transportation with reimbursement; school
buses may be used for “other public purposes.”
• HB 623- Provides that all levels of schools with
80% or higher free and reduced lunch students
must offer free breakfast; may include
“Breakfast on the Bus;” allows students to eat
breakfast in class if bus is late
Legislation 2008--Passed
• HB 669- Jeffrey Johnston Stand Up for All
Students Act; prohibits bullying and harassment
in education settings, including school buses,
and on-line; requires district policies
• HB 1175- Eliminates semi-annual reporting of
school bus availability to Community
Transportation Coordinators and requires that
districts report upon request
Legislation 2008--Passed
• SB 1992- Requires extra signage at school
speed zones; specifies CDL disqualifying
infractions when committed in personal
• HB 7135- Energy Bill; numerous policies
regarding state energy policy and conservation
Legislation 2009--Proposed
• Governor’s budget recommendation for
student transportation appropriations for
2008-09 not available as of 2/11/09
• HB 457- School districts have flexibility
to spend certain categorical funds,
including transportation, in operating
budgets for 2009-10
Legislation 2009--Proposed
• HB 473- Ronshay Dugans Act;
designates Drowsy Driving Prevention
Week; school bus drivers may only use
wireless devices under limited
• HB 481 and SB 1114- Increases penalty
for illegal passing of bus by $65
Legislation 2009--Proposed
• SB 522- Claims bill for relief;
compensates V. Merriweather for
alleged negligence of Palm Beach S.D.
• HB 587 and SB 18- Claims bill;
compensates Kamel and Dmitri for
death of Kamel due to claimed
negligence of Palm Beach S.D.
Legislation 2009--Proposed
• SB 610- Provides that FDOE shall distribute
Student Transportation FEFP funds to charter
schools operating under Excellence
• HB 627 and SB 1320- Prohibits bus stops on
state roads w/ 55 mph or higher speed
• HB 87- Requires traffic and pedestrian control
devices at most schools on state roads
Legislation, Statutes, and Rules
• (Florida legislative
bills and statutes)
• (Florida rules and
• (federal
rulemaking—dockets and public
ERC Rule Reducing Greenhouse Gases
• With nearly 1,350 miles of coastline, Florida is
more vulnerable to the worst potential effects
of climate change than any other state.
• 62-285.420 Heavy-Duty Vehicle Idling
Reduction- Owners or operators of heavyduty diesel engine powered motor vehicles
are prohibited from idling for more than five
consecutive minutes. Idling is the
continuous operation of a vehicle’s main drive
engine while the vehicle is stopped.
(1) Idling while stopped for traffic conditions over which the
driver has no control, including being stopped for an
official traffic control device or signal, in a line of traffic, at
a railroad crossing, at a construction zone, or at the
direction of law enforcement.
(2) Idling of buses 10 minutes prior to passenger loading
and when passengers are onboard if needed for
passenger comfort.
(3) If idling is necessary for a police, fire, ambulance, public
safety, military, or other vehicle being used in an
emergency or training capacity.
Exemptions (Continued)
(4) If idling is necessary to verify that the vehicle
is in safe operating condition as required by law
and that all equipment is in good working order,
either as part of a daily vehicle inspection or as
otherwise needed, provided that engine idling is
mandatory for such verification.
(5) If idling is necessary to operate defrosters,
heaters, air conditioners, or other equipment to
prevent a safety or health emergency, but not
solely for the comfort of the driver.
• Rule 62-285.420 is an example of a
strategy that combines environmental
and economic benefits. The State Board
of Education requires that districts adopt
local idling policies. You may wish to
ensure that your local policies are
consistent with (and no less stringent
than) this rule.
Fatalities 2008-09 to date (requiring
school bus crash report):
• Marion, 9/23/08- Frances Margay Schee, 13,
killed when her school bus was struck from
behind by a semi truck
• Okaloosa, 10/14/08- Adult SUV driver killed
when he ran into a school bus stopped to
drop off students
• Broward, 12/2/08- 35 year old male
pedestrian killed when he was struck by a
school bus reportedly turning left
Fatalities 2008-09 to date (requiring
school bus crash report):
• Pinellas, 1/14/09- High school student
killed (died 1/19/09) due to injuries from
jumping out the emergency exit of his
bus while it was traveling down the road
• Bay, 1/22/09- Adult male bicyclist killed
when he pulled into the path of a school
Fatalities 2008-09 to date (other):
• Leon, 9/5/08- Ronshay Dugans, 8, died when
her Boys and Girls Club bus was struck by a
concrete truck
• Hernando, 9/9/08- Kaitlyn Harper was hit by a
car while walking to a school bus stop not
assigned to her
• Indian River, 9/30/08, Jordan Miller, 15, was
hit by a car while crossing to get to a bus stop
not assigned to him
Fatalities 2008-09 to date (other):
• Bay, 10/17/08, Melissa Tindell, 13, hit by
a car near her bus stop before bus
• Leon, 1/9/09, Christopher Robles, 4, hit
by a van in front of his school
Crash Reporting
• Reporting threshold is $1,000
• DOE and districts working to reconcile
district-reported numbers (DOE system)
with police reports (DHSMV system)
FATAL Crash Reporting
• Districts must provide immediate notice of
any fatal crash to FDOE as soon as
• Report by phone call and/or e-mail
• Helps district and FDOE answer
immediate questions from administrators,
• Info is always treated as preliminary
• Not meant as substitute for regular FDOE
and police crash reporting
Public Transit
• Allowed for student transportation in FL
• FTA has proposed rulemaking that
would prohibit public transit routes that
exclusively serve public school students
• Significant opposition to NPRM from
transit agencies and some schools’
• School bus associations expected to
support FTA again
Hazardous Walking
• Districts must now include location code
on each student record if reported in
Hazardous category
• Districts must update their inspections
and documentation (determinations of
HW locations) each five years
Parent-Student Safety
• Safety instructions must be provided
annually, in writing, as required by Rule
• DOE’s “Are We There Yet?” brochure
can be printed for parents and others
• Available at,
under the Manuals and Publications link
Charter Schools
• Now almost 400 in Florida; continuing to grow
• Districts must ensure charter schools are
following laws and rules relating to health and
• Charter schools are included in FDOE
monitoring of districts
• Continued interest in “disaggregating” from
district FEFP reporting (ABO)
Driver Compliance and Liability
Seat belt use
Cell phone prohibition
Idling restriction
Unauthorized stop locations
Mirror adjustment
Employee Criminal Background
• Still required upon employment
• Required every five years
• June 2009 is five years from passage of
requirement to review
• Required for contractors who are on
school property
Federal Funding on the Horizon?
• Stimulus Bill- Billions for public transit;
none for school bus transportation
• Diesel Emissions Reduction Act
(DERA)- $300 million ($50 million
• Highway Bill ReauthorizationSAFETEA-LU expires 2010
• Safe Routes to School Reauthorization
• National Registry of Certified Medical
Examiners proposed rule
• Physicals as part of CDL- Final Rule;
must be implemented by Jan. 2012
• Preservice Training
Transportation Security
• School Bus Watch- being revamped,
rebranded as “First Observer”
• School Transportation Security
Awareness (
• HR1- Required TSA to conduct security
assessments in student trans and report
to Congress by July 1, 2008; should be
released spring 2009
School Bus Evacuation
• NHTSA has developed new driver
inservice module on bus evacuation
• State Board rule requires evac
instructions for all passengers before
every field and activity trip
• Evacuation procedures continue to be
priority for all students, including ESE
• NTSB recommendations support as
NHTSA Activities
• NHTSA is developing Safe School Bus
Stop Selection guide
• Updated driver inservice training
modules, including new evacuation
• Continuing to pursue defects
investigations (safety recalls)
Nat’l Congress on School
Transportation (NCST)
Gearing up for 2010
New interim amendments procedure in place
Writing committees drafting revisions
State delegations to be
appointed this summer
Document and info at
Awards and Scholarships
• SESPTC- Awarding two $1,000
scholarships again this year for college
expenses of two graduating high school
seniors; parent or legal guardian must be
Florida public school transportation
employee meeting income criteria
• School Bus Operator of the Year- FAPT
and Missing Children’s Day
FAPT Website and ListServe
• Calendar of Events
• [email protected] Use this
address if you want to send email to all
FAPT General Members
• faptsuppliers@faptflorida- for FAPT
Supplier Members
National Associations
• coordinates public information from
NASDPTS, NAPT, NSTA, and the big
three school bus manufacturers; e.g.,
positions on cell phone usage and other
• (NSTA)
Stay tuned…
2010 Emissions Requirements
Diesel Emissions Retrofits
American School Bus Council report
Coping with Reduced Budgets
Safe Routes to School
Monitoring Changes
NHTSA Final Rule on Belts
Fuel and Hurricanes
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Bus Operators’ Physicals and Training’
Emergency Management and SMAA
Parent Pay Option?
Questions and Comments?
[email protected] or
[email protected]