Transcript Slide 1

CIL-NET Presents…
A National Teleconference & Webinar
Marketing for CILs
September 19, 2012
3:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. EDT
Janine Bertram Kemp
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
CIL-NET Presents…
A National Teleconference & Webinar
Marketing for CILs
September 19, 2012
3:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. EDT
Janine Bertram Kemp
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Marketing for CILs is Not
Rocket Science
• Despite what the Pros say, you ARE the experts
– Marketing has culture and language; it is simple to break
• Pro marketers rarely “get” disability
• Even the few disability run marketing firms are
costly, may not be best use of resources
• Budget Planning
– How much available to invest
– Where to invest: cultural workers, graphic arts,
communications consult or/and staff
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Evan Kemp Associates and the Pros
• EKA produced One Step Ahead Magazine and a
retail durable medical equipment/van business run
by folks with disabilities
• Chose a top Washington media firm to market
them in mainstream media
• Spent $75,000 educating the firm and did not
receive ONE media hit (coverage, article, piece).
• Firm could not get over inspiration and medical
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
EKA Lesson
• Define your CIL
PROGRAM” and know who you are
• Create marketing plan
• Target where to spend
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
5% Creativity 95% Sweat Equity
• CIL Expertise and Technology Tools
– Develop marketing plan
– Disability/IL Savvy—cultural worker content
– Technology like photo shop and cut/paste can make an
• Farmington CIL and CEO Sherry Watson—TBI, all cut
and paste materials in graphic format
• Watson left CIL and markets herself as top funding
expert. Gives workshops throughout country and is
wildly successful. She will tell you it is all cut and
paste and sweat equity
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Your Marketing Plan
• CIL Resources
– Meeting space for planning strategic marketing
– Office tools for strategic marketing
– Community Partners
• CIL Staff: Review staff skills and patterns
– communications/PR staff are marketing staff
– No PR staff? Who has or can learn skills and can devote
50% time?
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
CIL Expertise and Tech Tools
• Develop Marketing Plan at a meeting or retreat
• Marketing Savvy—Analyze your services (core and
specialties) and expertise. You know these issues,
you are policy experts.
• Translate CIL know how into marketing know how
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Analyze and Use CIL Resources
Office Tools
• What graphics, format programs and skills are
• Do you have computer design geeks? Photoshop
• Cut and paste formats and disability movement tools
Community Partners
• What cultural content can you use?
• Photo stock, e.g. never send press release w/o
• Writing stock—develop 1 page templates on hot
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Analyze Staff Resources
• Review Staff Skills and Patterns
• Is there a dedicated PR/communications person
Can you designate skilled staff 50% time on
Press person is different from spokesperson. CEO
or ED may be go to person for quotes. Press
person needs to be available for initiating and
responding to media contacts.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Visuals and Audio
• Cultural Workers and marketing content
• Our national disability movement has an
abundance of disability culture available for you.
– Photographs
– Videos
– Music
– Drama
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Cultural Worker non Exploitation
• Always give credit and compensation to disability
cultural workers
• They generally donate their time doing photos,
documents, music, etc.
• Many of us unwittingly exploit our cultural workers
– Tom Olin example. The web sells his photos and
he does not receive funds
• Budget for cultural workers, give them credit
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Define Your CIL
• Stakeholder meetings or retreat
• Brainstorming with safety
– We’ve all done Brainstorming meetings so many
times that the thought of it may make you
– They do produce
– CEO needs to lead and encourage so staff members
feel safe
– Guarantee staff can say anything and be rewarded
not penalized (give lunch or some small incentive)
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Come Together—Reach for the Sky
• Board, Consumers, Executives, Key staff who are
• Clearly define goals/outcomes
– Mission
– Logo
– Truelines, Taglines are just guide words
• Brainstorm—create safe space, include all ideas
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Define Your CIL, cont’d.
• Mission, logo, taglines:
– Purpose
– Mission
– Vision
– Trueline-Internal—What is compelling and
different about you? What Drives CIL
– Tagline—External expression of Trueline
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Brainstorming Continued
Before you begin, review CIL programs
Think in terms of Truline and Tagline
• What are your best parts? Computer training? DD
services? Transition from institutions to HCBS?
• What do you give the community that no other nonprofit provides?
• Pitch your best parts for brainstorming
• Hang that huge paper on the wall and go around the
• One sentence that captures your CIL from each
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Brainstorming Conclusion
• Whew, we are almost done with brainstorming
• Break into groups and assign writing tasks
• Take brainstorming papers and write one page
– Purpose
– Mission
– Vision
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
ADA Legacy Project Example
• Mark Johnson brought together group committed
to disability history
• Met Thursday through Saturday in August at
Shepherd Center to plan 2014 ADA 25 celebration
• Group brainstormed, discussed responses and
developed Logo, taglines
– Logo designed that weekend by Nth Degree’s
Dan Wilkins
• Now holding meetings and developing mission and
vision statements
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
ADA Legacy Project Graphic
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
ADA Legacy Project
• Impressive Logo with cost saving 2 colors—
universal design blue and black
• Shows path from past to future—suggests person
and circle at top, suggests continuum and sun or
• Taglines—defining not constrictive
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
• Use the chat window on your screen to type in
your questions
• Or press the number 7 on your telephone keypad
to signal the operator
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Branding = Identity
• Branding appears complex ; you do NOT need a
Nike or Coca Cola Budget with today’s technology
– Like brainstorming, branding is a word from
which folks often shy away
– Branding is another way of saying identity
• Branding is who you are in a logo with colors,
taglines, one page mission and/or vision statement
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Your CIL Identity
• Profound statement that lifts your CIL apart from
other non-profits
• More than art, branding connects you to partners,
patrons, funders
– Create Mission and vision statements that have
external impact because EVERYONE sees them.
They become your prime marketing tools
– ADA Legacy Project is reviewing mission and
vision statements because they had huge impact
on us but not so much on partners/funders.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Your CIL Identity—Positioning,
• What Makes You Different?
• How Are You Focused?
• What Trends Are You Riding in Current Economy—
HCBS, Civil Rights Saves $$, Employment
• Are You Communicating Clearly? Good program
and poor communication = poor program. Media is
key and free.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Branding Leads to Collaterals
• Collaterals are materials: signage, brochure,
• Invest in collaterals—what fits your budget?
Logo Design: Nth Degree, other social justice
Brochure printing,
Print newsletter/magazine
• Budget Conscious Collaterals
– E News, social/mainstream media
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Test Collaterals
• Hold 2 mini focus groups to test collaterals
• 3 or 4 consumers test your logo, vision and
mission statements
• 3-4 business, community leaders test logo, vision,
and mission statements
• (Don’t forget to have fun with marketing—because
it is!)
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Questions on CIL Meeting,
Branding, Collaterals
• Use the chat window on your screen to type in
your questions
• Or press the number 7 on your telephone keypad
to signal the operator
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Media Coverage—Gratis Marketing
• Mainstream Media—Most bang for investment
– Mainstream media: Is it your best marketing
• Key point and few CILs and organizations follow
through with media plan
– Dedicated Staff at least 50% FTE
– Stage an event to target what’s hot—Funeral for
Medicaid cuts
– Research news sources and staff
• Make Press list of newspapers, radio, tv news
• Review stories, become familiar with what is news so
you pitch stories that ARE news
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
What is and is not newsworthy?
Awards ceremony and disability awareness exercises—
NOT News
What is hot in your community? Medicaid? Employment?
Hunger? Occupy?
Mainstream media wants human interest—you pitch
human interest that is NOT supercrip or pity.
Learn to write press release/ LEDE, 1 page
opinion piece
letter to editor campaign—Most widely read part of
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Newsworthy Example
• Capital Area ADAPT (DC and Northern VA) formed
at the same time Washington Post did expose on
deaths in DC group homes
• ADAPT and the local Protection and Advocacy
group staged a demonstration outside the DC local
government building
• 112 people died in group homes from abuse and
neglect and there were 112 paper headstones
(photo op)
• Afterwards, local funders called ADAPT offering $$.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Mainstream Media—Big Bang,
Low Bucks
• Media coverage is free marketing
– mainstream media is great resource investment
• CIL Investment in media requires staff time and
buy-in of CEO and board
• Designated Communications Staff*Strategic
Communications Plan
– Build relationships with media pros!!!!!
– Market as expert source
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Newsworthy Definition
• What’s hot, what’s trending = mainstream news
– Civil Right$ is cost effective
– Tight budgets
– Disability Looks Like, My Medicaid Matters
• How CIL/Disability issues fit into what is trending
– My Medicaid Matters campaign—AAPD, ADAPT, NCIL
started campaign and did press push
– Pitched during NCIL conference and national ADAPT
– Continued website but stopped press effort before
linking to HCBS policy
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Pitching Story
• “Pitch”—Always Use Photos with press release
– I donate media time to ADAPT. 3 years ago began
sending photos. Used to get few callbacks, now get 3
times the coverage, even in competitive market
• From Medical Model to IL Policy—you are
educating non-disabled media. Disability and CIL
media mavens have been working with press for
thirty years and, for the most part, press still have
medical model mentality
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Social Networking—More Free
• Blogs, You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, ETC
– Social Media is only as effective as your following
– Weekly blog
• A CIL Campaign Design
– My Medicaid Matters
– This is what disability looks like
– Marlee Matlin & Twitter—She started using Twitter for a
captioning campaign and is making headway.
• Social Networking will change—My Space to FB,
example/ Change with it!
• Effective postings provide service
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
What Is Trending?
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Find Local Resources
• Pro Bono ad campaign—Can you get ad agency or
Advertising Council to run campaign for your CIL?
• Media Training—Working with pro bono ad group
can train your marketing staff
• Other partners specific to your community??
– Sports teams
– Actors, musicians
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Final Questions/Discussions
• Use the chat window on your screen to type in
your questions
• Or press the number 7 on your telephone keypad
to signal the operator
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
• Making News—How to Get Coverage for Disability
Rights Issues. Tari Hartman, Mary Johnson, 1993.
• Representing Disability in an Ableist World. Beth A.
Haller, 2010.
• Social Media is Bullshit. B.J. Mendelson (not
disability specific).
• Tom Olin photos: [email protected]
• Dan Wilkins—Nth Degree:
• Johnny Crescendo:
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Resources, cont’d.
• It’s Our Story:
• Institute on Disability Culture:
• My Medicaid Matters:
• Disability Marketing Firms
– Einsof Communications. Tari Hartman Squire.
– Solutions Marketing Group. Carmen Jones.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Janine Bertram
[email protected]
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Wrap Up and Evaluation
Click the link below now to complete an evaluation
of today’s program found at:
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization
Support for development of this Webinar/teleconference
was provided by the U.S. Department of Education,
Rehabilitation Services Administration under grant number
H132B070002. No official endorsement of the Department
of Education should be inferred. Permission is granted for
duplication of any portion of this PowerPoint presentation,
providing that the following credit is given to the project:
Developed as part of the CIL-NET, a program of the
IL NET, an ILRU/NCIL/APRIL National Training and
Technical Assistance Project.
CIL-NET, a project of ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization