Transcript Document

(session title)
(speakers, credentials, insitutions)
• Speaker(s) should disclose any relationship that could
reasonably be viewed as creating a conflict of
interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest,
that might bias the content of the presentation.
• Example: (name of speaker) receives a product
development salary from ABC Medical, Inc.
• Example: (name of speaker) is the author of ABC
Book and receives royalty payments
• Example: No relevant financial relationship exists
Session Learning Objectives
• this slide must state the learning objectives for the
session (and speaker should verbally reference
these objectives at the start of their presentation)
– After completing this session, you will be able to:
• [learning objective, beginning with action verb*]
• [learning objective, beginning with action verb*]
• [learning objective, beginning with action verb*]
*Note: See Bloom’s Taxonomy for appropriate
action verbs.
Content Slides
• Include a course outline, address the major points of the
• Include diagrams or graphic images (in black and white) or guiding
questions, as appropriate. If the presentation includes more than one
speaker, summarize each speaker’s presentation points.
• Electronic files of articles may be included if you are the author and
they have been published by APTA; otherwise, you are responsible
for obtaining copyright permission. Identify copyrighted materials
by using a reference number within the body of the text or providing
information directly under a chart or diagram.
• Include time for learning assessment (discussion, polling, small
group work, etc…)
• Exclude any promotional content
• Include current references in AMA style at the
end of the presentation