Netherlands-United States Roundtable on Financial Services

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Transcript Netherlands-United States Roundtable on Financial Services

A New Regulatory
Environment: What can we
Arnoud W.A. Boot
University of Amsterdam and CEPR
FSA on Shadow Banking
April 28, 2011
My remarks
• Understanding the 2007-09 crisis and
• Regulation/supervision
–What is wrong?
–Dodd-Frank, EU, UK Independent
Committee, Basel… What needs to be
• Do we understand the economics of
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
The crisis: Economic setting
• How do you regulate an increasingly dynamic
financial services industry?
– Proliferation of financial markets with institutions
and markets being increasingly intertwined
– Rapid innovation in financial instruments,
distribution channels and institutions
– Blurring distinction between banks and other
financial institutions
Mushrooming of the financial sector…
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Financial crisis...
Much can go wrong in the financial sector
• Modern banking suffers from extreme
• Existing regulation/supervision lacked macroprudential focus
• In euphoric times risk is underpriced and always
too much capital...
• When times are good no support for tough
• Where money is being earned rests control
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Information technology key
What did information technology really do to the
financial sector?
… Extreme tradability… and ‘changeability’…
Risks via
• Herding behavior
• Power structure within financial institutions..
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
How to look at financial innovations?
• Extensive literature shows value of innovations
– Spanning
– Other direct benefits for real activities (e.g.
commercial letter of credit)
• Yet this literature may say little about more
recent financial innovations
– (Often?) creating opaqueness
– Aimed at regulatory arbitrage only?
 Opened up bank balance sheet: marketability and
changeability key
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Crisis? You can sleep soundly again...
Amerikaanse Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act:
“[This Act] ends the possibility that taxpayers
will be asked to write a check to bail out
financial firms that threaten the economy,
consumers, investors and businesses…”
… really????
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Length of the bill not an issue...
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
New regulation?
• Scope of regulation and supervision needs to be
contained? How to limit systemic reach?
– Cross-sector footprint
– Cross-border issues
– Most importantly (?) “seamless” integration of
financial markets and institutions
• Marketability has its limits….
• Complexity…
Issue: all this obscures object of supervision
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Can we accept Allen Greenspan’s statement that
the financial system is like Adam Smith’s
invisible hand
…. some type of complex eco-system that is
beyond anyone’s control or imagination, and
is “unredeemably opaque” (Financial Times,
March 31, 2011)
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Fundamental reform
• Will international coordination go far enough?
– Role IMF, FSF/FSB and BIS (Basel)
– EU-wide regulators, ESAs, ESRB, role ECB
– Burden sharing
• More capital…
• Market discipline?
Need more than that?
• Structure of the banking sector
– Limits on use of deposits? OTC? Etc.
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Market discipline?
• Sensible complementary ‘tool’. Idea behind third pillar
Basel II
• Complicated effect in crisis times: everyone may “head
simultaneously for the exit”
• Paradox in normal times… momentum in financial
market may lead to opportunistic behavior of banks, yet
same momentum driven markets would simultaneously
have to impose discipline?
 Market discipline effective for idiosyncratic differences
between institutions, less for financial market driven
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Cost of capital fallacy
We do not need to like M&M, nor believe M&M
has relevance to banking, but to deny that
“the cost of capital is affected by the risk that the
capital is exposed to” is disturbing
- Fixed cost of capital does not make sense
- Maximizing ROE fundamental violation of
corporate finance theory
…. No free lunches, yes self-fulfilling prophecy…
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
• Simplifying structure of financial institutions
of paramount importance for alignment
market forces and prudential concerns
• But existing complexity itself makes it also
difficult to act on structural measures.
• No readily available prescriptions on how to
– Difficult to grasp interlinkages and intralinkages
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Dealing with complexity
i. Complex institutions difficult to manage and
supervise (problem of opaqueness);
ii. A complex financial institution has many,
difficult to discern linkages with the financial
system at large; TBTF, too-interconnected-to-fail
iii. As a consequence systemic concerns might
become more prominent;
iv. Complexity puts supervisors in a dependent
position, e.g. how to intervene (timely)?
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Dealing with complexity – 2
• Living will idea aimed at mitigating this
– Only effective if dealt with ex ante
• How to disentangle businesses?
– Separate legal structures, no recourse?
• Would it work, and does market accept it?
• UK Banking Committee?
– Breaking-up banks? (Volcker Rule and beyond…)
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
You ain’t seen nothing yet….
‘Anyone who deals in the financial markets knows that
anticipating trends is difficult at best. But he or she also
realizes that not to try is tantamount to accepting the
most unlikely scenario of all: no change’
(Sandford, 1994)
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Structure EU banking sector
Elaborate EU coordination being implemented….
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
History of EU banking regulation
• System of home-country control –2nd Banking
Directive 1988
• Lamfallusy framework
• Larossiere report
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
Steering Committee (12 persons)
- 7 ESCB members
- 3 chairs of ESAs
- Member of the European Commission
- EFC President
General Board (at least 62 persons)
Micro-prudential information
Report to
Early risk
warning and
recommendations to
Early risk warning and
recommendations to supervisors
European System of Financial Supervisors
Steering Committee:
Chairsof 3 ESAs
European Banking
Autority (EBA)
European Insurance and
Occupational Pensions
Autority (EIOPA)
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Securities Markets
Authority (ESMA)
Macro-prudential policy
“Macroprudential policy focuses on the interactions between
financial institutions, markets, infrastructure and the wider
economy. It complements the microprudential focus on the
risk position of individual institutions, which largely takes
the rest of the financial system and the economy as
“[Systemic risk is defined by the IMF, FSB and BIS for the G20]
as a risk of disruption to financial services that is caused by
an impairment of all or parts of the financial system and has
the potential to have serious negative consequences for the
real economy”
[Committee on the Global Financial System, emphasis added]
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Characteristics of systemic risk to
Excess credit growth to private sector
Widespread maturity mismatches
More opaque chains of intermediation
Cross-exposures and contagion
Massive undervaluation of risk
Market freezes/ fire sales
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Implications for Basel II
Note: Basel II was just being implemented, thus
not the direct cause of current problems …But…
• Induces herding behavior via use of models
• VAR not just ignores tail risks but ignores
systemic issues
• Induces low capitalization in general and
particularly in good times… procyclicality…
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
BIS III … (Basel III)
What does it seek to do??
• Level of capital
• Quality of capital
• Leverage ratio and timely intervention
• Liquidity
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Other issues..
• Contingent capital??
–What does it seek to address?
• More capital for systemically relevant
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
Economics of banking
• Government involvement lasting...
• Regulation has a cost too..
– Regulatory arbitrage
– Level playing field
• What is optimal for banks?
–ERM perspective, risk appetite
 Implications for business model
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011
New Regulatory Environment
Arnoud W.A. Boot April 28, 2011