Transcript Slide 1


Electronic Records Management System Implementation

Society of American Archivists Electronic Records Section Meeting August 6, 2004


What’s Changed?

Paper-based Record keeping

1970 1980



EMAIL 2004 Digital based Record keeping

2000 2010

RII Business Pressures

• Business Process Advantages • Better and faster access / availability of information • Potential to share with anyone, anywhere • Faster communication • More efficient work • External • Reach more clients for less money • More control over client fulfillment

RII Business System Response

• • • • •

Document-based technologies

• • • •

Image Management Document Management Knowledge Management Content Management Tactical deployment to solve specific business issues Few truly enterprise-wide applications Most electronic records are controlled by individuals Largely ignore records management requirements


Trouble Begins to Brew…

Sarbanes-Oxley – Fines and Jail Complex Regulatory Environment Cost of Discovery – Largest Uncontrolled Cost in American business Information Privacy/Security – HIPAA – California


Business Reaction

Senior management attention Viewed as a problem to be solved Looking for quick fixes and fast results – turn to IT for solution IT has a tendency to apply technology to the problem without considering the impact on users

RII Why do Systems Fail?

Viewed as a technology problem Move from paper-based to digitally-based record-keeping without implementing requisite policies, standards and controls Fail to involve all of the stakeholders ERM is thrust upon users without proper conditioning and training


Bias Against RM?



Strategic Clerical


Management Inactive


Information needed NOW Back office function


integrated work management

Classic RM View RII RM Strategy Records Manager RM Program Components Business Strategy Business Activity Work Process File Operations / Archives User Record Retrieval Requirements RM Program

©Records Improvement Institute, LLC 2004

Business Process


ERM Partnership

Management Support Information Technology Records Management Business



RII Prepare the Organization

Senior management Middle management All employees

Develop support and momentum for the transition to electronic records.

A high level consensus of need…


1. Framework Document

Present Situation Estimate of Costs and Risks – Legal and Regulatory Risks – Link to Goals and Strategies of the Organization ERM Vision Change Management Framework – Resource Requirements over life of project AND program – Reasonable Timeline ~ 3 years Cross-functional Team – IT, Records Mgmt, Business Users

Part Business Case – Part Marketing Document


2. Records Management Policies

Define “record” – What are you managing?

– Official


. transitory – Work in process


. “final” record Corporate Records Management Policy – Responsibility – Ownership – Scope (Electronic records, databases, e-mail)


3. Records Management Standards

Govern how records will be managed Establish requirements for ERM system

Retention and Disposition Security and Authority Trust worthiness Metadata Standard Record Control


Retention & Disposition

Foundation for ERM Basis for “declaring” a record

RM Strategy Records Manager RM Program Components Hard Copy File Operations / Archives Business Strategy Business Activity Work Process User Record Retrieval Requirements

Traditional Approach

Inventory of records RS Developed RS Reviewed/ Approved RS Implemented

Analyst / Dept. Rep.

Records Manager Managers, Legal, Tax Records Management

RII Business Process

Develop RS that is aligned to business processes

Business Life Cycle Analysis

Business Strategy Business Activity

What business are we in

Work Process

How do we do our business

User Record Retrieval Requirements

What records do we need


New RS Development Model

Business Activity / High Level Function

Identified by Cross-functional team

Work Process 1

Identified by functional area managers

Work Process 2 Records Records Records Work Process 3 Work Process 4

Identified by business process owners and project team members though analysis of business process

New Development Model

Functions Identified Business activity analyzed Records and process requirements identified RS Developed RS Approved RS Implemented

Cross-functional Team Records Management, IT Business process owners, Records Management, IT Business process owners, Records Management Business owners, Legal, Tax, Compliance Business process participants w / ERMS


New Model

Retention Schedules closely aligned with business process Identify requirements for ERM Identify opportunities for improvements to business process Establish priorities Build support for program



Business owners understand and accept retention schedule Users are prepare for transition to electronic record keeping Ensure that records of lasting value are identified


4. Implementation Plan

Develop and communicate plan for implementation Establish roles & responsibilities – IT – Records Management – Business Owner – Vendor – Consultants Establish realistic timeframes Manage expectations – Management – Users


5. Implementation - Pilot

Identify pilot processes Establish procedures & work instructions Implement system and customized as required Deliver training with user needs in mind – Policies, – Standards / Procedures – ERM system


Implementation - Pilot

Conduct pilot Evaluate results Modify as required Continue to evaluate, refine and modify Communicate results


6. Implementation – Role-out

Develop tactical plan for roll-out Phase role-out based upon established priorities Communicate results


7. Program Management

Audit program to monitor compliance Schedule review and maintenance Records review and disposition Technology & media review and migration



E-record challenge present opportunity that we have never had before Careful planning, communication and participation are keys to successful implementation