Noise Paper - Damien Rutkoski

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Chapter 18
Overview of blood circulation
Oxygen (O2) and nutrients diffuse across
capillary walls and enter tissues
Carbon dioxide (CO2) and wastes move from
tissues into the blood
Oxygen-deficient blood leaves the capillaries
and flows in veins to the heart
This blood flows to the lungs where it
releases CO2 and picks up O2
Blood leaves the heart via arteries that branch
repeatedly until they become capillaries
The oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart
Composition of Blood
It is composed of liquid plasma and formed
Blood is the body’s only fluid tissue
Formed elements include:
• Erythrocytes, or red blood cells (RBCs)
• Leukocytes, or white blood cells (WBCs)
• Platelets
Hematocrit – the percentage of RBCs out of the
total blood volume
Physical Characteristics and Volume
Blood is a sticky, opaque fluid with a metallic
Color varies from scarlet (oxygen-rich) to dark
red (oxygen-poor)
Temperature is 38C, slightly higher than
“normal” body temperature
Blood accounts for approximately 8% of body
Average volume of blood is 5–6 L for males,
and 4–5 L for females
The pH of blood is 7.35–7.45
Functions of Blood
Blood performs a number of functions dealing
• Substance distribution
• Regulation of blood levels of particular
• Body protection
Blood transports:
• Oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from
the digestive tract
• Metabolic wastes from cells to the lungs
and kidneys for elimination
• Hormones from endocrine glands to target
Blood maintains:
• Appropriate body temperature by
absorbing and distributing heat
• Normal pH in body tissues using buffer
• Adequate fluid volume in the circulatory
Blood prevents blood loss by:
• Activating plasma proteins and platelets
• Initiating clot formation when a vessel is
Blood prevents infection by:
• Synthesizing and utilizing antibodies
• Activating complement proteins
• Activating WBCs to defend the body
against foreign invaders
Blood Plasma
Blood plasma contains over 100 solutes,
• Proteins – albumin, globulins, clotting
proteins, and others
• Nonprotein nitrogenous substances – lactic
acid, urea, creatinine
• Organic nutrients – glucose,
carbohydrates, amino acids
• Electrolytes – sodium, potassium, calcium,
chloride, bicarbonate
• Respiratory gases – oxygen and carbon
Formed Elements
Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets make up
the formed elements
• Only WBCs are complete cells
• RBCs have no nuclei or organelles, and
platelets are just cell fragments
Most formed elements survive in the
bloodstream for only a few days
Most blood cells do not divide but are renewed
by cells in bone marrow
Biconcave discs, anucleate, essentially no
Filled with hemoglobin (Hb), a protein that
functions in gas transport
Contain the plasma membrane protein spectrin
• Gives erythrocytes their flexibility
• Allows them to change shape as necessary
Erythrocytes are an example of the
complementarity of structure and function
Structural characteristics that contribute to its gas transport function
• Biconcave shape that has a huge surface
area to volume ratio
• Discounting water content, erythrocytes
are 97% hemoglobin
• ATP is generated anaerobically, so the
erythrocytes do not consume the oxygen they
Erythrocycte Function
Erythrocytes are dedicated to respiratory gas transport
Hemoglobin reversibly binds with oxygen and
most oxygen in the blood is bound to hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is composed of:
• The protein globin, made up of two alpha
and two beta chains, each bound to a heme
• Each heme group bears an atom of iron,
which can bind one to oxygen molecule
Each hemoglobin molecule can transport four
molecules of oxygen
Oxyhemoglobin – hemoglobin bound to oxygen
• Oxygen loading takes place in the lungs
Deoxyhemoglobin – hemoglobin after oxygen
diffuses into tissues (reduced Hb)
Carbaminohemoglobin – hemoglobin bound to
carbon dioxide
• Carbon dioxide loading takes place in the
Structure of hemoglobin
Production of Blood Cells
Hematopoiesis – blood cell formation
Hemopoiesis occurs in the red bone marrow of
• Axial skeleton and girdles
• Epiphyses of the humerus and femur
Hemocytoblasts give rise to all formed elements
Production of
A hemocytoblast is transformed into a committed cell called
the proerythroblast
The developmental pathway consists of three
Proerythroblasts develop into early erythroblasts
• Phase 1 – ribosome synthesis in early
• Phase 2 – hemoglobin accumulation in late
erythroblasts and normoblasts
• Phase 3 – ejection of the nucleus from
normoblasts and formation of reticulocytes
Reticulocytes then become mature erythrocytes
Circulating erythrocytes – the number remains
constant and reflects a balance between RBC
production and destruction
• Too few red blood cells leads to tissue
• Too many red blood cells causes
undesirable blood viscosity
Erythropoiesis is hormonally controlled and
depends on adequate supplies of iron, amino acids,
and B vitamins
Hormonal Control of Erythropoiesis
Erythropoietin (EPO) release by the kidneys is triggered by:
• Hypoxia due to decreased RBCs
• Decreased oxygen availability
• Increased tissue demand for oxygen
Enhanced erythropoiesis increases the:
• RBC count in circulating blood
• Oxygen carrying ability of the blood
Erythropoiesis: Nutrient
Erythropoiesis requires:
• Proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
• Iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid
The body stores iron in Hb (65%), the liver,
spleen, and bone marrow
Intracellular iron is stored in protein-iron
complexes such as ferritin and hemosiderin
Circulating iron is loosely bound to the
transport protein transferrin
Fate and Destruction of Erythrocytes
The life span of an erythrocyte is 100–120 days
Old erythrocytes become rigid and fragile, and
their hemoglobin begins to degenerate
Dying erythrocytes are engulfed by
Heme and globin are separated and the iron is
salvaged for reuse
Fate of Hemoglobin
Heme is degraded to a yellow pigment called bilirubin
The liver secretes bilirubin into the intestines as
This degraded pigment leaves the body in feces,
in a pigment called stercobilin
Globin is metabolized into amino acids and is
released into the circulation
The intestines metabolize it into urobilinogen
Life Cycle of Red Blood Cells
Erythrocyte Disorders
Anemia – blood has abnormally low oxygencarrying capacity
• It is a symptom rather than a disease itself
• Blood oxygen levels cannot support
normal metabolism
• Signs/symptoms include fatigue, paleness,
shortness of breath, and chills
Anemia: Insufficient Erythrocyctes
Hemorrhagic anemia – result of acute or chronic loss of blood
Hemolytic anemia – prematurely ruptured
Aplastic anemia – destruction or inhibition of
red bone marrow
Anemia: Decreased Hemoglobin
Iron-deficiency anemia results from:
• A secondary result of hemorrhagic anemia
• Inadequate intake of iron-containing foods
• Impaired iron absorption
Pernicious anemia results from:
Deficiency of vitamin B12
Often caused by lack of intrinsic factor
needed for absorption of B12
Anemia: Abnormal Hemoglobin
Thalassemias – absent or faulty globin chain in hemoglobin
• Erythrocytes are thin, delicate, and
deficient in hemoglobin
Sickle-cell anemia – results from a defective
gene coding for an abnormal hemoglobin called
hemoglobin S (HbS)
• HbS has a single amino acid substitution
in the beta chain
• This defect causes RBCs to become
sickle-shaped in low oxygen situations
Polycythemia – excess RBCs that increase blood viscosity
Three main polycythemias are:
Polycythemia vera
Secondary polycythemia
Blood doping
Leukocytes, the only blood components that are complete
• Are less numerous than RBCs
• Make up 1% of the total blood volume
• Can leave capillaries via diapedesis
• Move through tissue spaces
Leukocytosis – WBC count over 11,000 per
cubic millimeter
• Normal response to bacterial or viral
Classification of Leukocytes:
Granulocytes – neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
• Contain cytoplasmic granules that stain
specifically (acidic, basic, or both) with
Wright’s stain
• Are larger and usually shorter-lived than
• Have lobed nuclei
• Are all phagocytic cells
Neutrophils have two types of granules that:
• Take up both acidic and basic dyes
• Give the cytoplasm a lilac color
• Contain peroxidases, hydrolytic enzymes,
and defensins (antibiotic-like proteins)
Neutrophils are our body’s bacterial slayers
Eosinophils account for 1–4% of WBCs
• Have red-staining, bi-lobed nuclei
connected via a broad band of nuclear
• Have red to crimson (acidophilic) large,
coarse, lysosome-like granules
• Lead the body’s counterattack against
parasitic worms
• Lessen the severity of allergies by
phagocytizing immune complexes
Account for 0.5% of WBCs and:
• Have U or Sshaped nuclei with two or
three conspicuous constrictions
• Are functionally similar to mast cells
• Have large, purplish-black (basophilic)
granules that contain histamine
 • Histamine – inflammatory chemical
that acts as a vasodilator and attracts
other WBCs
Agranulocytes – lymphocytes and monocytes:
• Lack visible cytoplasmic granules
• Are similar structurally, but are
functionally distinct and unrelated cell types
• Have spherical (lymphocytes) or kidneyshaped (monocytes) nuclei
Have large, dark-purple, circular nuclei with a thin rim of
blue cytoplasm
Found mostly enmeshed in lymphoid tissue
(some circulate in the blood)
There are two types of lymphocytes: T cells and
B cells
• T cells function in the immune response
• B cells give rise to plasma cells, which
produce antibodies
Neutrophils contains
fine granules
a 3-6 lobed nucleus
Eosinophils large
course granules
bi-lobed nucleus
Basophils stains
very dark
large histamine
Monocytes account for 4–8% of leukocytes
• They are the largest leukocytes
• They have abundant pale-blue cytoplasms
• They have purple staining, U- or kidneyshaped nuclei
• They leave the circulation, enter tissue,
and differentiate into macrophages
• Are highly mobile and actively phagocytic
• Activate lymphocytes to mount an
immune response
3). Platelets
Production of Leukocytes
Leukopoiesis is hormonally stimulated by two families of
cytokines (hematopoetic factors) – interleukins and colonystimulating factors (CSFs)
• Interleukins are numbered (e.g., IL-1, IL2), whereas CSFs are named for the WBCs
they stimulate (e.g., granulocyte-CSF
stimulates granulocytes)
Macrophages and T cells are the most important
sources of cytokines
Many hematopoietic hormones are used
clinically to stimulate bone marrow
Formation of Leukocytes
All leukocytes originate from hemocytoblasts
Hemocytoblasts differentiate into myeloid stem
cells and lymphoid stem cells
Myeloid stem cells become myeloblasts or
Myeloblasts develop into eosinophils,
neutrophils, and basophils
Monoblasts develop into monocytes
Lymphoblasts develop into lymphocytes
Lymphoid stem cells become lymphoblasts
Leukocyte Disorders: Leukemias
Leukemia refer to cancerous conditions involving white
blood cells
Leukemias are named according to the abnormal
white blood cells involved
• Myelocytic leukemia – involves
• Lymphocytic leukemia – involves
Acute leukemia involves blast-type cells and
primarily affects children
Chronic leukemia is more prevalent in older
Myelocytic leukemia
Immature white blood cells are found in the bloodstream in all
Bone marrow becomes totally occupied with
cancerous leukocytes
The white blood cells produced, though
numerous, are not functional
Death is caused by internal hemorrhage and
overwhelming infections
Treatments include irradiation, antileukemic
drugs, and bone marrow transplants
Platelets are fragments of megakaryocytes with a bluestaining outer region and a purple granular center
The granules contain serotonin, Ca2+, enzymes,
ADP, and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Platelets function in the clotting mechanism by
forming a temporary plug that helps seal breaks in
blood vessels
Genesis of Platelets
The stem cell for platelets is the hemocytoblast
The sequential developmental pathway is
hemocytoblast, megakaryoblast, promegakaryocyte,
megakaryocyte, and platelets
A series of reactions designed for stoppage of bleeding
During hemostasis, three phases occur in rapid
• Vascular spasms – immediate
vasoconstriction in response to injury
• Platelet plug formation
• Coagulation (blood clotting)
Platelet Plug Formation
Platelets do not stick to each other or to the endothelial lining
of blood vessels
Upon damage to a blood vessel, platelets:
Are stimulated by thromboxane A2
• Stick to exposed collagen fibers and form
a platelet plug
• Release serotonin and ADP, which attract
still more platelets
The platelet plug is limited to the immediate area
of injury by PGI2
A set of reactions in which blood is transformed from a liquid
to a gel
Coagulation follows intrinsic and extrinsic
The final thee steps of this series of reactions are:
• Prothrombin activator is formed
• Prothrombin is converted into thrombin
• Thrombin catalyzes the joining of
fibrinogen into a fibrin mesh
Detailed Reactions of Hemostatis
Coagulation Phase 1: Two Pathways to Prothrombin Activator
May be initiated by either the intrinsic or
extrinsic pathway
• Triggered by tissue-damaging events
• Involves a series of procoagulants
• Each pathway cascades toward factor X
Once factor X has been activated, it complexes
with calcium ions, PF3, and factor V to form
prothrombin activator
Coagulation Phase 2: Pathway to Thrombin
Prothrombin activator catalyzes the
transformation of prothrombin to the active the
enzyme thrombin
Coagulation Phase 3: Common Pathways to the Fibrin Mesh
Thrombin catalyzes the polymerization of
fibrinogen into fibrin
Insoluble fibrin strands form the structural basis
of a clot
Fibrin in the presence of calcium ions activates
factor XIII that:
Fibrin causes plasma to become a gel-like trap
Cross-links fibrin
Strengthens and stabilizes the clot
Clot Retraction and Repair
Clot retraction – stabilization of the clot by squeezing serum
from the fibrin strands
• Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
stimulates rebuilding of blood vessel wall
• Fibroblasts form a connective tissue patch
• Endothelial cells multiply and restore the
endothelial lining
Factors Limiting Clot Growth or
Two homeostatic mechanisms prevent clots from becoming
Swift removal of clotting factors
Inhibition of activated clotting factors
Inhibition of Clotting Factors
Fibrin acts as an anticoagulant by binding thrombin and
preventing its:
• Positive feedback effects of coagulation
• Ability to speed up the production of
prothrombin activator via factor V
• Acceleration of the intrinsic pathway by
activating platelets
Thrombin not absorbed to fibrin is inactivated
by antithrombin III
Heparin, another anticoagulant, also inhibits
thrombin activity
Factors Preventing Undersirable
Unnecessary clotting is prevented by the structural and
molecular characteristics of endothelial cells lining the blood
Platelet adhesion is prevented by:
• The smooth endothelial lining of blood
• Heparin and PGI2 secreted by endothelial
• Vitamin E quinone, a potent anticoagulant
Hemostasis Disorders:
Thromboembolytic Disorders
Thrombus – a clot that develops and persist in an unbroken
blood vessel
• Thrombi can block circulation, resulting in
tissue death
• Coronary thrombosis – thrombus in blood
vessel of the heart
Embolus – a thrombus freely floating in the
blood stream
• Pulmonary emboli can impair the ability
of the body to obtain oxygen
• Cerebral emboli can cause strokes
Prevention of Undesirable Clots
Substances used to prevent undesirable clots include:
• Aspirin – an antiprostaglandin that inhibits
thromboxane A2
• Heparin – an anticoagulant used clinically
for pre- and postoperative cardiac care
• Warfarinin – used for those prone to atrial
• Flavonoids – substances found in tea, red
wine, and grape juice that have natural
anticoagulant activity
Hemostasis Disorders: Bleeding
Thrombocytopenia – condition where the number of
circulating platelets is deficient
• Patients show petechiae (small purple
blotches on the skin) due to spontaneous,
widespread hemorrhage
• Caused by suppression or destruction of
bone marrow (e.g., malignancy, radiation)
• Platelet counts less than 50,000/mm3 is
diagnostic for this condition
• Treated with whole blood transfusions
Hemostatis Disorders: Bleeding
Inability to synthesize procoagulants by the liver results in
severe bleeding disorders
Causes can range from vitamin K deficiency to
hepatitis and cirrhosis
Inability to absorb fat can lead to vitamin K
deficiencies as it is a fat-soluble substance and is
absorbed along with fat
Liver disease can also prevent the liver from
producing bile, which is required for fat and vitamin
K absorption
Hemophilias – hereditary bleeding disorders caused by lack of
clotting factors
• Hemophilia A – most common type (83%
of all cases) due to a deficiency of factor VIII
• Hemophilia B – results from a deficiency
of factor IX
• Hemophilia C – mild type, caused by a
deficiency of factor XI
Symptoms include prolonged bleeding and
painful and disabled joints
Treatment is with blood transfusions and the
injection of missing factors
Blood Transfusions
Transfusions are necessary:
• When substantial blood loss occurs
• In certain hemostatis disorders
Whole blood transfusions are used:
• When blood loss is substantial
• In treating thrombocytopenia
Packed red cells (cells with plasma removed)
are used to treat anemia
Human Blood Groups
RBC membranes have glycoprotein antigens on their external surfaces
These antigens are:
Unique to the individual
• Recognized as foreign if transfused into another
• Promoters of agglutination and are referred to as
Presence/absence of these antigens are used to classify blood
The antigens of the ABO and Rh blood groups cause vigorous
transfusion reactions when they are improperly transfused
Other blood groups (M, N, Dufy, Kell, and Lewis) are mainly
used for legalities
Humans have 30 varieties of naturally occurring RBC antigens
ABO Blood Groups
The ABO blood groups consists of:
• Two antigens (A and B) on the surface of
the RBCs
• Two antibodies in the plasma (anti-A and
An individual with ABO blood may have
various types of antigens and spontaneously
preformed antibodies
Agglutinogens and their corresponding
antibodies cannot be mixed without serious
hemolytic reactions
Rh Blood Groups
There are eight different Rh agglutinogens, three of which (C,
D, and E) are common
Presence of the Rh agglutinogens on RBCs is
indicated as Rh+
Anti-Rh antibodies are not spontaneously
formed in Rh– individuals
However, if an Rh– individual receives Rh+
blood, anti-Rh antibodies form
A second expose to Rh+ blood will result in a
typical transfusion reaction
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Hemolytic disease of the newborn – Rh+ antibodies of a sensitized
Rh– mother cross the placenta and attack and destroy the RBCs of an Rh+
Rh– mother become sensitized when Rh+ blood (from
a previous pregnancy of an Rh+ baby or a Rh+ transfusion)
causes her body to synthesis Rh+ antibodies
The drug RhoGAM can prevent the Rh– mother from
becoming sensitized
Treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn
involves pre-birth transfusions and exchange transfusions
after birth
Transfusions Reactions
Transfusion reactions occur when mismatched blood is
Donor’s cells are attacked by the recipient’s
plasma agglutinins causing:
• Diminished oxygen-carrying capacity
• Clumped cells that impede blood flow
• Ruptured RBCs that release free
hemoglobin into the bloodstream
Circulating hemoglobin precipitates in the
kidneys and causes renal failure
Blood Typing
When serum containing anti-A or anti-B agglutinins is added
to blood, agglutination will occur between the agglutinin and the
corresponding agglutinogens
Positive reactions indicate agglutination
Percentage of Population with each Blood Types
Plasma Volume Expanders
When shock is imminent from low blood volume, volume
must be replaced
Plasma or plasma expanders can be
Plasma expanders:
• Have osmotic properties that directly
increase fluid volume
• Are used when plasma is not available
• Examples: purified human serum albumin,
plasminate and dextran
Isotonic saline can also be used to replace lost
blood volume
Diagnostic Blood Tests
Diagnostic Blood Tests
Laboratory examination of blood can assess an
individual’s state of health
Microscopic examination:
• Variations in size and shape of RBCs –
predictions of anemias
• Type and number of WBCs – diagnostic of
various diseases
Chemical analysis can provide a comprehensive
picture of one’s general health status in relation to
normal values
Developmental Aspects
Before birth, blood cell formation takes place in the fetal
yolk sac, liver, and spleen
By the 7th month, red bone marrow is the
primary hematopoietic area
Blood cells develop from mesenchymal cells
called blood islands
The fetus forms HbF, which has a higher affinity
for oxygen than adult hemoglobin
Developmental Aspects
Age-related blood problems result from
disorders of the heart, blood vessels, and the
immune system
Increased leukemias are thought to be
due to the waning deficiency of the immune
Abnormal thrombus and embolus
formation reflects the progress of