Spintronics Integrating magnetic materials with semiconductors

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Case Studies in MEMS

Case study Pressure sensor Technology Transduction Bulk micromach.

+ bipolar circuitry Piezoresistive sensing of diaphragm deflection Accelerometer Surface micromach.

Capacitive detection of proof of mass motion Packaging Plastic Metal can Electrostatic projection displays Surface micromach. Electrostatic torsion of + XeF 2 release suspended tensile beams RF switches Surface micromach. Cantilever actuation Glass bonded Glass bonded DNA amplification Bonded etched glass Pressure driven flow with PCR across T-controlled zones Microcapillaries Lab on a chip Bulk & Surface micromachining Electrophoresis & electrowetting Microfluidics & Polymers

Analog Devices: Capacitive Accelerometer

- Microsystems have a smaller mass and are more sensitive to movement - capable of detecting 0.02 nm displacement

(10% of an atomic diameter)

- Issues: Bandwidth/Speed, Resolution and Accuracy

MEMS Accelerometers

Applications & Design goals

The detection of acceleration: useful for crash detection and airbag-deployment - vibration analysis in industrial machinery - providing feedback to stop vibrations …..

Design goals: - Accuracy, Bandwidth and Resolution - Large dynamic range desired ( 1 nanogram – 100 grams) - Minimize drift (time and temperature) Open loop vs. close loop (with feedback) Courtesy: Boser, UCB

ADXL accelerometers/inertial sensors: new applications


E-book/Digital magazine Integrating ADXL 311 with Toshiba’s Portégé M200/205 series tablet PCs Hard-drive protection technology IBM ThinkPad ® (The accelerometer detects shocks/free fall conditions, and within a fraction of a second signals the drive’s read/write heads to temporarily park, helping prevent contact with the disk drive until the system is stabilized Digital blood pressure monitors (Omron) ADXL202E (the accelerometer senses the angle and height of the users elbow and starts measurements only after the wrist is set at the right position) Vibration control, optical switching ….

Principal Concept





can be used to measure acceleration

Hooke’s law for a spring: F = k D x = ma acceleration x Proof mass • Sensing of acceleration by sensing a change in position • Sensitivity dictated by mass (m) and nature of spring (k: material dependent)

For dynamic loads (Simple Harmonic Motion): a =

w 2


Position control system

Set point Position error + Disturbance In Out Controller + External + Force Object In Out Actual position + Measured position + Measurement Noise In Out Position Sensor MEMS device Open loop, with force feedback Closed loop, no force feedback (most accelerometers on the market)

Modeling a MEMS accelerometer

1 mg - 220 picograms

x  F  F n k

F: Applied force

F n : Johnson/Brownian motion noise force

w o

: resonant frequency a: acceleration

a ω o 2 F n



4 k B T (BW)

@ 24.7 kHz, noise = 0.005 g/


Good signal to noise ratio

Greater sensitivity (x) by increasing

w o


e.g 50 g accelerometer: (


o ) 24.7 kHz, x max : 20 nm 1 kHz, x max : 1.2



Design the accelerometer to have a resonance frequency

(w o )

component of acceleration signal > expected maximum frequency


- Determined by noise (fluidic damping, circuit noise, shot noise …)

Johnson/Thermal agitation noise

Electrical capacitance change can be used to measure displacement

Two schemes used for position sensing:

Parallel plate Inter-digitated electrodes D x g C o = e A g D C = C 1 C 1 = e A g D x - C o

Change in Current

(D I )  D Q

can be measured


by an ammeter

D Q = D C V

The parallel plate capacitor

I V + z A force of attraction Area (A)

There are two counter-balancing forces, a electrical force and an mechanical force

in a capacitor, an Electro-Mechanical system

A MEMS cantilever

Mechanical displacement using an electrical voltage

Si substrate

Voltage source

V Spring + + + + +Q - - - -Q

Applied voltage (Electrostatics) causes a Mechanical force which moves the cantilever

F mech = k



F electrostatic = Q 2



A Displacement (


x) = Q 2 2


A k


Displacement sensitivity: 0.2 Å (0.1 atomic diameter) - can be used for single molecule sensing (NEMS)

The parallel plate capacitor

Charge stored (Q) = C (capacitance) · V (voltage)


A z Electrical work (dW) = ∫ V dQ = Q 2 2C = Q 2 z 2


A Electrostatic force (F el ) = dW dz = Q 2


2 A Mechanical force (F mec ) = k z

At equilibrium, electrostatic force (F el ) = mechanical force (F mec )

Dispacement (z) = Q 2 2



Charge controlled



V 2 2g 2

Voltage controlled

Electrostatic virtual work

+ V C Increased stored energy due to capacitance change



) 

V 2


C 2 Work done, due to mechanical force (W mech ) = F


x W mech + W source =


U Work done by voltage source (W source ) = V·


Q = V 2 ·


C Electrostatic force (F ele ) = 1 2 V 2 ∂C ∂x

Principle of capacitive sensing


Differential sensing (Overcomes common mode noise, with linearization)

ADXL Accelerometers

- Construction

Differential Capacitive Sensing

Slide courtesy: M.C. Wu

Differential Capacitive sensing


Electrical capacitance change as a function of displacement

x C = e A g - x

∂C ∂x =

e o A (g – x) 2

Electrostatic force (F ele ) = 1 2 V 2 ∂C ∂x

Equating, F ele (g-x) 2 x = = F mec


AV 2 2k we get,

Restoring force (F mec )= - k x

At a critical voltage, V pull-in when x = g/3 the capacitor plates touch each other

Bi-stable operating regime of electrostatic actuators

Voltage controlled gap-closing actuator

S. Senturia, Microsystem design

ADXL Accelerometers

- Construction


Process flow: iMEMS technology


24 mask levels (11: mechanical structure and interconnect 13: electronics, MOS + Bipolar) Initial electronics layout (2) (necessary to prevent electrostatic stiction) Deposition of poly-Silicon

(structural element) Partially amorphous to insure tensile stress (prevents warping/buckling)

(2) (3) Deposition and patterning of CVD oxide and nitride, opening of contact holes and metallization (4) Schematic of final released structure


Functional block diagram

Electrical detection of signal

ADXL Accelerometers


100 million acceleration sensors shipped through September, 2002

ADXL Accelerometers

ADXL accelerometers/inertial sensors: new applications


E-book/Digital magazine Integrating ADXL 311 with Toshiba’s Portégé M200/205 series tablet PCs Hard-drive protection technology IBM ThinkPad ® (The accelerometer detects shocks/free fall conditions, and within a fraction of a second signals the drive’s read/write heads to temporarily park, helping prevent contact with the disk drive until the system is stabilized Digital blood pressure monitors (Omron) ADXL202E (the accelerometer senses the angle and height of the users elbow and starts measurements only after the wrist is set at the right position) Vibration control, optical switching ….

Comb-Drive Actuators


- larger range of motion - less air damping, higher Q factors - linearity of drive (

V) - flexibility in design, e.g. folded beam suspensions

Electrostatic model of comb drive actuator Movable electrode Fixed electrode w g t t g s C t C s x


h w C t = 2 g t - x C s = 2


h (t + x) g s X N teeth Scale: 5



w: width, h: height t: initial overlap


Higher N, lower g t and g s

higher Force

Comb-Drive Actuators: Push-Pull/linear operation V L (V bias – v) (F elec ) L

V L 2 (V (F V bias elec ) R + v) R

(F elec ) total

(F elec ) R – (F elec ) L

(V R 2 – V L 2 )

4 V bias · v V R 2

Displacement vs. Applied voltage


Expanded linear range


bias voltage to control gain g t V bias - g t Control voltage (v)

Comb-Drive Actuators

Comb-Drive Actuators: Fabrication

Instabilities in comb-drive actuators

Lateral instability - increases at larger voltages - proportional to comb-spacing Courtesy: M. Wu, UCLA

To increase lateral stability, at small gaps


Optimized spring design


Use circular comb-drive actuators

Is there a limit to the gap size?

- breakdown

Paschen’s law V B ( breakdown voltage ) = A (Pd) P: pressure d: gap distance ln (Pd) + B

Many ionizing collisions Very few ionizing collisions



m @ 1 atmosphere

Why electrostatic actuators are better than magnetic actuators for micro-systems

- larger energy densities can be obtained

Why electrostatic actuators are better than magnetic actuators for micro-systems