Managed Learning Environment tookit

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Transcript Managed Learning Environment tookit

Unlocking staff potential A Coaching & E-Learning
Carol Read - Academy Manager
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Objectives for today
Outline the Facilities MLE Project & the
role of the Learning Advisors
 Identify ROI from this project
 Share best practice & new ways of
Why was the project set up?
 Ensure Facilities
staff had the
Knowledge & skills
to provide excellent
customer service &
work with new
 Address perceived
barriers to learning
How was this done?
Comprehensive Training Needs &
Computer hardware/software analysis
 Learning Advisor Role & programme of
learning designed
 Development of Trust wide Learning
 Partnership work
What was required?
A core programme for
Learning Advisors including: MLE Training
 KSF Training
 Coaching
 Study Skills
 Skills for Life, ESOL &
Dyslexia Awareness
 Work based learning as part
of the project team
Facilities Project Cascade
P ro je c t P la n
A cadem y M LE
Im p le m e n ta tio n
G ro u p
F a c ilitie s M L E P ro je c t
B oard
F a c ilitie s P ro je c t
T e a m L e a rn in g
A d vis o r s
F a c ilitie s
S ta ff/L e a r n e rs
C o lla b o ra tive In q u ir y
R e s e a rc h – T o e x p lo re
th e M L E U s e r
e x p e rie n c e
Why use Collaborative Inquiry ?
A form of research
developed from social
sciences & work in
A way of working with
other people who have
similar concerns &
interests to yourself to
identify best practice
Research Participants drawn
from the following teams:
The Academy
Early research findings
Transformational workplace learning taking
Learning Advisors approach wins hearts and
Bespoke e-learning works for learners
2 types of Academy Learning
Broadband Dedicated to
learning sites
HAS (Hospital
Network) - Linked to
to clinical system
Coaching at all levels
GROW Model
Informal coaching
Modelling of
coaching behaviour
with colleagues
Solution Focused
coaching within the
The Bespoke MLE Content
Fire safety
Moving & Handling
Customer Care
Equality & Diversity
Infection Control
Blood Transfusion
Return on Investment
First 5 weeks of the project 1400 e-learning
programmes accessed
Top user of the NHS South West MLE
Continuous Professional Development of
Facilities staff linked to KSF Competencies
Model of best practice available for other
staff groups
Barriers to learning addressed though the
Learning Advisor role & Learning Zones
Return on Investment
Comprehensive training record for all staff
A network of coaches in place who are
solution focused
Coaching happening at all levels in the
Facilities team
High motivation to complete the e-learning
This project would not have
been successful without the
following:The Facilities MLE Project Board &
Learning Advisors
 The Academy, Education & IT Teams
 Helen Rynne - MLE Administrator
The best tools are useless to the
People who know are the people who do
Work = Learning
Nigrello 2005