ENG 102 - Reading Comprehension Online

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ENG 102
Wk 1
1. Review Syllabus ppt. and paper
 2. Expectations are required for
continued success in the class.
Questions: #1
How many points does a student earn for
each day they participate; answering
questions, discussing, working during in
class time?
10 points total possible
 If there is lack of participation or No
Show…No points.
Questions: #2
How many journals need to be written
each week?
1 journal every week, not to be confused
with 4 Essays
Questions: #3
Which Essay is the largest one and what
is the topic?
The 3rd Essay
 Othello or The Great Gatbsy
Questions: #4
How do I keep in touch with the
instructor? What site can I go to on the
web, where I can find the latest update
on the class?
1. E-mail dysart.org
 2. Telephone
 3. readingcomprehensionline.com
Writing Workshop
ENG102 ppt.
Questions: #5
When is the latest a student can turn in a
paper? How many points will they get at
this point?
 ½ points after 1 week
3. Login to GCC user account
Instructor’s web site:
 Readingcomprehensiononline.com
Literature The Human Experience: Why We
Read Literature (Klotz and Abcarian)
Pg. 3&4
It’s apart of our lives
It helps define us
It’s something we have done since we first watched cartoons
“Serious” Literature, no less than “popular” literature, embodies
thrilling adventure.
American Literary history helps us to define who we are and what
our society values, what it condemns, how our society expects us
to behave, what constitutes success both economically and
morally, “Good and Evil”.
Reading can make us wise, humane, and just citizens of us all.
Reading Actively
Pg. 5
 Don’t read passively
 Don’t let the author con you.
 Keep a pencil in your hand and interact
with the page.
 When you feel a protest rising in your
throat, mark your feeling in the margin.
Reading and Thinking Critically
Pg. 5-6
When you become a critical reader, you learn
to address your biases, enlarge your universe,
and test your comfortable convictions.
 When you adopt a critical position toward a
piece of literature, you need to test and
question that position.
 Scrutinize your argument to determine
whether your readers will find your thesis
persuasive and your supporting evidence
Reading Fiction
Pg. 6-10
 Works of fiction narrate, or tell, stories
 Fiction creates imaginary worlds by telling
stories written in prose, about realistic
characters, set in physical environment, and
with sustained attention to descriptive detail.
 Narrative fiction is not meant to recount actual
events, of course, it may refer to real events or
real persons.
Methods of Fiction
1. Tone
 2. Plot
 3. Characterization
 4. Setting
 5. Point of View
 6. Irony
 7. Theme
Point of View
Exploring Fiction ?’s
1. What is the tone of the story? How does the tone contribute to
the effect of the story?
2. What is the plot of the story? Does the sequence of events
that make up the plot emerge logically from the nture of the
3. Who are the principal characters?
4. What is the setting of the story? What other settings would
effect the story?
5. What point of view is the narrator telling the story?
6. What is the theme of the story ?
Does the story seem to support or conflict with your own political
and moral position?
When was the story written? Draw on your knowledge of history
and inference about the events that were not clarified.
Annotating While You Read
Pg. 19-21
 Be serious and aggressive reader. Don’t
let your eyes wonder.
 Keep a pencil in your hand and interact
with the text.
 Answer questions as you read.
 Review and practice
Writing About Literature
Responding to Literature
 “Span of Life” by Robert Frost
The old dog barks backward without getting up.
I can remember when he was a pup.
Take 5 minutes to write a response…???IS it
difficult? Look again, closely…READ PAGE 38
Now Challenge yourself from now on when you
read and respond.
Now Challenge yourself from now on when you
read and respond.
When you write about literature, you begin with
your response to the work.
Then you need to consider the writer’s purpose.
Explore the text, try to discover how the plot,
setting, characterizations- the very words
conspire to a theme. Than respond.
Keeping a Journal
You do not need to worry about grammatical
sentences, writing cohesive paragraphs,
developing your ides, or even making sense. A
free to comment and record your reactions.
 In time the journal comes to write a full-length
essay by providing topics and jotting down
your thoughts and expressions.
 NOTE: I do have a certain set of reactions I
need you to respond to. (Syllabus)
 “The Habit of Expression leads to the research
for something to Express”
Exploring and Planning in Writing.
1. Ask good questions
 2. Establish a working Thesis
 3. Gather information
 4. Organize information
Research Papers
Chapter 1: (pg. 1-16)
Shaping Your Topic
Preliminary Decisions: nature of paper, purpose of writing,
Report: a record of your research
Argument: Develops a viewpoint about the research.
1. Subject
2. Purpose and narrow to a topic
3. Thesis: Your plan for accomplishment…purpose.
4. Investigate the topic : respond information onto note cards.
5. Organization: plan
5. Documenting the sources
Audience: Writing is a two way process involving a writer or a
speaker and a reader or a listener. It is easy to ignore your invisible
audience. The audience should determine what and how you write.
 What does the audience know? What are their opinions? Keep your
imagined audience in mind during every phase of the research process.
Research Log
 Work Schedule
 mental inventory into a list
 Brainstorming Techniques
Narrow Subject:
surfing and browsing
Formulating a Thesis:
a statement of purpose or a position
Writing a Prospectus:
a paragraph or two that identifies your topic,
thesis and kinds of sources that will be consulted,
problems that are anticipated and special aspects of
the projects.
List Possible MAIN IDEAS
Exercise A
Page 17 and 18
Exercise B
Page 19 and 20
"The House on Mango Street" by
Sandra Cisneros
 http://www.bookrags.com/The_House_on_Mango_Str
 http://english.byu.edu/Novelinks/Novel%20pages/The
 http://masconomet.org/teachers/trevenen/mango.html
 http://hometown.aol.com/joporyk/HOMS.html
 http://eolit.hrw.com/hlla/novelguides/hs/MiniGuide.Cisneros.pdf
 http://www.princeton.edu/%7Ehowarth/557/house.html
"Young Goodman Brown" by
Nathaniel Hawthorne
horne.htm Essay Example
 http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/virtualit/fiction/
Sample Essay
"Incident" by Countee Cullen
"Advice to My Son" by Peter Meinke
http://www.leelanau.com/nmj/summer/gradspeech.html Speech
Reading Response Journal Questions and Guidelines:
A reading journal is an informal piece of writing in which you explore your own experiences,
ideas, and feelings related to and stimulated by the selection you have read. They will be used
as the basis for class discussions, tests, and essays. Journal entries will be date-stamped,
collected periodically, and graded for being complete, on time, and showing evidence of your
engagement with the selection. There are no “wrong” entries, merely incomplete, late, and/or
off-topic ones. Spelling, grammar, etc. will not be graded.
Although it is important to keep track of what events took place, what ideas were discussed,
and what characters were mentioned in the reading selection, your reading journals should not
just summarize the information or sound like you are answering a series of questions. The
purpose of a reading journal is to enter into a conversation with the text, the author, and
yourself. Comment on what puzzles you, what attracts you about the reading, and indicate
reasons for your response. Sometimes you might find the
literary terms and critical approaches that we will be incorporating in the course
Reading journal entries must be HANDWRITTEN and completed in a lined hardcover, wideruled, 100 sheet composition book. You can and should use both sides of the paper. You
should fill at least one page (one side) each time. There is no need to rewrite the questions;
nevertheless, make sure your responses are complete enough to incorporate the ideas
effectively. It is more effective to produce a response that resembles a long paragraph rather
than a numbered list of answers to questions; you do not need to answer all of these
questions or in this particular order, although they do encourage a broad range of ways to
respond to a selection regardless of genre.
Reading Homework Assignment
1.) 10/12/07
Innocence and Experience "The House on
Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros (pgs.
127)Short Story (Fiction)
 2.) 10/12/07
Innocence and Experience "Young Goodman
Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne (pgs. 80)Short
Story (Fiction)
 3.) 10/12/07
Innocence and Experience "Incident" by
Countee Cullen (pg. 141) "Advice to My Son"
by Peter Meinke (pgs. 144)Poetry
Reading Assignments:
Innocence and Experience
 Read Chapter 1 and 2 in Research
Paper text.
 Journal Writing
 1st Essay Assigned- Due 2 weeks later.
LUCK on Assignments