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FAO Activities Related to Food
Safety & Technical Support to
Member Countries
Meeting of Project Coordinating Committee
Enhancement of Laboratory Capacity on
Food Safety in Primary Production
28 June 2011, Bangkok, Thailand
Ms. Shashi Sareen
FAO Regional Office for the Asia & the Pacific
E-mail: [email protected]
• Globalization and food safety
• Importance of food safety and meeting food
safety requirements
• Capacity development activities of FAO
• Enhancement of laboratory capacity in primary
production (TCP/THA/3305)
FAO’s mission
• “Ensuring sustainable food security for all”
• FAO is the principal UN agency dealing with all
aspects of food production, storage,
transportation, processing and marketing and
the development of agriculture and food based
programmes to improve nutrition and rural and
national economies.
Food Security
• A situation that exists when all people, at all
times, have physical, social and economic
access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food
that meets their dietary needs and food
preferences for an active and healthy life.
Pillars of Food Security
Food Security
Food Utilization
Nutritional Status
Globalization & Food Safety
• Establishment of WTO - Dismantling of barriers for free
flow of trade - global market – new hazard, innovations
• Rapid spread of contaminants/hazards worldwide by
movement of food
Food Safety
Why is Food Safety Important
• Hazards associated with food enter food chain –
 Risks to human Health
 Economic impact (product destruction, market losses, etc)
• Examples
 Dioxin in eggs & chicken (Belgium)
 Melamine in eggs (China)
 Pesticide residues in meat
 Veterinary drug residues in eggs
 Aflatoxin in milk
• Importance increased with WTO & dismantling barriers
– free flow of trade; new hazard; new innovations, etc
Why is Food Safety Important
• Hazards associated with food enter food chain –
 Risks to human Health
 Economic impact (product destruction, market losses, etc)
• Examples
 Pesticide residues in fruits & vegetables
 Veterinary drug residues in eggs
 Aflatoxin in milk
 E.coli in vegetables
 Dioxin in eggs & chicken (Belgium)
• Importance increased with WTO & dismantling barriers
– free flow of trade; new hazard; new innovations, etc
Major Food Safety Concerns
• Residues & contaminants – pesticides,
vet drugs, heavy metals, toxins,
cleaning chemicals, food additives,
adulterants, melamine
• Pathogens & spoilage micro-organisms
• Zoonotic diseases
• GMO issues
• Irradiation issues
• Physical contaminants – glass/ metallic
pieces, grit, vermin faeces /body parts
• Persistent organic pollutants – eg
• Food allergens
• Labelling & claims – incorrect, BB date
Global Influences for food safety
Changes in production &
consumption patterns
Innovations in food industries,
new technologies
Meeting Food Safety
The food chain approach - 1
•Food safety hazards may
at different stages of the food
• Food control – both at the
public & private level – has
moved to a “food chain
approach”: all actors in the
chain are responsible for food
safety – govt role of enabler
Food Chain Approach - 2
Shift from end-product inspection & testing to building safety
& quality throughout the food chain
FAO defines the food chain approach as:
“Recognition that responsibility for the supply of food that
is safe, healthy & nutritious is shared along entire food
chain – by all involved with prodn, processing, trade &
Approach covers primary production - final consumption
differs from previous models - responsibility on processor
– now on all stakeholders
Implementation requires focus at national & local levels
Many, (not all), potential hazards can be controlled along the
farm-to-fork continuum through the application of GP/ HACCP
Reorientation of Roles & Responsibilities
The Farmer - 1st step in food chain (implementing GAP, maintaining recs)
The Processor
 Ensure production of safe food
 Engage in proactive dialogue with regulatory bodies
to agree on standards & ensure efficient & effective
integration of industry & official food control systems
 Upgrade facility, design & implement system & document &
maintain records
 Maintaining conditions necessary for ensuring safety & suitability
The Government
 creating an enabling environment (scientific, technical, financial,
infrastructure, regulatory) - compliance by stakeholders
 Guarantor of the system
The Consumer
 demanding a safe product; following directions for storage & use
GP in the Food Production Chain
• Good Practices covers
 GMP/GHP - All practices regarding the conditions & measures necessary to
ensure safety & suitability of food at all stages of the food chain
 GAP – practices that address environmental, economic, social
sustainability for on-farm processes & result in safe & Q food & non-food
agri products
 Good Animal Feeding
 Good veterinary practices for food safety
 A system that identifies, evaluates & controls hazards (chemical, physical,
biological) which are significant for food safety
 An internationally accepted methodology to reduce & manage risk
• FSMS - A holistic system of controls that manage food safety in
food business. Includes GHPs; HACCP; management systems
elements & policies; & traceability/ recall system
Effective food control systems &
equivalence concepts
• Sound national food control & regulatory systems essential
 for health & safety of domestic populations
 for ensuring safety & quality of food in international trade
 as a base for MR & equivalence agreements
• Standards & CA (inspection, testing, certification, Accreditation)
• The basic components of food control system include:
 Legislative framework
 Controls & procedures
 Facilities & equipment
 Laboratories
 Transportation & communication
 Personnel & training
• Codex Guidelines for design of effective food control programs CCFICS
Capacities required for control of hazards
& contaminant
• Control programmes & procedures based on risks – food
borne disease surveillance systems, residue monitoring
systems, traceability, food safety emergency response,….
• Infrastructure (laboratories, equipment, transportation,
cold storage chain, computer & internet facilities)
• Personnel – adequate & qualified
• Approval & accreditation infrastructure
• Industry capacity
Importance of Capacity Development
•Need by countries to respond to existing/ emerging
food safety issues
Countries not always well equipped - technical, financial,
sufficient information on hazards & risks involved, effective
institutional framework, trained manpower, etc
•Participation in international standardization activities
•Need to build capacities at 3 levels:
Systems level
Organisational level
Individual level
SPS Agreement - Technical
assistance Article 9
• Members agree to facilitate the provision of technical
assistance to other Members, especially developing country
• Aim is to adjust to & to comply with SPS requirements of
importing country & expand market access opportunities
• Areas include
 Processing technologies
 Research & infrastructure
 Establishment of regulatory bodies
• Form of advice, credits, donation, grant, training, equipment
• Source - bilateral or through international organizations
Capacity Development Activities
• FAO/ WHO assists in capacity building in various areas :
 Policy advice on specific issues
 Institution development/ strengthening
 Development of guidelines & capacity building tools including
manuals, guides, training software, case studies, etc
 Reviewing & updating food legislation
 Harmonizing food regulations & standards with Codex/ other
international standards
 Training – government, producers/ processors, academia,
consultants, consumers
 Studies & applied research
• Capacity building activities based on government requests /
regional or subregional Workshops if problem common
Guidance/ Tools – Some egs
• Risk-based food inspection manual (2008)
• FAO/WHO GLs for developing FSER plans (2010)
• Strengthening national food control systems: GLs to
assess capacity building needs -2006
• Principles & GLs for conduct of risk assessments of salmonella in eggs
& broiler chicken – interpretive summary (2002)
• A training manual in food hygiene & HACCP systems (1998)
• On-farm mycotoxin control in food & feed grains – trg manual(2007)
• Principles & guidelines for incorporating microbiological risk
assessment in development of food safety standards (2002)
• Hazard characterization for pathogens in food & water (2003)
FAO food safety website:
Codex web site:
Food safety portal:
Capacity Building - Funding
• Funding through TCPs by FAO (Regional & country),
• FAO/WHO Trust Fund – support participation of
developing countries in Codex
• Global Initiative for Food Related Scientific Advice
(GIFSA) fund
• STDF – FAO, WHO, OIE, WTO, WB; both as financing
& coordinating mechanism; countries submit
proposals for consideration; information on
Regional Focus
• 29th FAO Regional Conference for the Asia & the Pacific
(March 2009) recognized the need to
 strengthen national food-control systems
 improve the coordination of food safety activities from farmto-table
 generally raise awareness of importance of food safety
 adopt a food chain approach (this being crucial for promoting
food safety & protecting consumers from food-borne diseases)
 Have national food control systems as risk-based & preventive
in nature (use of HACCP along with GPs)
• Regional collaboration & cooperation was noted as
crucial to address existing & emerging food safety issues
Some Recent & Ongoing CD activities in Asia
Regional projects:
• ASEAN - Enhancing Food Safety by Strengthening
Food Inspection System in ASEAN Countries
• GMS – Core Agricultural Support Programme
Country Projects
ASEAN Project
Regional & In Country
Training Courses
Regional workshops
• Modern principles for Food
Inspection & Certification,
Jakarta, April 2008
• Food Import and export
inspection & certification,
Bangkok March 2009
• Good Practices & HACCP,
Singapore Oct 2009
• SPS measures & their impact
on Food Inspection &
Certification, including
managerial aspects, Bangkok,
Aug 2010
• GMP Inspection- Principles &
Practices, Kuala Lumpur, Oct 2008
• Sampling & Analysis for Food
Inspection, Luang Prabang, Aug
• Risk-based Food Inspection,
Manila, Oct 2009
• Training of trainers course on food
Import & Export Inspection Ho Chi
Minh City, May 2010
strengthening Food Import
Inspection & Certification, Laos,
Sept’ 2010
GHP/GMP Inspection – Principles
and Practices, Cambodia, October
ASEAN Project
Case Studies
• The Inspection and certification
Systems for GMP for processed
foods in Indonesia
• SALM Inspection and
certification Scheme in Malaysia
• Risk Based Food Inspection:
Risk categorization
applicable to ASEAN
• The Group Inspection and
Certification System for Small
Farmers in Thailand
• Practical Inspection manual
for Catering Establishments
including street foods
• Inspection System for Food
service Sector including Street
foods, restaurants and canteen
in Vietnam
• Harmonization procedure
for sampling and testing
GMS – Core Agriculture Support Programme
• Case Study on strategies for regional cooperation for addressing
biosecurity and food safety issues in cross-border trade in GMS
• case study on Q- GAP protocols & organic accreditation systems
& farmer training programmes in Thailand - developments &
challenges faced by Govt., recommendations & priorities for
FAO/ADB assistance to Thai govt to strengthen its GAP & organic
• Regional Workshop on Promoting Food Safety in the GMS
countries - best practices for promoting food safety, GAP, food
inspection & organic standards, accreditation, training progs for
local domestic & export markets – based on case studies
• Development of distance learning materials and programs on
food safety
Country Projects
• Country Projects:
Capacity Building for food inspection systems in Vietnam
Strengthening Vietnamese SPS capacity for trade –
improving safety & quality of fresh vegetables through
value chain approach
Improving food safety, quality, hygiene & food control in
Strengthening the capacity of government officials
responsible for food safety, animal & plant health & agri
trade to effectively implement SPS measures & related
trade obligations in Nepal
Enhancement of laboratory capacity on food safety in
primary production (Thailand)
Bhutan, Nepal, Mongolia, Laos
Components of the Projects
• Development of Food safety & Quality Policy
• Updating food legislation
• Institution development/ strengthening eg food control/
inspection systems/ laboratories
• Regional and National workshops & training courses
• Linkage of primary production
• Pilot projects on strengthening FSMS in targeted industry
• Strengthening disease surveillance systems
• Case studies
• Guidance documents/ standards in local languages
Bangladesh Project
• Coordination body – NFSAC, Food safety & Quality Policy,
legal risk-based food control progs (farm to table framework)
• Preventive approaches to food safety management –
increase public awareness, strengthening consumer
organisations, support for food businesses, communication
campaign on food safety
• Food inspection & enforcement – situational analysis,
national capacity for risk-based & coordinated inspection
progs, upgrade training material/ GL docs/ procedures (risk
categorisation model/ RMPs)
• Enhance food analysis capacity – equipment, training, quality
management systems, establish food-borne disease
surveillance systems
Preventive approaches to FSM
communication campaign
on food safety
Some future identified priorities for
Capacity Development Support in Region
Food Safety Emergency Response Planning
Strengthening policy & legislation
Strengthening labs & accreditation systems
Integrated farm to table approach including Good
Strengthened public & private sector capacity to
implement a risk-based approach
Food composition studies & lab strengthening
Policy framework for harmonization of stdandards in line
with international
Equivalence related strengthening
Enhancement of Laboratory
Capacity on Food Safety in
Primary Production
Introduction of Project
• DOA under MOAC has mandate to provide lab analytical
services through its network of labs run by the Agricultural
Production Science Research & Development Office
• The APSRDO labs responsible for analytical services, policy
recommendations, regulations & promote GAPs among
• The unit has mandate to inspect & analyze pesticide
residues in fruits, vegetables & their products
• The unit has basic infrastructure to inspect & analyze
pesticide residues in crops & environment, & has ISO/IEC
17025:2006 accreditation
Background of Project
• ~300,000 farmers registered for GAP program of DOA
• However, lack of technical knowledge & service capacity,
equipment shortage, lack of specific training such as analysis of
emerging/unknown substances, determining physical
properties of chemical compounds & formulations as /FAO
specifications- unit is not able to fully extend services to
farmers, exporters & private companies.
• Apart from registered substances, out of patent, obsolete &
banned substances continue to be sold. These are hazardous &
also non-detectable with existing test capacity
• Urgent need for equipment, specific training modules &
professional support to enhance technical capacity
• FAO support on project to institutionalize experiences and
knowledge of toxic substance management
Outcome of the Project
• Enhancement of technical capacity for
ensuring the quality of pesticides formulations based
on international norms and
ii. the detection of pesticide residues, of both known
and unknown samples, in fruits and vegetables to
detection levels as per international standards.
• More specifically, up-gradation of 3 laboratories in the
Agricultural Toxic Substance Group (ATSRG), namely; IPUS
– Impact of Pesticide Use Subgroup, PRAS – Pesticide
Residue Analysis Subgroup, and PFS – Pesticide
Formulation Subgroup.
Outputs of the Project
• Output 1: Up-graded human and physical capacities of 3
laboratories in the Agricultural Toxic Substance Group
(ATSRG), namely: IPUS – Impact of Pesticide Use
Subgroup, PRAS – Pesticide Residue Analysis Subgroup, &
PFS – Pesticide Formulation Subgroup.
Activity 1.1: Procurement of necessary laboratory
equipment, accessories of existing equipment required for
training & laboratory up-gradation, & standard chemicals
(specific to training);
Activity 1.2: Training of 40 staff members of ATSRG, DoA
for general as well as specific training programs;
Activity 1.3: Study tour for 3 persons.
Outputs of the Project
• Output 2: Chemical Proficiency Testing (PT) program
established. The ATSRG to act as PT provider and to be
able to independently assess and evaluate performance
of various labs and provide guidance to improve
laboratory methods and performance as required.
Activity 2.1: Training staff for chemical proficiency
Activity 2.2: System for proficiency testing developed
in lab and evaluation of staff as PT provider.
Outputs of the Project
• Output 3: Application for audit/accreditation of
additional test methods for active ingredient & residue
Activity 3.1: Development of procedures, test manuals,
validation methods, etc for covering additional test
methods under accreditation (& revision of existing
methods) and apply for accreditation .
Activity 3.2: Residue monitoring plans to be reviewed in
line with latest techniques & to include additional residues
Activity 3.3: Laboratory database (IT systems) established
Activity 3.4: Audit by a third party to verify compliance
with ISO 17025
Any Questions?