e-Global conference - Library Assessment

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Transcript e-Global conference - Library Assessment

Our Most Important Challenge
Raising the Assessment Bar:
A Challenge to our Community
Rick Luce, Emory University
Library Assessment Conference
Seattle – August 4, 2008
Environmental Scan
1. University mission evolving:
 Education reform and the Spellings commission  focus on
outcomes and accountability
 Globalization and competition
2. New research methods in a networked world:
 Rise of eScience / eResearch = new ways to work, new
needs and expectations
 Data science & data scientists require new organizational
3. Social drivers:
 Technology enabled social tools to connect & collaborate
My View after 2 years at Emory
Aggressive Strategic Plan completed in first 4 months:
Strategic direction: (1) digital innovations, (2) special
collections, (3) delivery of 21C access, resources, and services
$100M requested in new funds over 5 years
 Concept approval for ~$36M for 3 new capital projects
Implement annual Business Plan – reviewed quarterly
None of which utilize current ARL statistics
We Need a Systems Approach
The human body is a system, our subsystems work together
to keep us healthy
Research libraries are systems, requiring a management
system to keep the subsystems working together to be healthy
Anyone who learns to see the organization as a system can
never again feel satisfied with “improvement” initiatives which
simply change staffing and the org chart but do not tackle the
system itself
Where Assessment Fits
Assessment – a method of planning for improvement
Catalyst for organizational change (not a quick fix)
Gain staff understanding for need for improvement &
commitment to shared improvement goals
Ideally underpinned by a performance measurement
matrix balancing:
 Quality = customer defined goodness – internal &
 Time = speed, how fast is the response, agility
 Cost = resources spent on people, processes, or
organizational shifting or rework
Performance Measures: our Vital Signs
Statements without performance measures are
wishful thinking -- without data, we don’t know
We all have volume or transaction data - provides no process
Move focus on product metrics to process metrics
Process performance (statistics, run charts, variation)
Getting to the ‘right’ metrics
What is the value equation?
How do we compare & differentiate ourselves?
Focus on : Customer, process, sponsorship metrics
Hedgehog View: Constancy of Purpose
What are we
best at?
What drives
our economic
(or value)
Adapted from: Jim Collins. Good to Great. 2001
What are we
ID Key Success Factors
Characteristics of successful organizations:*
1. Do something others cannot do
2. Do something well that others do poorly, or
3. Do something others have great difficulty doing
~10-15% (max.) of research libraries content /
services are unique
What % of the budget resources support
*Prahalad and Hamel. The Core Competencies of the Corporation.
HBR, May/June 1990.
Management Principles of Successful Organizations
Strong customer focus
Effective leadership
Continuous improvement and learning
Management by fact
Fast response
Long-range view of the future
Results orientation
Cooperation, teamwork, partnering
A Value Proposition Example (LANL)
Scientific Productivity & Competitiveness
Enhancing research productivity and competitiveness
 ROI = $4.50 : 1.00
Quality and Business Focused
10 year average: 96% satisfaction rate; 25% delighted
Reduced cost per transaction by a factor of 16
Quality New Mexico ‘Roadrunner’ awards: 1997 & 2000
Federal Library of the Year 1999
“World’s Best Science Library” 2005 Blue Ribbon Review
Follow the Leaders
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award: recognizes
organizations practicing the most effective
management methods
High performance is sustainable due to good
management practices
Analysis of 600 winners over 10 years: growth = > 2.5
times as fast as peers, more than 2X more profitable
Examines approach, deployment and results
Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence
1. Leadership
2. Strategic Planning
3. Student, Stakeholder, and Market Focus
4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge
5. Workforce Focus
6. Process Management
7. Results
Requires a system both in approach and deployment
Baldrige Applications: Lessons Learned
Accelerated learning using Baldrige framework
“System” is tough to integrate all at once
“Be patient, have discipline” Deming
Importance of supplier partnerships
Difficulty of language translation
Benchmarking data - time series data for competitors –
couldn’t be obtained from libraries
Process for gaining and applying knowledge to
improve business process performance from a study
of current practices.
A means of using data to identify magnitudes and reasons
for variances in performance.
Intent: comparative process data, best practices
Analyze the operation, know the competition & industry
Incorporate the best of the best - become the new
Missing from Research Library Portfolios
Customer satisfaction index: (delight & loyalty) and perceived
Product / service quality (defined by the customer)
Process and operational performance - cycle time, productivity
Employee satisfaction – learning, morale, training, alignment of
strategy direction and rewards
Measuring supplier performance - quality, process variables,
price competitiveness, overall ease of doing business
Financial: cost/value matrix, return on investment, cost
Customer Satisfaction Metrics
Maturing our satisfaction assessment
Level 1 – Satisfaction surveys: ‘happiness meters’
Level 2 - What’s important  analysis of customer
importance & satisfaction levels
Level 3 - How do we rate against best in industry
See it from the customers eyes
Measures that matter
Align library vital signs with the organization’s drivers
Quality of product and processes
Research leadership
Brand identity
Growing market share
Reducing new product development time
Ability to attract and retain employees
Avoiding Pitfalls
Measures that don’t focus on strategy
No accountability
Too many initiatives
Forgetting larger organizational drivers
Lack of discipline
Insulating researchers and managers from scholarly
communication issues
No action without a plan, no plan without data
Business Scorecard - Desired Business Results
1. Customer focus:
Satisfaction, loyalty, value-added
2. Product quality:
 E.g., accessibility, usability, accuracy, completeness
3. Operational process performance:
Productivity, competitiveness, cycle time
4. High performance workforce:
Organization performance assessment, formal process
changes, employee satisfaction
5. Prestigious reputation -- output results
 Strategic performance results, benchmark results,
external assessment scores
A Tale of 2 Libraries: Budget Allocations
Payoff for Successful Quality Implementation
Any road will do if the destination is unknown
The journey to truly superior performance is neither
for the faint of heart nor for the impatient.
The development of genuine expertise requires
struggle, sacrifice, and honest, often painful selfassessment.
HBR: Anders Ericsson (FSU), Michael Prietula (Emory), Edward Cokely (Max Planck)
If you wish to do something for the community,
build a road. If you wish to do something better for the
community, build a bridge – Chinese Proverb
Together let’s build the bridge to a new
level of assessment practice,
supporting continuous improvement
and focusing on outcomes and impact.