Themes and Thematic Statements

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Themes and
Thematic Statements
What is the hidden message?
Fill out the
Rhetorical triangle.
What goes where?
 Define theme.
 How do you write a thematic statement?
 How does the writer create a theme?
What is a theme or message?
 A theme is a message that unites the story.
 It is evident throughout the entire story.
 It shows up in diction and figurative language.
 It is also created by the tone or the author’s attitude
toward his or her subject.
What do you think the theme of
Flowers for Algernon is?
There are a lot of themes in Flowers for Algernon.
How do you even begin to answer this question.
Step 1.
 What is this story about in ONE word.
 This ONE word needs to be a NOUN: an idea.
Step 2.
 What does the speaker try to TEACH us about this one
 How does the speaker feel about this one word as
evidenced by the writing piece?
Step 3.
 Now cross out “the speakers teaches us that”
 What is left is a THEMATIC STATEMENT!
Now try it.
 Step 1. What is the story about in one word?
 Step 2. What does the author say about this word
through this story?
 Step 3. Get rid of “The author says that.” What is left is
your thematic statement.
Find evidence of this theme in the story.
What does the author say that proves that your
statement is accurate?
If your statement is not accurate, it will be pretty hard
to prove.
Tree Map It.
 Create a tree map that branches into 3 pieces of
evidence that prove your thematic statement.
 Below the evidence, explain how this evidence proves
your theme and clarify what it means to the story.
 Practice writing thematic statements on your worksheet
with simple themes already written.
 See if you can come up with one for each word.
Commentary: Answer the
following questions for each piece
of evidence on your tree map.
1.How does your evidence
prove your thematic
2.What does this evidence
say about the way people
act or behave?
Thematic Statement:
Ignorance is bliss.
 Evidence: When Charlie was ignorant, he thought all the
people at his work were his friends. When he became
intelligent, he realized they were not.
 Commentary: This evidence shows how much happier
Charlie was before the operation.
 Commentary: Sometimes people are mean to people
they do not feel equal them in intelligence or ability.
Book Project
 Create a tree map based on a thematic statement you
created independently for your book jacket project.
 Once you finish it, you have one part of your book jacket
planned and ready to go!
Exit Ticket #1
FIST of FIVE: How comfortable are
you writing a thematic statement?
 1 I don’t know what I am doing.
 2 I have difficulty doing this.
 3 I just need more practice.
 4 I can do this.
 5 This is easy! What’s next?
Exit Ticket #2
 Write one thematic statement for Flowers
for Algernon that you plan to use for book
jacket project.
 Give one piece of evidence that proves
that it is accurate.