Query Evaluation

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Query Evaluation

Donghui Zhang Northeastern University Partially using Prof. Hector Garcia-Molina’s slides (Notes06, Notes07) http://www-db.stanford.edu/~ullman/dscb.html


Query Evaluation

SQL Query  Query Result SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Michael Jordan Donghui Zhang Server ???

• Produce query result Michael Jordan Donghui Zhang 2

Query Evaluation Steps

• Query Compiling: get logical Q.P.

• Query Optimization: choose a physical Q.P.

• Query Execution: execute 3

SQL query query compiling parse convert parse tree logical query plan apply laws “ improved” l.q.p

estimate result sizes l.q.p. +sizes consider physical plans query optimization {P1,P2,…..} answer statistics query execution execute Pi pick best {(P1,C1),(P2,C2)...} estimate costs 4

Query Compiling  Parse SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Background knowledge: Grammar.

• Input: SQL query.

• Output: a parse tree.

• Start with a simple grammar: – Only SFW (no group by, having, nested query) – Simple AND condition (no OR, UNION, EXISTS, IN, …) – One table (no conditions like E.did=D.did) 5

Query Compiling   Grammar Parse SELECT E.Name


WHERE := | , := | AND := := > | < | = | >= | <= 6

Query Compiling   Parse Tree Parse SELECT E.Name




< 5000 E.Age

> 50 7

Query Compiling  Convert SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Input: a parse tree.

• Output: a logical query plan.

• Algorithm:  followed by  .

•  E.Name

(  E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 (E) ) • Alternatively, a l.q.p tree.

 E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Emp E 8

Query Compiling  Apply Laws SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Replace  with , push  [and  ] down.

• Only used for multiple tables. So skip.

 E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Emp E 9

SQL query query compiling parse convert parse tree logical query plan apply laws “ improved” l.q.p

estimate result sizes l.q.p. +sizes consider physical plans query optimization {P1,P2,…..} answer statistics query execution execute Pi pick best {(P1,C1),(P2,C2)...} estimate costs 10

Query Optimization  Estimate Result Sizes SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • The size of each input table is stored as meta data.

• Intermediate result: size not known, but needed to estimate I/O cost of physical plan.

• But for the simple case,  can be evaluated on the fly. So no need to estimate the size of  . So skip.


Query Optimization  Consider Physical Plans SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Associate each RA operator with an implementation scheme.

• Multiple implementation schemes? Enumerate all.

Plan 1 (always work!)  E.Name

on-the-fly  E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 scan Emp E 12

Query Optimization  Consider Physical Plans SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • For the other physical plans, need to know what indices exist.

• Primary index: controls the actual storage of a table.

– Suppose a primary B+-tree index exists on SSN.

• Secondary index: built on some other attribute. Does not store the actual record. Each leaf entry stores a set of page IDs in the primary index.

– Suppose a secondary B+-tree index exists on Age.

1 2 3 4 SSN index 5 6 e.g. entry in Age index: Age=50, pageIDs= {1, 4, 6} 13

Query Optimization  Consider Physical Plans SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Plan 2  E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 on-the-fly range search in SSN index Emp E 14

Query Optimization  Consider Physical Plans SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Plan 3  E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 on-the-fly range search in Age index, follow pointers to SSN index Emp E 15

Query Optimization  Estimate Costs • Estimate #I/Os for each physical plan.

• Pick the cheapest one.


FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Input: physical plan.

• Additional input: – meta data (e.g. how many levels a B+-tree has) – assumptions (e.g. the root node of every B+-tree is pinned) – memory buffer size.


Query Optimization  Estimate Costs  Meta Data SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • All the database tables.

• For each table R: – Schema – T(R): #records in R – For every attribute A: • V(R, A): #distinct values of A • min(R, A): minimum value of A • max(R, A): maximum value of A – Primary index: #levels, #leaf nodes.

– Secondary index: #levels, #leaf nodes, average #pageIDs per leaf entry.


Query Optimization  Estimate Costs  sample input SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Assume for table E: – Schema = (SSN: int, Name: string, Age: int, Salary: int) – T(E) = 100 tuples. – For attribute SSN: • V(E, SSN)=100, min(E, SSN)=0000, max(E, SSN)=9999 – For attribute Age: • V(E, Age)=20, min(E, Age)=21, max(E, Age)=60 – Primary index on SSN: 3 level B+-tree, 50 leaf nodes.

– Secondary index on Age: 2 level B+-tree, 10 leaf nodes, every leaf entry points to 3.5 pageIDs (on average).

• Assumptions: all B+-tree roots are pinned. Can reach the first leaf page of a B+-tree directly.

• Memory buffer size: 2 pages.


Query Optimization  Estimate Costs SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Cost = 50. (The primary index has 50 leaf nodes. Assume we can reach the first leaf page of a B+-tree directly.) Plan 1 (always work!)  E.Name

on-the-fly  E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 scan Emp E 19

Query Optimization  Estimate Costs SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Cost = 25. SSN<5000 selects half of the employees, so 50/2=25 leaf nodes. • Note: if condition is E.SSN>5000, needs 1 more I/O.

Plan 2  E.Name

on-the-fly  E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 range search in SSN index Emp E 20

Query Optimization  Estimate Costs SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Cost =  10/4  +  20/4 * 3.5

 = 21. #I/Os in the Age index Plan 3  E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Emp E #I/Os in the SSN index on-the-fly range search in Age index, follow pointers to SSN index 21

Query Optimization  Estimate Costs SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Cost =  10/4  +  20/4 * 3.5

 = 21. Age index has 10 leaf nodes.

Plan 3  E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Emp E Check 1/4 of them, since [51,60] is 1/4 of [21,60].

on-the-fly range search in Age index, follow pointers to SSN index 22

Query Optimization  Estimate Costs SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 • Cost =  10/4  +  20/4 * 3.5

 = 21. 20 distinct ages divided by 4 to get #ages in [51,60].

Plan 3  E.Name

 E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50 Emp E times 3.5 (#pageIDs per page) to get #I/Os in the SSN index.

on-the-fly range search in Age index, follow pointers to SSN index 23

Query Optimization  Pick Best

physical plan

Plan 1: scan Plan 2: range search SSN index Plan 3: range search Age index SELECT E.Name

FROM Emp E WHERE E.SSN<5000 AND E.Age>50

I/O cost

50 25 21 Pick!


SQL query query compiling parse convert parse tree logical query plan apply laws “ improved” l.q.p

estimate result sizes l.q.p. +sizes consider physical plans query optimization {P1,P2,…..} answer statistics query execution execute Pi pick best {(P1,C1),(P2,C2)...} estimate costs 25

Another case study: two tables.

• Extended grammar: – Only SFW (no group by, having, nested query) – Simple AND condition (no OR, UNION, EXISTS, IN, …) – Allow two tables (allow conditions like E.did=D.did) • Example query: SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 26

Query Compiling   Grammar Parse SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • := SELECT FROM WHERE := | , :=

:= | AND := | = := > | < | = | >= | <= 27

Query Compiling   Parse Tree Parse SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 SELECT FROM WHERE , E.Name



Query Compiling   Parse Tree Parse SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 SELECT FROM WHERE

Emp E Dept D 29

Query Compiling   Parse Tree Parse SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 SELECT FROM WHERE AND E.Did

= AND D.Did


Query Compiling  Convert SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Algorithm:  then  then  .

•  E.Name. D.Dname

(  E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 (E  D) ) • The l.q.p tree:  E.Name, D.Dname

 E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000  Emp E Dept D 31

Query Compiling  Apply Laws SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Always always: (try to) replace  with !

 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000  Emp E Dept D 32

Query Compiling  Apply Laws SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Always always: (try to) replace  • Also, push  down.

with !

 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 Emp E Dept D 33

Query Compiling  Apply Laws SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Always always: (try to) replace  • Also, push  down.

with !

 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 Emp E Dept D 34

Query Compiling  Apply Laws SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Always always: (try to) replace  • Also, push  down.

with !

 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 Emp E  D.budget=1000 Dept D 35

Query Compiling   Theory Behind Apply Laws SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Let p = predicate with only E attributes q = predicate with only D attributes m = E & D’s common attributes are equal • We have:  p  q  m (E  D) =  p (E)  q (D) 36

SQL query query compiling parse convert parse tree logical query plan apply laws “ improved” l.q.p

estimate result sizes l.q.p. +sizes consider physical plans query optimization {P1,P2,…..} answer statistics query execution execute Pi pick best {(P1,C1),(P2,C2)...} estimate costs 37

Query Optimization  Consider Physical Plans SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Because join is so important, let’s skip result size estimation for now, and let’s assume selections are not pushed down.

 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 Emp E Dept D 38

Four Join Algorithms

• Iteration join (nested loop join) • Merge join • Hash join • Join with index 39

Example E D

over common attribute


• E: – T(E)=10,000 – primary index on SSN, 3 levels. – |E|= 1,000 leaf nodes.

• D: – T(D)=5,000 – primary index on Did. 3 levels.

– |D| = 500 leaf nodes.

• Memory available = 101 blocks 40

Iteration Join

• • 1. for every block in E 2.

scan through D ; 3.

join records in the E records in the D block with block.

I/O cost = |


| + |


| * |


| = 1000 + 1000*500 = 501,000.

Works good for small buffer (e.g. two blocks).


• Can we do better?

Use our memory (1) Read 100 blocks of E (2) Read all of D (using 1 block) + join (3) Repeat until done • I/O cost = |


| + |


|/100 * |


| = 1000 + 10*500 = 6,000.


• Can we do better?

Reverse join order: D E. i.e. For every 100 D blocks, go through E.

• I/O cost = |


| + |


|/100 * |


| = 500 + 5*1000 = 5,500.


• Merge join (conceptually) (1) if R1 and R2 not sorted, sort them (2) i  1; j  1; While (i  T(R1))  (j  T(R2)) do if R1{ i }.C = R2{ j }.C then outputTuples else if R1{ i }.C > R2{ j }.C then j  else if R1{ i }.C < R2{ j }.C then i  j+1 i+1 44

Procedure Output-Tuples While (R1{ i }.C = R2{ j }.C)  [jj  j; (i  T(R1)) do while (R1{ i }.C = R2{ jj }.C)  (jj  T(R2)) do [output pair R1{ i }, R2{ jj }; jj  jj+1 ] i  i+1 ] 45


i 1 2 3 4 5 R1{i}.C

10 20 20 30 40 R2{j}.C

5 20 20 30 30 50 52 j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 46

Merge Join Cost

• Recall that |E|=1000, |D|=500. And |D| is already sorted on Did.

• External sort E: pass 0, by reading and writing E, produces a file with 10 sorted runs. Another read is enough.

• No need to write! Can pipeline to join operator.

• Cost = 3*1000 + 500 = 3,500.


• Hash join (conceptual) – Hash function h, range 0  k – Buckets for R1: G0, G1, ... Gk – Buckets for R2: H0, H1, ... Hk Algorithm (1) Hash R1 tuples into G buckets (2) Hash R2 tuples into H buckets (3) For i = 0 to k do match tuples in Gi, Hi buckets 48

Simple example

R1 R2 2 4 3 12 5 8 9 5 4 3 13 8 11 14

hash: even/odd

Even Odd: Buckets 2 4 8 R1 4 12 8 14 R2 3 5 9 5 3 13 11 49

Hash Join Cost

• Read + write both E and D for partitioning, then read to join.

• Cost = 3 * (1000 + 500) = 4,500.


• Join with index (Conceptually) For each r  E do Find the corresponding D tuple by probing index.

• Assuming the root is pinned in memory, Cost = |E| + T(E)*2 = 1000 + 10,000*2 = 21,000.


Note: • The costs are different if integrate selection conditions!

• E.g. for the index join, only check half of E. So should be 500+5,000*2=10,500.

• Selection condition which is not used during join should be evaluated to filter the join result. E.g. index join checked D without evaluating the selection condition on D.


physical plan with selections being pushed down SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 • Finally, let’s consider pushing down selections.

• Now that the join operator takes intermediate results (which could be written to disk), we need to estimate their sizes…  E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 Emp E  D.budget=1000 Dept D 53

SQL query query compiling parse convert parse tree logical query plan apply laws “ improved” l.q.p

estimate result sizes l.q.p. +sizes consider physical plans query optimization {P1,P2,…..} answer statistics query execution execute Pi pick best {(P1,C1),(P2,C2)...} estimate costs 54

Estimating result size

• Keep statistics for relation R – T(R) : # tuples in R – S(R) : # of bytes in each R tuple – V(R, A) : # distinct values in R for attribute A – min(R, A) – max(R, A) 55

Example R A B C D cat 1 10 a cat 1 20 b dog 1 30 a dog 1 40 c bat 1 50 d A: 20 byte string B: 4 byte integer C: 8 byte date D: 5 byte string T(R) = 5 S(R) = 37 V(R,A) = 3 V(R,C) = 5 V(R,B) = 1 V(R,D) = 4 56

Size estimates for W = R1 x R2

T(W) = T(R1)  T(R2) S(W) = S(R1) + S(R2) 57

Size estimate for W =

 A=a


S(W) = S(R) T(W) = ?


Example R A B C D cat 1 10 a cat 1 20 b dog 1 30 a dog 1 40 c bat 1 50 d W =  z=val (R) T(W) = T(R) V(R,Z) V(R,A)=3 V(R,B)=1 V(R,C)=5 V(R,D)=4 59


Values in select expression Z = val are uniformly distributed over possible V(R,Z) values.


What about W =

 z  val (R) ?

T(W) = ?

• T(W) = T(R)/2?


• Solution: Estimate values in range Example R f = 5 20 Z Min=1 V(R,Z)=10 W=  z  16 (R) Max=20 (fraction of range) T(W) = f  T(R) 62

Size estimate for W = R1 R2

Let x = attributes of R1 y = attributes of R2 Case 1


Y =

 Same as R1 x R2 63

Case 2

W = R1 R2 X

Y = A

R1 A B C R2 A D Assumption: V(R1,A)  V(R2,A)  V(R2,A)  V(R1,A)  Every A value in R1 is in R2 Every A value in R2 is in R1 64

Computing T(W) when V(R1,A)


R1 A B C R2 A D Take 1 tuple Match 1 tuple matches with T(R2) V(R2,A) tuples...

so T(W) = T(R2)  V(R2, A) T(R1) 65

• V(R1,A)  V(R2,A) T(W) = T(R2) T(R1) V(R2,A) • V(R2,A)  V(R1,A) T(W) = T(R2) T(R1) V(R1,A) [A is common attribute] 66

In general W = R1 R2

T(W) = T(R2) T(R1) max{ V(R1,A), V(R2,A) } 67

S(W) = S(R1) + S(R2) - S(A)

size of attribute A 68

Note: for complex expressions, need intermediate T,S,V results.

E.g. W = [  A=a (R1) ] R2 Treat as relation U T(U) = T(R1)/V(R1,A) S(U) = S(R1) Also need V (U, *) !! 69

To estimate Vs

E.g., U =  A=a (R1) Say R1 has attribs A,B,C,D V(U, A) = V(U, B) = V(U, C) = V(U, D) = 70

Example R1 A B C D cat 1 10 10 cat 1 20 20 dog 1 30 10 dog 1 40 30 cat 1 50 10 V(R1,A)=3 V(R1,B)=1 V(R1,C)=5 V(R1,D)=3 U =  A=a (R1) V(U,A) =1 V(U,B) =1 V(U,C) = T(R1) V(R1,A) V(U,D) ... somewhere in between 71

For an arbitrary attribute D other than A (the attribute being selected)

V(R1,D) ranges from 1 to T(R1), and V(U,D) ranges from 1 to T(R1)/V(R1,A).

Let’s make




1 ,






1 ) 










1 ) /




1 ,


) Or, V(U,D) =  V(R1,D)/V(R1,A)  72

For Joins U = R1(A,B) R2(A,C)

V(U,A) = min { V(R1, A), V(R2, A) } V(U,B) = V(R1, B) V(U,C) = V(R2, C) 73


Z = R1(A,B) R2(B,C) R3(C,D) R1 R2 R3 T(R1) = 1000 V(R1,A)=50 V(R1,B)=100 T(R2) = 2000 V(R2,B)=200 V(R2,C)=300 T(R3) = 3000 V(R3,C)=90 V(R3,D)=500 74

Partial Result: U = R1 R2

T(U) = 1000  2000 V(U,A) = 50 200 V(U,B) = 100 V(U,C) = 300 75

Z = U R3

T(Z) = 1000  2000  3000 V(Z,A) = 50 200  300 V(Z,B) = 100 V(Z,C) = 90 V(Z,D) = 500 76

• E: • D:


– T(E)=10,000 – primary index on SSN, 3 levels. – |E|= 1,000 leaf nodes.

SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 – V(E,SSN)=10,000: from 0000 to 9999.

– T(D)=5,000 – primary index on Did. 3 levels.

– |D| = 500 leaf nodes.

– V(D,budget)=20: from 100 to 10,000.

• Memory available = 11 blocks • ?? What’s the best physical plan?

Note: |E’| = 500 |D’| = 25 77


 E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 Emp E  D.budget=1000 Dept D SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 78

p.q.p #1

SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 iteration join; D is outer table  E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 range search  D.budget=1000 scan Emp E Dept D Cost = 500 (read D) + 25 (write D’) + 25 + ceiling(25/10)*500 = 2050 79

p.q.p #2

SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 sort merge  E.Name, D.Dname

 E.SSN<5000 range search Emp E  D.budget=1000 scan Dept D Cost = 5*500 (sort E’; no write) + 500 (read D) = 3000 80

p.q.p #3

SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000  E.SSN<5000 range search  E.Name, D.Dname

hash join Emp E  D.budget=1000 scan Dept D Cost = 3*500 (for E’) + 500 (read D) + 25 (write D’) + 3*25 (for D’) = 3000 Note: M should be bigger than sqrt(min{|E’|, |D’|})+1. - Why?

- What if not?


p.q.p #4

 E.Name, D.Dname

 D.budget=1000 index nested loop join  E.SSN<5000 range search Dept D Emp E SELECT E.Name, D.Dname

FROM Emp E, Dept D WHERE E.Did=D.Did AND E.SSN<5000 AND D.budget=1000 Cost = 500 (scan E’) + 5000*(3-1) (for D) = 10,500 82

Some notes

• For BNL, merge, hash joins: always push selection! • For index join, do not push selection on the inner table (the one whose primary key is involved in the join condition).

• For BNL, make the smaller table be the outer table – join could be free if it fits in memory!