Public Key Infrastructure

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Digital Signatures
A Brief Overview
Tim Sigmon
September, 2000
Digital Signatures
Legal concept of “signature” is very broad
– any mark made with the intention of authenticating the
marked document
Digital signatures are one of many types of
electronic signatures
 Example electronic signatures
loginid/password, PIN, card/PIN
digitized images of paper signatures
digitally captured signatures (UPS, Sears, etc.)
typed notations, e.g., “/s/ John Smith”
email headers
Digital Signatures (cont’d)
“digital signature” means the result of using
specific cryptographic processes
 Digital signatures operate within a framework of
hardware, software, policies, people, and
processes called a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
 Note: PKI also supports other security
requirements; in particular, confidentiality, both
during transmission (e.g., SSL) and for storage
Public Key Cryptography
First, “secret key” or symmetric cryptography
– same key used for encryption and decryption
– orders of magnitude faster than public key
Public key technology solves the key exchange
problem (no shared secrets!)
 Public key and private key that are
mathematically linked
 Private key not deducible from public key
 Confidentiality: one key encrypts, other decrypts
 Digital signature: one key signs, other validates
Digital Signature example
Signed Email example
(show example of sending/receiving digitally
signed email using Netscape Messenger)
 (uses S/MIME)
Problem: relying party needs to
verify a digital signature
To do this, must have an assured copy of the
signer’s public key
– signer’s identity must be assured
– integrity of public key must be assured
Potential options for obtaining public keys
– signer personally gives their public key to relying party
– relying party obtains the desired public key by other
“out of band” means that they trust, e.g., transitive
relationships, signing parties, etc.
But, what about strangers? what about integrity
of the public key?
Public Key (or Digital) Certificates
Purpose: validate both the integrity of a public
key and the identity of the owner
 How: bind identifying attributes to a public key
(and therefore to the holder of the corresponding
private key)
 Binding is done by a trusted third party, a
Certification Authority, who digitally signs the
 It is this third party's credibility that provides
X.509 v3 Certificates
Subject’s/owner’s identifying info (e.g., name)
 Subject’s/owner’s public key
 Validity dates (not before, not after)
 Serial number
 Level of assurance
 Certification Authority’s name, i.e., the issuer
 Extensions
Entire certificate is digitally signed by the CA
Example Certs
(this is where I show and describe the contents of
the actual certificates that were used to verify a
digitally signed email message)
Distribution of Certificates
since certs carry public info and are integrityprotected, they can be distributed and shared by
any and all means, e.g.,
distribute via floppies or other removable media
publish on web sites
distribute via email (e.g., S/MIME)
directory lookups (e.g., LDAP, X.500)
distribution via directories is the ultimate solution
 however, many important applications and uses of
digital signatures can be implemented without the
implementation or use of sophisticated directories
Certification Paths
 To
validate a cert containing the signer’s PK, relying
party needs an assured copy of the issuing CA’s PK.
 Example:
 In
cert containing Tim’s PK (signed by CA1 )
cert containing CA1’s PK (signed by CA2 )
cert containing CA2’s PK (signed by CA3 )
where does this end?
cert containing CAN’s PK (signed by CAN )
Note: this is a self-signed or root certificate
general, a chain of multiple certificates that ends at a
trusted root is needed
Trust Domains
 A trust
domain is defined by the root (or selfsigned) certificate(s) that the relying party knows
and trusts (for reasons outside of the PKI)
 Very Important: Root certificates are not
integrity-protected since they are self-signed
 Expansion of relying party’s trust domain
– single top-down hierarchy (yikes!)
– multiple hierarchies (Netscape/Microsoft disservice)
– cross certifications (e.g., bridge certification
Other Important Issues
 Certificate
– use of extensions
– identity vs. attribute certs
 Certificate
– CRL (certificate revocation lists)
– OCSP (online certificate status protocal)
 Protection
and storage of private keys
– passwords or passphrases
– biometrics
– hardware tokens for mobility, e.g., smartcards
 Key
escrow for encryption keys but not signing keys
Where are we now?
Technologies are still evolving but are very usable
 Policies and legal standing exist but still
developing (e.g., need case law)
– Code of Virginia, Federal law
– Uniform Electronic Transctions Act
Browsers/email already contain a lot of capability
 Particular uses widely taking place, e.g., SSL
 Some entities making more use, e.g., DGIF, MIT
 Federal government taking a leadership role
 Many deployment projects are underway in both
the public and private sectors
DS efforts in Virginia
Digital Signature Initiative (COTS workgroup)
formed to pursue pilot deployments
 Pilot project sponsors
Counties of Chesterfield, Fairfax, Wise
Cities of Norfolk, Charlottesville
UVa led development of a bridge certification
architecture (modeled after federal bridge)
– Virginia’s Council on Technology Services