Transcript Slide 1

Software vs. Hardware
Android is Google's operating system (like
windows, linux, OS X)
G1 phone is the phone hardware made my
HTC (like a Dell, IBM, HP laptop)
Why Android?
Open source: anyone can use it, change it as
they want
Many manufacturers producing phones (HTC,
Samsung, Motorola, etc.)
Like many phones, access to applications
written by non-Google people: ODK
Multitasking... run more than one app at same
Why Android?
Allows deep access to phone's hardware
Programmers can write apps that access
camera, GPS, sensors, etc.
Allows innovative apps: like Where's my
ODK: Access to GPS, camera, barcode
scanner, video camera, audio recording
Compare with iPhone. Design isn't as
polished, but more useful apps. ODK not
Android Market & App development:
Phonalyzer: access to call log
Facebook, Weather Channel, Shop Saavy,
Picasa Albums and YouTube uploads
Google Maps: search, driving directions, etc.
My Tracks: story from Kenya
Voice recognition, Visual Search, translate,
speech to text
Example app: road conditions: accelerator
senses how rough the road is.
Where to buy Androids:
Not yet approved for many countries in Africa:
government restrictions
Senegal and South Africa: Leaf company
issues. Caveat of open source.
Order from US/Europe.... Nexus:
Unlocked vs. subsidized phones
ODK Development
Application that runs on Android phones, server
that runs on computer collect data.
Developed by students at University of
Isn't a Google project... but great use of Android,
investigating how to support
Powerful questionnaire language, used replace
paper forms, separate photo/gps collection
Forms for ODK Collect
Xforms is XML language, like HTML
JavaRosa extensions to Xforms,
 offer translations
 Rules
 relevant questions.
ODK? What kind of questions?
Text questions: name person/village, comments
Numbers: How many children in family?
Multiple choice: choose one (Goma, Kitchanga)
Checkboxes: all that apply
(medical problems: malnutrition, HIV, diabetes)
ODK? What kind of questions?
Images, video, audio recordings
GPS location. No internet/mobile required
ID - Barcode scanner
Constraints for Questions
Required or optional questions (e.g. name of
person registering, vs. additional comments)
Ability to apply rules to questions: How many
parents living in camp with you? <= 2
Ability to change questions based on earlier
answers. Man/woman? Pregnant?
Must use Android phones. No laptops/computers.
Cost, durability, training vs. paper.
Creating forms is complicated... web editor is
being developed
Battery usage
Requires wireless or mobile connection, or return
to office with memory card
Susceptible to physical damage
Phones, computers crash
ODK Aggregate is very young... HCR
replacement viable.