Transcript Document

Camu ‘Mlaen Falls Prevention
Rhian Dawson
 2 year Initiative funded through WAG
Independence and Well Being Grant until
March 2011
 Based on Evidence from 2006 DToC Audit
and Falls Prevention Events
 Carmarthenshire wide initiative supported by
Canllaw Locality Teams
Service Specification
 Identification of those at Risk of Falling or
have Fallen
- Falls Events
- A&E Liaison
- Careline / Telecare Liaison
- Welsh Ambulance Service Trust
- Primary Care Health and Social Care
Service Specification cont’d
 Multi Factorial Falls Risk Assessment
 Referral to Services to reduce the risk of
falling (Rehabilitation and Treatment) and
Serious Injury
 Postural Stability Intervention Programmes
Service Specification cont’d
 Increase Awareness of Falls Prevention
Agenda among Health and Social Care
 Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection
to Support Future Service Sustainability
Case Study One
 PC 77 year old male ‘embarrassing’ slip in
town - lost his footing. Passers by called
 PMH Nil of Note
 DH Nil of Note
 NBI. Discharged Home
Case Study One
Smart, articulate Gentleman who Lives Alone
Dismissive - ‘Silly Problem’
Became Apparent that the ‘Embarrassing Slips’
Occurred Frequently (every other day)
‘Blackness comes over my eyes and I have to sit
BP within Normal Limits
Irregular Heart Rate – Bradycardic
Referred to Cardiology via GP
Case Study Two
 83 year Old Female, Known OP, Smoker, Asthma
 Newly Discharged from Hospital following Chest
Infection and Collapse ? Cause
 Discharged with Red Cross HFH
 Privately Owned Terraced House
 Bathroom and Toilet Facilities Upstairs
 Bed Moved Downstairs and Given Commode
 No Other Community Services Involved
Case Study Two cont’d
 Uses Commode to PU at Night Only
 Empties Commode in Outside Toilet Which She
Also Uses by Day – ‘Told Not to Use Upstairs
 Outside Toilet Accessed via Back Door and Up a
Step Which She Holds onto Garden Wall to
 Washes in Lean To Kitchen, Standing in Baby
Bath, Dousing Herself with Water While Holding
Onto Wall
 Uses Stove to Heat Kitchen In Winter
How To Access
A&E Presentation Following Fall
999 Fallers
Careline / Telecare Fallers
Mynydd Mawr Hospital 01269 833349
Fax Referral 01269 832913
Any Questions?
Diolch / Thankyou