Transcript Document

The Song of Wandering Aengus

Yeats on Irish mythology and the need for Change "Gaelic Irish literature was intolerably low in tone with very little idealism in it, and very little imagination" • Yeats needed to make adjustments...


Aengus brief...

• Aengus, an ancient prince, was haunted by the dream of a fair young woman.

• In the dream, the young woman is everything he could ever wish for.

• He quickly falls in love with her and becomes lovesick upon waking.

• He began to search all of Ireland for the young woman in his dreams.

More Aengus...

• Aengus tells his mother, she searches, and after a year, she cannot find the woman • Aengus asks his father, the king, to help search for the maiden.

• After a year of searching, his father could not find her.

• Finally, the king and a friend of the king search for her. After a year, he finds the elusive young maiden.

• The End



wouldn't work for Yeats

He needed something more...compelling

What does Yeats add to


What new ideas are present in the "Song of Wandering Aengus?" Maybe...

• Why the use of the myth?

• Maude Gonne?

• Contemporary Irish Nationalism?