EMD 545b Biosafety and Biohazard Evaluation

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Transcript EMD 545b Biosafety and Biohazard Evaluation

EMD 545b
Biosafety, Biosecurity,
and the Evaluation
of Biohazards
Course Lecture #1
Lecture #1 Outline
Course intro, objectives, syllabus review
Texts, handouts, microbiology assessment
Student Interests (goals of course)
Biosafety (then and now)
Biohazards: here, there, everywhere
Profession of Biosafety, resources
Laboratory Acquired Infections
Course Objectives
• Illustrate science and profession of
• Examine the application of biosafety in
various settings
• Provide a foundation in the principles of
biohazard containment and control
Course Syllabus
• Lectures
– 1st half of course
• Tours
Building HVAC system, cooling tower
Biohazard containment facility
Animal facility tour
Guest speakers
• Bioaerosol or “project” sampling location
– Selected by student teams
Course Syllabus
• Projects
Risk assessment exercise (major)
Regulatory Policy comparison (minor)
Bioaerosol/env. micro sampling (major – team)
Facility commissioning exercise (minor – team)
• Completed by group in class session
– Point/counterpoint challenge (major – team)
• Final Exam (major)
– Open book(s), open notes and handouts
• Biosafety: Principles and Practices, 4th Ed.
• CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories, 5th Ed.
• NIH Guidelines for Research Involving
Recombinant DNA Molecules (April 2002)
• Handouts (hard copies, email, or online)
• Previous coursework or experience in Micro
or Molecular Biology?
• Introductions
• Student Interests
– What do YOU hope to get out of the class?
• Course Goals!!
• The consistent application of safety
measures to minimize or prevent exposure
to the person handling the agent, lab and
building occupants, the community and the
– Key Safety Measures:
• good microbiological work practices
• safety and containment equipment
• facility design consideration
• Biohazard n (1967): a biological agent or
condition (as an infectious organism or
insecure laboratory conditions) that
constitutes a hazard to man or his
environment; also a hazard posed by such
an agent or condition.
• Webster’s 9th New Collegiate Dictionary, MiriamWebster Inc. Publishers, Springfield, MA USA,
Biohazard Settings/Biosafety Applications
• Where?
Biohazard Settings/Biosafety
• Research, including:
– human & animal pathogens, select agents
– toxins of biological origin
– rDNA research, Human Gene Transfer, plants,
animals, large scale
– shipping, transport, import, export, permits
– training (BBP, TB, infection control, shipping,
Biosafety, BSL-3, work practices, BSC’s)
– field work, work abroad (feral animal, insects,
Biohazard Settings/Biosafety
• Clinical/Hospital Settings (helping sick people)
– micro labs, in- and out-patient facilities,
– infection control, standard precautions, airborne
precautions (TB, measles, varicella, flu)
– social workers, divinity and law school
volunteers, students
Biohazard Settings/Biosafety Applications
• Buildings/IAQ
– fungi, SBS, cooling towers, HVAC, floods, leaks, allergens
• Emergency Response
– police, fire, plant maintenance personnel, public health officials
– biohazard spills, exposures, incident review
• Environmental Issues
– mosquito control program, anthrax sampling (mailrooms)
– food sanitation
• Other
– clean air device monitoring (biosafety cabinets, other hoods)
– facility design, renovation, construction, and commissioning
Biohazard Settings/Biosafety Applications
• Cruise ships, airplanes, trains, buses, other crowded
• Homeless shelters, prisons, schools
• Farms, agricultural settings (zoonotic agents)
• Hunting (gutting/dressing wildlife)
• Bioterrorism (local area response)
• Production of medical products, vaccines, drugs, biologics
• Outbreak investigations, war, refugee camps
• Other???
• “We don’t make the jobs you do…..
• We make the jobs you do safer.”
Biosafety: Historical Perspective (Seymour
• Homer (Odyssey XXII)- burned sulfur for fumigation,
• Hippocrates- involvement of fomes/fomites in disease
process, 4th century BC
• Bible
– move campsites daily, care of wastes, strict dietary/cleanliness
– rules/regulations regarding lepers
– burn or boil clothing and equipment
• Aristotle - advised Alexander the Great (boil water, bury
Biosafety: Historical Perspective (Seymour
• Susruta (Hindu physician)- cleaning/fumigation of OR
before and after operations, 500 AD
• Great plagues- burn victims clothes, burned bodies on 10
foot poles, unique PPE worn by physicians (perfume in
beak), full body coverage, Middle Ages
• Girolamo Fracastoro- referred to “seeds” or “germs” of
disease. Identified 3 sources of contagion (contact,
fomites, air). 1478-1553
• Venice Magistry of Health- fumigated cargo and mail from
ships, 1438
Biosafety: Historical Perspective (Seymour
• Leeuwenhoek- studied effect of chemicals on “little
animals” under microscope, 1676
• Cotton Mather- 1st in America to vaccinate against
smallpox (with smallpox, Jenner used Cowpox), 1720
• James Lind- hygiene as sea (disinfection, filtration of
water, cleaning and ventilation of sick bay, special clothes
for physicians), 1757
• Nicholas Appert- Canning method for food preservation,
• John Pringle- sanitary trench disposal of waste in warfare
Biosafety: Historical Perspective (Seymour
• Oliver Wendell Holmes (1843), Ignaz Semmelweis (1847)
Identified spread of puerperal fever to patients from
medical staff. Introduced hand washing to thwart spread.
• Agostino Bassi (lawyer)- suggested use of germicides,
patient isolation, and decontamination of clothes and
excreta (1835)
• Louis Pasteur- Flame sterilization of surgical tools, heat
sterilization of bandages before use on wounds, risk
assessment enters forefront with his quote “Chance favors
the prepared mind.” (1880’s)
Biosafety: Historical Perspective (Seymour
• Joseph Lister- antiseptic use on open wounds (phenol),
poured directly into wounds, lowered infection rate from
90 - 15%, (1860’s - 1880’s)
• Robert Koch- sterile technique, pure culture, use of solid
media, tested over 70 disinfectants, (1881)
• Dakin- 0.5% hypochlorite used to disinfect wounds in
• WWII-1st war with less deaths from disease than from
battle wounds (disinfectants in common use)
Pertinent Biosafety Events
• 1918- Flu pandemic
• 1928- Discovery of antibiotics
• 1930’s - present - Biowarfare research continues (Japan’s
Unit 731, many other examples before and after)
• 1930’s- U.S. Malaria Control Division (later CDC&P)
• 1940’s- Invention of Electron Microscope
– Can now see viruses!
1950’s -present- Viral Hemorrhagic Fever outbreaks
1967- Marburg virus outbreak in lab
1966-1968- development of Biohazard Symbol
1969- Lassa Fever LAI’s at Yale
1970- OSHA, EPA created (OSHA General Duty Clause)
Pertinent Biosafety Events
• 1974- Classification of Etiologic Agents on Basis of
Hazard (Biosafety Levels 1 - 4)
• 1976- NIH rDNA Guidelines
• 1976- Ebola outbreak
• 1978- Smallpox LAI, England
• 1979- Laboratory Safety Monograph (NIH)
• 1979- Anthrax release from military research lab,
Sverdlosk, Russia (>60 deaths)
• 1980-1984 - CDC/NIH Biosafety handbook, WHO text
• 1981- 1st HIV cases reported
Pertinent Biosafety Events
• 1986- EPA Medical Waste Requirements
• 1988-1994- needles/syringes found on beaches on east
coast, Medical Waste Tracking Act established
• 1988-1992- resurgence of TB cases, MDR-TB observed
• 1988-1991- OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
• 1990- 1st Human Gene Transfer trial initiated (ADA)
• 1993- Hantavirus outbreak, Southwest USA
• 1994- Publication of Richard Preston’s, The Hot Zone
• 1994- Sabia LAI, Yale
• 1995 - Hendra virus, Australia/Avian flu, Hong Kong
• 1996- Mad Cow Disease (BSE)
Pertinent Biosafety Events
1997- Influenza A Virus (H5N1) in poultry, Hong Kong
1999- West Nile Virus, 1st time ever in U.S.
1999- 1st HGT death, UPenn OTC Protocol
1999- Nipah Virus, Malaysia (high mortality rate)
2001- Anthrax letters shipped via US Mail
2002- HGT Trials suspended after 2nd case of leukemia
caused by integration of “defective” retroviral vector in
host chromosome
• 2003 - SARS Virus
• 2004 – Bird Flu (H5N1) concerns return
• 2004 – SARS LAI’s, Tularemia LAI’s (BU)
Pertinent Biosafety Events
• 2004 – TB Infections, Washington State (associated w/
Madison Aerosol Chamber).
• 2004 – Occular Vaccinia, Pennsylvania (route of exposure
• 2005 – Vaccinia infection from needlestick, Connecticut
(animal research experiment)
• 2006 – Brucella infections – Texas A&M (associated w/
Madison Aerosol Chamber). 3 additional seroconversions
to C. burnetii identified.
• 2007 – Significant non-compliance w/ Select Agent
Regulations identified at Texas A&M (SA Research shut
• 2007 – U.S. Federal hearings on oversight of BSL3 and
BSL4 laboratories.
Laboratory Acquired Infections
(Harding & Byers)
– Infections acquired through lab or lab related
activities (symptomatic or asymptomatic)
• LAI’s came with golden age of
– Typhoid
– Brucellosis
– Tetanus
LAI’s (1930 - 2001) Harding & Byers
Sulkin & Pike
1930 - 1978
4,079 LAI’s
168 fatalities
Typhoid Fever
Harding & Byers
1979 - 2001
1,267 over LAI’s
22 fatalities
M. tuberculosis
Q Fever
Hepatitis B Virus
LAI’s 1930 - 2001
(Harding & Byers)
• Total: 5, 346 LAI’s
• 190 deaths
– underreporting likely
– many more sub-clinical infections?
• Percentage that knew route of exposure
similar from 1930 - 1978, and from 1979 1999!
• Name that percentage?
Secondary Infections (LAI’s)
(Harding & Byers)
– The transfer of an occupationally acquired
infection to another person outside of the work
• Uncommon (8 reported 1979 - 2001)
• (2) Brucella- sexual transmission
• (2) Salmonella- microbiologist prepared dinner for
family (one death)
• (1) Leptospira interrogans- through breast milk
• (2) Bordetella pertussis- to family members
• (1) B-Virus – spouse of injured animal care worker
Laboratory Acquired Infection (LAI)
PA Vaccinia LAI ocular infection (2004)
Route unknown
Breach in aerosol containment/poor work practices
– Failure to consistently wear gloves
– Absence of face protection while working outside of
primary containment
– Failure to confine all procedures to biosafety cabinet
– Inadequate decontamination of contaminated work
– Possible hand to eye to contact during experiments
Lack of awareness of signs/symptoms of
Laboratory Acquired Infection (LAI)
Vaccinia infection from needlestick (2005)
Inadequate oversight, training
Insufficient risk assessment, poor SOP utilized
Poor work practices
Transport of needles by hand to sharps container outside of
Recap of contaminated needles by hand
Poor exposure response (delay in skin washing)
No report of exposure (State reportable infection!)
Secondary bacterial infection (required hospitalization)
Laboratory Acquired Infection (LAI)
Texas A&M Brucella infection (2006)
Use of Madison Aerosol chamber
No recognition of signs/symptoms of Brucella
Untrained, unregistered researcher
Insufficient Risk Assessment for Agent and Operation
Poor training of staff on use of chamber
No secondary containment of device or animals removed
from device (aerosols from hair of animals)
3 Additional Q-Fever Infections (asymptomatic) unreported
No immediate report of Select Agent infections to
CDC (10 month delay)
Laboratory Acquired Infection (LAI)
BU Tularemia infections (2004)
3 cases – not identified by institution
Discovered by personal physicians or ER
No recognition of signs/symptoms of disease
Attenuated BSL2 (non Select Agent strain?)
If rDNA – in violation of NIH Guidelines!
– Lowering containment from BSL3 to BSL2 must be
authorized by NIH OBA
Inadequate risk assessment performed
Inadequate containment, PPE, work practices
– Some procedures conducted on open bench
Laboratory Acquired Infection (LAI)
• Monkey B-Virus Infection (fatal), Georgia,
1997 (Yerkes Regional Primate Center)
– Ocular exposure during transport of non-human
• Insufficient training identified
– No agent-specific training on hazards associated w/ NHP’s
– No emergency/exposure response training provided
• Insufficient personal protective equipment
– No face protection provided
• Inadequate barrier (open cage) used for transport
Biosafety Profession
• Resources:
– American Biological Safety Association
– Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
– National Institutes of Health www.nih.gov
– World Health Organization www.who.org
Biosafety Profession
• Certified Biological Safety Professional
(CBSP) - Exam Task List
Disinfection, decontamination, sterilization
Work practices and procedures
Risk assessment/hazard identification
Regulatory aspects, standards & guidelines
Program Management
Equipment Operation and Certification
Facility Design
Biosafety Profession
• Also requires knowledge of:
immunology, molecular biology, epidemiology
microbiology, cell biology
animal care and use, cell culture techniques
immunizations, risk management
Biosafety Profession
• Sources of information/training
– ABSA Professional Development short courses
• offered at annual conference and spring seminar
• local chapters and affiliates of ABSA
– Duke University MPH and DRPH degrees
– NIH Biosafety Training Program (BSL3/BSL4)
– Occ. Health/Public Health/Env. Health programs
throughout U.S. and world
– Short courses (Harvard SPH, Eagleson Institute,
Canada, AIHA, ASM, APIC, NSC, CSHEMA, etc.)
– Mentors (other biosafety officers, laboratorians,
biosafety committee members, university courses
(learning is ongoing!)