Sensor Network Simulation ( Sensim) Components Analysis

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Sensor Network Simulation
( Sensim)
Components Analysis
Yang Liu
AICIP Research Group Presentation
Design Goal
Parallel discrete event sensor network
Scale to thousands of sensor nodes
Provide energy consumption computation
Integrate typical protocols of sensor
networks ( MAC, network, application ), adopt
an open architecture for future protocol
Easy to operate, easy to understand
ACA design, large dataset visualization
What to Simulate?
Metrics for sensor network
Three prospective
Group ( regional)
Network wide
Power consumption
Time ( Latency, lifetime, idle time, transmitting and receiving
time etc.)
QOS ( packet loss, Coverage, and sensor network failure)
How to Simulate?
A brief simulation architecture
Using Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Standard and PC cluster to realize
parallel simulation.
We choose MPICH- library.
PC cluster: peacock, P1, P2, and P3.
* How to decompose work ?
Parallel Algorithm Design
Typical techniques
Data parallel model:
• Identical operations applied concurrently on different data
Task-Graph Model
• Different processes are executing different tasks ( static
Work-Pool Model
Dynamic mapping tasks to processes
Work-Manage Model
One process generates and distributes work to others
Producer-Consumer Model
Data is passed through several processes, each perform a
different task just like pipeline
Our Case
Scale to thousands of sensor nodes,
memory is a big issue.
The tasks are high correlated, therefore
it is hard to partition.
Data parallel model is desirable.
In our case, to partition sensor nodes based on
Work Decomposition
Region based partition ( histogram)
Maximize data locality
Minimize volume of data exchange
Minimize frequency of interactions
X axis
Y axis
Overlapping Communication
and computation
Initiate communication ( MPI_Isend/MPI_Irecv)
Calculate inner values
Finish communication ( MPI_Waitall)
Calculate boundary values
One ghost cell
N-ghost zone
Battery Model
Linear Model:
U: current capacity U’: previous capacity i(t): instantaneous current
t0 +t d
U = U' + ∫
i(t) dt
Non-Linear Model: [2]
T: discharged time; K, h: constants depending on cell design and chemical
architecture of battery; Va: average value of the cell voltage during the
discharge; I: discharge current;
T =K I
1 -h
E = Va • I • T = Va • K • I
Battery Model (cont.)
Pulsed Discharge Model [1]
Relaxation phenomena
If battery is allowed to relax, lost capacity can be recovered.
Binary Pulsed Discharge Model
- Based on Binary Markov Chain
Generalized Pulsed Discharge Model
Energy Consumption Model
Some experiment data
Energy Consumption Model (cont.)
Simple energy model
Energy spent in transmission = (edda + et )b
Energy spent in reception =erb
Energy spent sensing =esb
Energy spent in computation ( leakage current model)[6]
Depends on the total capacitance switched and the number of cycles the
ed is the energy dissipated per bit per m2 (amplifier)
et is the energy spent by transmission circuitry per bit
er is the energy spent by reception circuitry per bit
es is the energy spent sensing per bit
b is number of bits to transmit or receive
t is the time
α is a constant 2(will use the common values of α=2 and α=4)
d is the transmitting distance
PHY Layer Abstraction
Radio Propagation Model: [5]
Outdoor propagation Model:
Free Space Model:
Pr (d) =
PfGfGT λ
( 4π) d L
Pf : transmitted signal power
Pr : receive signal power
Gt Gr : antenna gains of transmitter and receiver respectively
L is system loss ( L > 1)
λ : wavelength
d : distance from transmitter
PHY Layer Abstraction (cont.)
Ground Reflection (Two-Ray)
pt GtGrht2hr2
Pr (d) =
Faster power loss as distance increase
ht hr are the height of the transmit and receive antennas
Cross-over distance dc
dc = ( 4 πhthr ) / λ
d < dc free space use else two-ray model
PHY Layer Abstraction (cont.)
Indoor Propagation Model:
Shadowing model.
Underwater Acoustic Propagation Model:
Mac Layer Abstraction
Typical protocols
Contention-based protocols
IEEE 802.11
MAC Layer Abstraction (cont.)
Take S – Mac as an example
Energy consumption abstraction
Three states: receive, transmit, sleep
Cost = msend × size + bsend + ∑(mrec v × size + brec v)
Point-to-point: RTS/CTS/ACK
Cost = bsendctl + brecvctl + msend × size + bsend + brecvctl
Cost = brecvctl + bsendctl + mrecv × size + brecv + bsendctl
Mac Layer Abstraction (cont.)
Latency computation
Carrier sense delay
Backoff delay
Transmission delay
Propagation delay
Sleep delay
Queuing delay
Processing delay
Queuing Model
Discrete time queuing models
Depending on arrival and departure processes
Geo/Geo/1/ and Geo/Geo/1/N
Queuing Model (cont.)
Geo/Geo/1 and Geo/Geo/1/N queue model
M/M/1 queue model
Network Layer Abstraction
Flooding -SPIN
Gradient – Directed Diffusion
Clustering - LEACH
Geographic -GEAR
Energy aware - SPIN-EC, LEACH, GEAR
Route setting up overhead
Communication Pattern (unicast, multicast,
Packet transmitted
Middleware Abstraction
Agent-based architecture
Client/Server based architecture
In-network processing scheme
Query system
APP Layer Abstraction
Traffic Generation Model
Constant bit rate transfer : Home surveillance,
lot sensor network application
Target detection and tracking
Moving target Models:
1. Given start point, moving in straight line at
constant speed. When arriving the edge, change the
direction by “bouncing” off the virtual wall.
2. Moving target is given an initial location along
with a series of waypoints
Topology Generation Model
GT-ITM, Tiers Model
Concern with the hierarchical properties of
Inet, PLRG
Connectivity properties
Hierarchical properties, degree
Connectivity properties
Large Data Set Visualization
Large memory and high speed requirement for
sensor networks visualization
Hierarchy sensor data rendering
Higher level – region based information
Energy consumption map, Traffic distribution map
simulation data report based on the whole area etc.
Lower Level – portion of sensor nodes information
Detailed information of sensor nodes
Graph tools
[1] C.F.Chiasserini and R.R.Rao, “Pulsed Battery Discharge in Communication
Devices”, MobiCOM , 1999.
[2] H.D.Linden, “Handbook of Batteries”, 2nd ED. McGrawHill, 1995
[3] Vijay Raghunathan, Curt Schurgers, Sung Park, Mani B. Srivastava. “Energy –
aware wireless micro sensor networks." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume:
19 Issue: 2, Mar 2002.
[4] A. Mainwaring, D. Culler, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, J. Anderson. "Wireless
Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring," Proceedings of the First ACM
International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA
'02), Georgia, September 2002.
[5] T.S.Rappaport, “Wireless communications principles and practice”, Prentice
Hall 2002
[6] A.sinha and A. Chandrakasan, “Energy Aware Software”, Proceedings of the
13th International Conference on VLSI Design, 2000