Transcript Document

Hard X-ray Spectral Evolution and SEP Events
Gerry Share, Allan Tylka, and Ron Murphy
Kiplinger (1995) found that SEP events almost always occur when 40200 keV X-ray spectra either harden over flux peaks or during flux
decays; these events seldom occur when such hardening is not
Share et al. (2001) studied hard X-ray emission from the 2000 July
14 (Bastille Day) flare using the Yohkoh HXS detector and did not find
evidence for spectral hardening even though the SEP event was the 3rd
largest event between 1976 and 2000.
Saldanha, Krucker, and Lin (2008) found progressive spectral hardening
in peaks in four flares in January 2005 that were associated with SEP
events and one event without this hardening that did not have an
associated SEP event.
Yohkoh HXS Detector
7.6 cm (diam.) X 2.5 cm (thick) NaI detector coupled to a PMT
Energy range ~30 keV to ~780 keV in 32 channels
1 s time resolution
Accumulate data at 1 s resolution in two energy
bands: ~47 – 103 keV and 103 keV – 210 keV.
Subtract background taken both before and
after the flare where available.
Spectral hardness is defined by the ratio:
counts (103 –210 keV )/counts (47-103 keV)
We study 6 flares occurring from 1991 to
2001; four of these were GLEs. All of these
flares emitted nuclear gamma-ray lines.
Flare location 15 E. Listed as an SEP but mostly ESP were
observed (poor connection?). Sparse Yohkoh; background taken 25
hrs earlier. Each peak appears to exhibit S-H-S and the overall
trend is S-H-S.
W 63 producing a large SEP/GLE with particle injection likely >12:10.
Hardness ratio doesn’t follow flux peaks but no clear S-H-H. Perhaps
weak hardening when flux is barely detectable (just due to harder
Location W 63. Relatively weak GLE. Hardness ratio for the
residual background is ~0.6. Spectrum softens up to the peak
of the flare then gradually hardens as flux approaches bckgrd.
Next peak shows the same behavior. Typically higher-energy Xray are more susceptible to background variations.
Location W07 produced large GLE (atmospheric gamma-ray
observed). Overall the spectral ratio is significantly softer than
previous flares. Each peak shows soft-hard-soft evolution. Particle
injection appears to have occurred between ~10:15 and 10:25.
Location W5. Observed as an SEP but not as a GLE. No
obvious S-H-H behavior.
Location W85. Strong SEP and GLE. No obvious S-H-H
evolution. Particle injection time ~13:50 – 13:57 UT
1991 Oct. 27
1997 Nov. 6
1998 May 6
Weak GLE
? Due to bckgrd?
2000 July 14
2000 Nov. 14
2001 April 15
2005 January 20 flare (Salhanha et al. 2008). Strong
delayed nuclear line emission. Note the ratio of brems/nuclear
line emission early in flare. Could effects propagate into front
detector? Pion emission stays at relatively high level
throughout producing 511 keV line – Compton scattering.