Transcript Slide 1

Natural selection, could have
produced very Simple cells
through a sequence of four main
The abiotic (nonliving) synthesis of
small organic molecules, such as
amino acids and nucleotides.
The joining of these small molecules
into macromolecules, including
proteins and nucleic acid.
The packaging of these molecules into
“protobionts,” droplets with
membranes that maintained an
internal chemistry different from that
of their surroundings.
The origin of self-replicating
molecules that eventually made
inheritance possible.
Earths atmosphere was a reducing (electronadding) environment , in which compounds
could have formed from simple molecules.
In 1953, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, of the
University of Chicago, tested the OparinHaldane Hypothesis.
 They created lab conditions comparable to those that
scientists at the time thought existed on early earth.
 Their apparatus yielded a variety of amino acids found
in organisms today, along with other organic
Self-Replicating RNA
The first genetic material
may have been short pieces
of RNA capable of guiding
polypeptide synthesis and
self-replication. Early
protobionts containing
such RNA would have been
more effective at using
resources and would have
increased in number
through natural selection.
Protobionts are collections of
abiotically produced
molecules surrounded by a
membrane-like structure.
25.2 The Fossil Record
-Richest Source of Fossils
Sedimentary rock
-Fossil Record Includes
Great changes in dominating organisms
Organisms very different from today's
Organisms that where once common but
now extinct
How existing organisms came to be
-Fossil Record is
Substantial and significant
An incomplete chronicle of evolutionary
Biased in favor of species that existed for
a long time
Still being filled with new discoveries
How Fossils & Rocks are Dated
-Radiometric Dating
Most common technique
Based on decay of radioactive isotopes
Method works for fossils up to 75,000
years old
-Rate of Decay
Expressed as a half-life
Time required for 50% of parent isotopes
to decay
-Old Fossils
Sediments in rock around them help the
dating process
Magnetism of rocks contributes too
Origin of New Groups of Organisms
By dating fossils we are able to see how
today's animals got to how they are today
Chapter 25.3
Archean and Proterozoic eons
Phanerozoic eon
- Eras and you
-Eukaroytes and Endosymbiosis
How life is possible
Archean Eon and O
Iron oxide
Oxygen revolution
-Devastating results
Cellular respiration
Multi-cellular life
Cambrian explosion
Land colonization
Humans “time-on-the-clock”
Continental Drift-The slow movement of the continental
plates across Earth’s surface.
Alters the habitats in which organisms
Pangea (All land)- ocean basins
became deeper, which lowered sea
level and drained coastal seas.
Pangea destroyed a considerable
amount of the marine species habitat.
Climate change northward and
Allopatric speciation on a grand scale.
Help explain puzzles about the
geographic distribution of extinct
Mass extinction- Period of time when global environmental changes lead to
the elimination of a large number of species throughout Earth.
Red represents extinction rate of
marine animal families.
Blue represents overall increase in
the # of marine animal families.
The Big Five
•The Permian and the Cretaceous
Permian- Boundary between
Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras
Can reduce a thriving and complex ecological
community to a pale shadow of its former self.
Cretaceous- Boundary
between the Mesozoic and
Cenozoic eras.
Adaptive Radiation- period of evolutionary change in which groups of
organisms form many new species whose adaptations allow them to fill
different ecological roles, or niches, in their communities.
Evolutionary Effects of Developmental Genes
-An evolutionary change in the rate
or timing of developmental events.
*An organisms shape depends in part on the
relative growth rates of different body parts
during development.
-If reproductive-organ
development accelerates
compared to other organs, the
sexually mature stage of the
species may retain body
features that were juvenile in an
ancestral species –
This salamander is sexually
mature, but has maintained its
gills and other larval features.
Changes in Spatial Pattern
Hox genes
-Prompts cells to develop into
structures appropriate for a
particular location
*The evolution of vertebrates
from invertebrate animals may
have been influenced by
alterations in Hox genes and
the genes that regulate them.
*How they are expressed can
have a big impact on
*A change in the location of
the Hox gene correlates with
the conversion of different
body parts.
The Evolution of Development
A change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene may affect its function wherever the gene is
Changes in the regulation of gene expression can be limited to a single cell type.
A change in the regulation of a developmental gene may have fewer harmful side effects
than a change to the sequence of the gene.
Changes in the form of organisms often may be caused by mutations that affect the
regulation of developmental genes-not their sequence.