Transcript Rocks

Question and Answer Samples and Techniques

The Three major types of rocks are Igneous, Sedimentary and Extrusive.


Cementation often occurs directly after Earth materials are _____________ ?

This process forms what type of rock?

Which of the following would NOT be a major process in the formation of sedimentary rock.

erosion deposition melting compaction

Ripple marks likely indicate that the rock formed……..

Metamorphic rocks that have a banded appearance due to the alignment of minerals are called foliated rocks.

Which rock is made up of the smallest sediments?

Shale Breccia Sandstone Conglomerate

A fine grained igneous rock forms…..

Deep within the Earth From magma As the result of slow cooling As the result of quick cooling

The formation of igneous rock is powered by?

If a rock has a porhyrtic texture, what can we conclude about the rock? Minerals that crystallize from magma do not form at the same rate or same time. These rocks usually have larger crystals surrounded by much smaller crystals.

How could you easily distinguish a black and white gneiss from a similar colored granite? Foliated = bands or layers

Marble is an example of a

foliated metamorphic rock nonfoliated sedimentary rock nonfoliated metamorphic rock intrusive igneous rock

Which of the following is a fine-grained, light-colored extrusive igneous rock?

Rhyolite Granite Limestone Schist

Igneous rocks are classified by

composition and age. composition and texture. texture and size. texture and presence of fossils.

What are the main agents of metamorphism?

compaction, cementation, and heat heat, pressure, and hydrothermal solutions heat, pressure, and erosion heat, weathering, and erosion

Which of the following is NOT an example of an igneous rock?

granite basalt rhyolite sandstone

A(n) __________is any solid mass of mineral or mineral-like matter that occurs naturally as part of Earth.

Most rocks, such as granite, occur as a solid mixture of _____________?

This produces low-grade metamorphism?

This occurs during mountain building?

Much of the upper mantle is thought to be made of granite.
