Регистрация цен как определяющий фактор

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Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Development of Kazakhstani statistics

8 th National Focal Points on Economic Research and Statistics Meeting (NFPM)

21-22 April 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan

Strategy of state statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

maximum satisfaction of user needs with an aim to provide statistical information about the strategic objectives of development creating the conditions for the growth of Kazakhstan competitiveness capacity building and successful interaction with the world's national statistical services of other countries 2

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On state statistics»

Innovations in the Law

 Introduction of "administrative data, administrative sources“ concepts  Determination of state statistics bodies  Provision of an access to administrative data for an authorized body  Provision of confidentiality  Fixation of the norm that statistical classifiers are binding for the statistical activities  Ensuring the independence of an authorized body 3

Strategic Plan of the Agency for 2010-2014

Basic guidelines:

Improvement of statistical methodology and statistical tools Improvement of work with respondents Improvement of work with statistical information users Improvement of the efficiency of the state statistics system Obtainment of international experience in the field of statistical activities 4

Enhancement of statistical methodology

On macroeconomic statistics

• • • Introduction of a new international standard "SNA 2008"; Improvement of comparability between different calculations within the system of national accounting; Transition to more detailed calculations of input-output balance

On communication statistics On service statistics

• New indicators in accordance with the questionnaires of the International Telecommunication Union and the Regional Commonwealth of Communications are included; • Methodical recommendations on the formation of tourism statistics indicators are developed in accordance with international recommendations of the 2008 World Tourism Organization • Completely new method on formation of 36 environment statistics key indicators was developed and approved

On environment statistics On agricultural statistics

• Use of the space monitoring results is planned, to be conducted by the JSC “National Center of Space Research and Technology" which includes assessment of cultivated areas, remote diagnostics of spring crops condition, yield prediction and monitoring of the harvesting dynamics

On socio-demographic statistics

• In 2010 a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding on “Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey” Round 4 between the Agency, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) was signed 5

Results of 2009 population census

Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Ethnic composition, confession and language proficiency;

16 case series of publications on census 

Migration of population;



Population employment;

Income and population means of living

Marriage and family;

Men and Women;


Elderly population;



Housing characteristics of the population

; 

City portrait;

Portrait of the village


New Cooperation with the World Bank Project


Global Assessment of the Statistical System of Kazakhstan (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe & Economic and Social Commission For Asia and the Pacific, 2007-2008)


"Improve the Statistical System of Kazakhstan to provide users with qualitative statistical information in accordance with international methodology and best practice "

Financing mechanism:

Financing mechanism: World Bank investment loan in the amount of 20 million US dollars co-financing from the Government of Kazakhstan in the amount of about 3 million US dollars.

Time of realization: 5 years

(2012-2016) 7


Improvement of institutional environment and statistical system functioning Improvement of information-communication systems and physical infrastructure Improvement of staffing Improvement of statistical infrastructure, standards and methodology Improvement of relationships between users, respondents and statistical bodies


Innovation processes in Kazakhstani statistics



Innovative approach for automation processes of collection, processing and distribution of statistical information

Investment – innovation project «e-Statistics»


Creation of a unified statistics database; Creation of mechanisms for collaboration and integration with information systems of state bodies; Quality improvement of statistical information; Providing respondents with an alternative option of filling out the statistical forms on-line, using web-technology; Providing wide range of users with official statistical information



Architecture of IIS «Е-statistics»

Портал ЭП ГБД ЮЛ ГБД ФЛ ГБД РН ГБД АР ИС заинтересованных ГО Респонденты Электронная услуга Шлюз «Электронного правительства» Респонденты Формы отчетности ( около 170) РЕГИСТРЫ СБР РЖФ РН РСХ Сбор первичной информации ЭСО Сбор данных в On-line режиме НСИ МЕТАДАННЫЕ КЛАСС Интеграционный компонент Единая среда ИС «е-Статистика» «Грязные» данные ХПСД «Чистые» данные БД адм информации БД перепись населения БД с/х переписи Хранилище данных ИС обработки первичной стат и адм информации Контроль первичной информации Модуль импутации данных МО форма 1 МО форма 2 МО форма n Модуль «Взаимная торговля» Модуль «СМП» Модуль «ИПЦ» БД агрегированн ых показателей - функционирующие системы - новые системы Единая система выходных данных Информационно аналитическая система Внутренн ий портал Модуль «Регламентиров анные отчеты» Модуль не регламентирова нные отчеты Модуль «Диаграммы» Модуль «Экспорт» Модуль «ГЕО статистика» Внешний портал НУЦ Публикации Динамические отчеты WEB информация Диаграммы 11

IS Interaction and integration with state bodies

2010 Database of vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan IS of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan State database of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan State database of individuals of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan Real estate register state database of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan 2011 The analytical complex of the President Administration of Kazakhstan Single public health IS of the Ministry of public health of Kazakhstan АRKS Registry office IS of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan Compulsory pension fees of the Ministry of labor and social protection of Kazakhstan Address register state database of the Ministry of Communication and Information of Kazakhstan 12


Internet resource of the Agency presents reliable and updated information for users Archive of news and Press-releases Plan of press-releases News and press-releases 13


Starting from 2010 an archive of statistical publications since 1998 is posted on the Internet resource and available to all users.


100 key Information-analytical system new approach to reporting statistical information • "Regions" module provides user with information on the indicators of the selected region indicators of the country’s development • "Section” module provides user with a list of industries with corresponing indicators of the sector in the different views.

• “Directory” module represents a tree structure of all statistical indicators.


Types of information presentation in information-analytical system Astana, 2011 16

On-line data collection before Submission of report by respondent Acceptance of the report by single window service Data input by operator Submissio n of data to ICC Publication Submission to central apparatus Data processing Use of web-technologies - use of digital signature - elimination of administrative barriers - reduction of financial, labor and time costs of an enterprise - reduction of the risk of errors in data entry after Electroni c digital signatur e Entering data on the portal of the Agency Agency database Publication 17

On-line data collection


63 forms


180 forms



Goal: implementation of all statistical reporting forms


Benefits and advantages of “E-statistics” IIS


Thank you for attention!

Contact information Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan 010000, Astana, House of Ministries, 4 entry.


[email protected]