Transcript Document

IB Diploma
For 2008-09 school year
The IB Continuum
 Primary years programme PYP
10 years old
 Middle years programme MYP
13 years old
 Diploma programme DP
38 years old
Structure of programme
Theory of Knowledge
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
 100 hours
 Essay 1200-1600 words
 10 minute oral presentation
Extended Essay
 Original research
 4000 words
 40 hours private study time
 From 22 subjects
Creativity Action Service (CAS)
 Creativity-arts and service programme
 Action-sports, expeditions and projects
 Service- community and social service
 Approximately 150 hours, more to quality
than quantity
 About 3 hours per week over 1.5 years
The Six Subject Groups
 Group 1 Language
 Group 2 Second language
 Group 3 Individuals and societies
 Group 4 Experimental sciences
 Group5 Mathematics and computer science
 Group 6 Arts and options
 3 x HL courses 240 hours
 3 x SL courses 150 hours
Subjects offered
 Group 1 Indonesian A1 English A1
 Group 2 Indonesian B English B English A2
 Group3 History, Business & Management
Economics, Information Technology in a Global
Society, Environmental Systems
Group 4 Biology, Physics, Chemistry ,Environmental
Group 5 Maths HL/SL, Maths Studies (SL)
Group 6 Music Theatre Arts Visual Art
Managing the requirements
 Six subjects (3 X 150 hours 3 X 240 hours)
 TOK 100 hours TOK coordinator + other
teachers additional subject
 Extended essay 40 hours supervisor
 CAS 150 hours CAS Coordinators
 Internal assessment requirements Teachers
 Exams
 DP Coordinator
Selection process
 In reality students self select
 Information session Term 3
 Initial subject selection Term32
 Career profiling Term 3
 University investigation Term 3
 Subject selection Term 4