Transcript Document

Chapter 3 : Processing on the Front End
• Technically its name is ECMA-262, which refers to the
international standard which defines it.
• The standard is derived mostly from Netscape's JavaScript,
but it does have some features from Microsoft's JScript.
• Its most common use (by far) is to provide scripting support
for Web browsers. All of the popular "modern" Web browsers
support the core standard.
• Scripts are included in HTML files by placing them inside
an HTML script container inside either the head or body
section of the document.
<script language="javascript">
<!-JavaScript statements
• The HTML comment markers are to hide the JavaScript
statements from older browsers that don't understand the
HTML script element.
• JavaScript statements are executed in document order as the
Web page is first being loaded into the browser.
See firstprogram.html
See fragmentedscript.html
• JavaScript is loosely typed, which means a variable can hold
any of JavaScript's literal types:
var x=3.14;
x="a string";
// number
// string
// Boolean
• The keyword var is used to declare variables since no
typing is required.
• There are some special fixed literal values. It's better to
assign predefined literals when weird things happen than to
crash Web browsers!
var y;
// uninitialized variables are
// assigned the literal undefined
var y ="yi"*"kes"; // y contains NaN
// Not a Number
y = 3/0;
// y contains the literal Infinity
• The basic syntax is very similar to that of Java and C++.
• The operators are standard.
• The concatenation operator is +.
// "34"
// "43"
• But + is also used for addition of numbers.
// 7
• This duality is a problem since most data stored in HTML form
elements is string data. We can parseFloat() (or parseInt())
data to force addition .
z= parseFloat(x)+parseFloat(y);
// 7
• Conditionals are standard:
• Loops are standard:
• The syntax for functions is standard, with the exception that
you don't declare types for parameters or for returned values.
• Here is an example of a void (no return value) style function.
function customrule(width,char) {
for (var x=1 ; x<=width ; x++) {
document.write("<br />");
• Here is a sample call to the function.
• Here is the result in the Web page.
• Here is an example of a return style function.
function times10(num) {
return num;
• Here is a sample call to the function.
var num = times10(3);
• The result is that the variable num contains 30.
• Scope in functions is straight-forward and works as you
would expect.
• Global variables are visible inside functions.
• Function parameters are local to the function call and so
are variables declared inside functions using the var
• Primitive variables are passed to functions by value.
• Objects are passed to functions by reference.
Scope example:
function scopedemo(x) {
var y=10;
var x=2;
var y=3;
var z=4;
Result: After the function call, the state of the global variables are
x<-->2, y<-->3, z<-->5
• Note that global variables "live" so long as the page is loaded into the
browser. Refreshing the page, re-initializes global variables.
• Local variables "live" only during the function call.
• Arrays are also standard with the exception that you don't
need to define what type(s) it may hold.
• Create a new array object.
var list=new Array();
• Initialize some array cells.
• The allowed indices are not pre-determined, but it's best to
stick to standard array indexing, unlike the above example
which skips some indices.
• Array variables are objects. JavaScript doesn't yet support
classes and inheritance, but there are several built in classes
with constructors (like Array() ) which are available.
• Our main focus here is to use JavaScript to process HTML
forms. Forms are created using only HTML.
See bigform.html
Part of the Browser Object
• Many aspects of a Web page can be changed by changing the
Browser Object using JavaScript.
• This statement will change the text color of the page to red.
• Here, we are mostly concerned with form objects.
<form name="fred">
<input type="text" value="hello" name="textbox" />
<input type="button" value="click me" onclick="f()" />
• A form is an object. Its name is reference to the object.
• Form elements are properties of the form object. Again, the name of
the element is the reference to the object.
• A text field is a string object. It's data is in its value property.
• The button's onclick event handler calls a JavaScript function named
f(). The function changes the content of the text field. The change in the
Web page is immediate.
function f() {
document.fred.textbox.value = "there";
See formobject.html
• Event Handlers (listeners) are special properties of the
various objects.
• Common Examples:
form button
Event Handlers
onfocus, onblur
onload, onunload
• An event handler can be placed as an attribute in the HTML element
which creates the object.
• These examples call the built-in JavaScript alert() function when the
event happens.
<body onload="alert('Welcome')">
<a href="…" onmouseover="alert('Hey, man!')"> click me</a>
See loadevents.html
See linkevents.html
• We will mostly create custom functions to handle user
• These functions will primarily access, and perhaps change,
the elements (hence the data) in form object.
• The data is in a form element's properties, which are standard
variable types.
Form Element
Its Fundamental Data Type(s)
text field, text area
string - the data
radio button, checkbox
Boolean - is it checked?
string - the data
menu (single)
number - which option is selected
array of strings - the data for each option
menu (multiple)
array of Boolean - is a given option checked?
array of strings - the data for each option
• The form of Figure 3.9 and a
diagram to represent the
• The branches show object
• The primitive variables are
listed at the ends of branches
Below is the same form as previous slide
• All form elements are indexed by a built-in elements[] array.
• This is useful when you need to iterate over several form elements.
• You can use either this array or the name given to the form element for
object reference.
Client-side processing of data in HTML forms:
Text field -- a string with no new line characters
Text area -- a string potentially with new line characters
Note: These form elements are incapable of holding numeric
data. For example, If you assign a numeric literal to a text
element in the Browser Object, it is converted on the fly into a
See calculator.html
Processing user choices:
Checkbox -- Boolean Variable
Hidden string data
Radio Button -- Boolean Variable
Hidden string data
Note: There is no built-in way to test which one(s) are
checked from among a group. The best way is to loop over
them and test each one.
See cart.html
Single selection -- Works like a single selection group of radio
Note: selectedIndex property of the menu holds the
currently selected menu index -- no need to iterate to find
user's choice.
See cartax.html
Multiple selection -- Works like a group of checkboxes.
Note: selectedIndex property of the menu only holds the
first (usually) currently selected menu index -- have to iterate
over the selected properties of the menu options to find all
the user's choices.
Validation Before Submission to Server
. . .
<input type="submit" value="Submit Form" />
<script language="JavaScript">
// has to be after def. of submit button
function verify() {
-return true if form data is ok
-return false otherwise -- form won't be
See menuverify.html
See cart2.html
Validation using string object:
var str = "Scooby Doo";
// automatically treated as a string object
So for example,
var x=str.charAt(1);
Causes the variable x to contain the string
• Using various methods of a string object, you can extract any
information you want about the string.
Summary of the String object:
• If you have worked with strings before, most of this already
should be familiar to you in concept.
Example: Verify the following about the form below.
• The name must be at least 4 characters long, must contain at least one
blank space, and must neither begin nor end with a space.
• The e-mail address must be at least 5 characters long, must contain no
blank spaces, must contain exactly one @ character, and must contain at
least one period.
• The zip code must be numeric and exactly five characters long.
See textverify.html