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Transcript ENROLMENT 2006

• No one course is suitable for all
• All students are different
• Take into account:
Career aspirations
Previous academic performance
Average GCSE score and ALIS prediction
Learning styles – coursework, practical, exam.
Interest – do they like science or does mum like science
Previous school – how academic was the school?
Previous interview notes – VERY IMPORTANT
School reference
Any learning difficulties
Be Realistic if in doubt consult
Type of qualification
Unit Value
A/AS Level
Applied AS Level Single
Applied AS Level Double
BTEC National Certificate
BTEC First
Every student must start with 4 units – Do mix and match – e.g.
Double AS Applied IT, GCSE English and Graphics makes 4 units.
Minimum Entrance Requirements
Average GCSE score
Probable Four Unit Study programme
Above 5 points with at least 5 C
Students may choose any combination of courses
Between 4 and 5 points but with
at least 5 C grades
Applied AS/A levels or BTEC National Certificate
should make up two units of the 4 units.
Double vocational unit is required – or 2
applied subjects.
Less than 4 points with at least 4
passes at grade D or above
Students must include a BTEC Firsts in their
A student must be able to cope with their programme – Please ensure that the
course is suitable. The most difficult students to find a course for tend to be
those who only just qualify - the 5/6 grade C candidates. 50% of their
programme should be applied subjects or BTEC. This is not an option it is
compulsory – it is clearly stated in the prospectus. If a student insists on an
academic programme that is not suitable THEY MUST be directed to a PT, JJS
or IRT.
If a student wishes to take 5 AS levels they should normally have at
least 8 passes at grade A with a minimum of 3 at A* at GCSE.
Sports Studies, Business,
Art and Design, Travel and
Tourism, Performance
Studies and I.T
All are 2 year courses, no qualification at end of
year 1. All are 100% coursework and are
modular -12 units(=2 A levels). Graded Pass,
Merit and Distinction. Accepted at University as
equivalent to 2 A levels. Excellent pass rate
Performance studies
As above but only 6 units over 2 years = 1A level
Applied Double Unit
Health and Social Care, ICT
2 year course. At end of year 1 – 2 AS award.
Students should be prepared to take course for
full 2 years. Same structure as standard AS
except 2/3 course work 1/3 exam for each AS
module. Each AS is graded separately and can
be different grades.
Applied Single Unit. – ICT, Identical to standard AS but 2/3 coursework.
HSC, Business Studies,
Units tend to be more practical/vocational than
Travel and Tourism, Science traditional AS levels
AS levels
All exam or 2/3 exam (excluding art,
English and Maths compulsory for all students who do not have
Grade C. Biology is difficult – if a student gained below a D for
science poor choice. Spanish proven language ability required – at
least B at GCSE or D in Spanish, facility to do NVQ qualification –
separate sheet.
BTEC First
The Diploma course is equivalent to 4 GCSEs at grade A*-C
and the Certificate is equivalent to 2 GCSEs at grade A*-C.
BTEC First Diplomas are offered in: Art and Design, Business,
Health and Social Care.A full-time course would be one diploma
plus one or two GCSE re-sits. Students who have already
achieved a GCSE at grade A*-C in Maths and English might
add an AS to their programme.
BTEC First Certificates are offered in:Business,IT,Sport and
Travel and Tourism. A full time course would be the BTEC
certificate in Business plus one from IT, Sport or Travel and
Tourism, plus one or two GCSE re-sits. Students who have
already achieved a GCSE at grade A*-C in Maths and English
might add an AS to their programme.NVQ Service for
Hospitality, Level 2
Some General Points
• Always check average GCSE score and ALIS score for
specific subjects.
• Always check specific course requirements – some have
changed – for borderline candidates seek specialist
advice. DO NOT be persuaded to let someone on who
has not got the minimum requirements.
• Consult specialist adviser if in doubt or when specified in
instructions (get specialist to sign RA1)
• Look carefully at the 5 to 5.5 candidate – more C grades
and below than B grades. (consider applied/BTEC – they
may have qualified to take any programme but could find
straight AS difficult – see minimum entrance
More Specific Advice – BTEC
Applied Double Awards
• BTEC courses are excellent and are accepted at universities –
particularly with a merit or distinction. Academic universities will
accept the Certificate with an AS/A level. IT IS EQUIVALENT TO 2 A
levels. Very suitable for the student who enjoys a more practical
approach combined with coursework. It is not an easy option but a
hardworking student will succeed.
• Applied double awards are similar to BTEC except 1/3 exam based.
• The above courses are very well suited to the borderline candidate
who has a specific interest in the specific BTEC/Applied area.
Business is the most general of the BTECs. A student should not be
signed up for any of these courses without first seeing a specialist
adviser – Performing Arts Certificate requires an audition. The award
does not, but again advice required.
• There are alternative AS courses for all the BTEC/Double Applied
courses – it is vital that specialist advice is sought for any student
who has not be previously advised. If in any doubt ensure that the
student is seen by a specialist.
More Specific Advice – Applied
Single Awards
• Excellent choice for all students – not just for the less academic.
Travel and Tourism, Health and Social Care should be regarded in
the same way as other AS levels – often an excellent 4th AS course
for the academic student.
• ICT and Business offer both AS and Applied AS levels. In both cases
the AS is more analytical than the applied. Applied usually better for
the 5.5 and below student or for C grade Maths student. For ICT
forms should be checked by specialist – see detailed notes.
• Applied Science – Students must have GCSE science and maths.
The course is based on what scientists and engineers actually do in
their jobs, rather than on separate academic subject areas. Good for
students who enjoy science but do not require a specific
qualification in a single science. Excellent for sports studies,
psychology etc. Students should see NZB if they are considering
this course – compulsory if they have not previously been advised.
This is not an easy option.
More Specific Advice – past
problems areas
• PE – Check entrance qualifications for PE AS – students must have
English, Mathematics and Science. A GCSE in PE is not required,
but enthusiasm, commitment and practical sporting ability are
• Biology, Chemistry and Physics – check entrance requirements.
Seek specialist advice for borderline candidate.
• Art, Graphics. Photography – Only 2 out of 3. If a student wishes to
study all 3 they MUST be seen by JJS or SEL.
• Photography is not an easy option. NOT suitable for someone who
just wants to learn basic photography. Lots of coursework and VERY
time consuming. It is an art based course – GCSE Art a real
advantage. Students should also be aware that there is a cost
involved – 35mm camera, paper etc etc.
• Graphics (GRH) and Graphics with material technology (GMH).
GRH art based – GMH direct follow on from GCSE Graphics –
suitable for engineering, 3 dimensional design etc. See JJS or NB if
in doubt.
More Specific Advice – past
problems areas
Maths AS – B grade minimum – if they have not taken the higher paper they
will find it difficult. In these cases CD should be consulted. Further Maths A
grade minimum.
Economics or Business Studies. Economics is more analytical, students
who do not have a B in maths often find it difficult – not an easy option.
Business Studies more practical and there is the option of both applied and
traditional. Economics and Business is not a good combination in the
majority of cases.
Always consider including a national curriculum subject – good academic
students might require them for high demand university places. 3 or 4 new
subjects is a high risk combination.
Music Technology, Dance and BTEC Certificate require auditions. If a
student has not had an audition they cannot be signed up.
Music A level. Check entrance requirements. If in doubt they should see
Graham Jenkins.
If you give specific advice or seek specialist help please make brief notes
on RA1 – it helps when parents contact us at a later date.
Enhancement Programme Key
Skills and Essential Skills
All Advanced Level students (not intermediate) who are enrolled on a full
time AS/BTEC programme are required to achieve Level 2 Key Skills in
Numeracy, IT and Communication.
Maths and English GCSE give exemption from numeracy and
No GCSE at grade C – retake compulsory.
For students with E or below numeracy or literacy qualification a
possibility, students in this category enter for GCSE.
For IT any AS student who does not have IT GCSE (short or long) or is
not studying IT/computer based subject or a BTEC (Applied single AS
subjects with the exception of ICT are not computer based) will be
required to do an intensive 10 week course of 45 minutes per week.
Students who are studying for AS/BTEC and have a grade C in English
(not grade A*, A or B) are also required to do a 1hr and 30 min course per
week in English. This will last for 12 weeks initially. It is designed to help
them develop the English skills which are required for AS study. This will
be timetabled centrally.
Money Management and Activities
All Lower 6 students are required to attend the short Money
Management course. This will be taught over 2 sessions: 1 ½ hours
per week for the first 6 weeks of term and a 2 day course during the
second part of the Autumn term.
All Lower 6 students and one-year Intermediate students are
encouraged to take part in the Activities Programme.
The activities programme runs in 10-week blocks. Full details of the
courses offered are in the Activities booklet. Choices should be
entered on the data base. Do not persuade a student to do an
activity – past experience shows that reluctant students vote with
their feet.
Sports trials will take place on 6 September in the afternoon – these
are compulsory for all students who want to do Wednesday
afternoon sports.
Basic Procedures Check List
Check GCSE grades
Check learning support
Check course choice and ALIS predictions
If specialist check required – get signature on RA1
Check university/career fits with choice – Career staff are on duty.
Enter data on computer –Activities should not be entered–Anyone who
wants to do Team Sports should see Sports Staff who will enter them.
If they choose a subject which they did not choose before Intro Day warn
them that there is a small chance (bigger for waiting list subjects) that they
may not get it. Put alternative choice on RA1. Last year everyone got their
Student and tutor to sign RA1
Explain Key/essential Skills level 2 and Money Management
Next attendance date – Friday 7 September 9.00am
Send student to ID photo/EMA and inform them to then got to C9 for