Transcript Document

Characteristics of Leadership
 Everyone here is a leader in some area of
their life
 Questions we MUST ask ourselves
 How do I lead?
 What example do I follow?
 Who do I want to please? God or man?
 Am I trustworthy?
 Proverbs 29:25
Characteristics of Leadership
 Leading like Jesus - 1 Peter 5:3
Jesus said, “…Learn of Me!” Matthew 11:28
 Knowledge of the Word of God
 Hebrews 5:12-14
 Courage to Challenge Error
 Matthew 15:10-14
Definition of church leadership terms:
 Elder - OT - A person entitled to respect & reverence
 NT - Pastor, bishop, overseer, leader, ruler
 Bishop -- Synonymous with elder - an overseer
 1 Peter 5:1-4, 1 Peter 2:25
 Philippians 1:1, Ephesians 4:11-12
What is Leadership?
 Leadership is influence!
 Anytime you are in a position to
influence thinking, behavior or
development of people to accomplish a
goal, you are in a leadership role.
 The questions then are:
 How will we lead?
 And what is our motivation to lead?
Motivation of leadership
 Self-serving:
 Using your influence to fulfill your
personal ambitions
 EGO - Edges God Out
 Pride: Seeks to please men that they
will speak well of us
 Matthew 23:5-7
Motivation of leadership
 Service and dedication to Christ:
 You will model and encourage godliness
 EGO - Exalt God Only
 Humility exalts God - Romans 12:1-3
 True Worship exalts God - Luke 4:8
Motivation of leadership
 Develop and Maintain Respect and Trust:
 Respect from others comes by: Honesty,
integrity, truthfulness, wise counsel, etc.
 Love and respect are not automatic, they
are earned
 1 Timothy 3:7
 Trust is developed over time, but can be
quickly lost and is difficult to restore!!!
Characteristics of Biblical
 Asking ourselves, “What DID Jesus do?”
 Leadership is influence!
 Leadership is Serving!
 John 12:26, Matthew 25:40,45
 Leadership is teaching!
 Matthew 5:1-2, John 15:15
Characteristics of Biblical
 Two key elements of Leading Like Jesus:
 Forgiveness - How do we react to mistakes of others?
 Matthew 6:12
 Grace -- not harsh, but compassionate
 Seek to enhance the well-being of others
 Galatians 6:1-2, Colossians 4:6
 2 Peter 3:18
Life Reflects on Leadership
 Attitude toward life and others
 “Love your neighbor as yourself!”
 1 Peter 3:10-11
 Character, faith, behavior, reputation are reflected
in leadership
 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Ecclesiastes 12:13
A Servant Leader
 Ask Ourselves, “Am I a Servant Leader or a SelfServing Leader?”
 Self-Serving Leaders consider their own interests
first, above all others
 Servant Leaders consider others first, before their
own interests
 Jesus came to SERVE, not to be SERVED!
A Servant Leadership Is:
 Remembering who we serve: The Lord Christ
 “Faith working with love!”
 According to the Word of God, not human
opinion or traditions
 According to firmly established Biblical values
 The example of Jesus Christ
Servant Leadership Requires:
 Firmly established and maintained Biblical values
 A visionary role - Proverbs 29:18
 Without a clear vision there is confusion
Status Quo must change when it is not working!!
 A willingness to implement the vision -- SERVICE
 Patient, persistent positive teaching
Pastoral Authority
 Christ is the Head of the Church  Ephesians 5:23
 The shepherd does not beat the sheep; nor should
the sheep butt the shepherd!!!
 Who will be Chief is to be the servant
 Matthew 20:25-28
 Mark 9:35
Community/Church Leadership
 Speaking the Truth in love
 Courage to stand for Truth at all times with good
will and tolerance!
 An outreach: “Go into all the world…”
 Ephesians 4:11-15
 Matthew 5:38-48 -- The extra mile!
 The fruit of great servant leadership is achieved
when the leader provides the next generation with
the wisdom, knowledge and spiritual resources to
serve their generation.
 God knew Abraham would do this: Genesis 18:19
 Jesus did this: John17:7-8
 Leadership is not about POWER or CONTROL
 Inspiring, NOT dominating others
 LEADERSHIP is about helping people to achieve
the faith and vision of Christ in their soul,
knowing His love, forgiveness and grace.
 One of the greatest gifts leaders can give others is
hope; we cannot give faith or love
 Leadership is: (Or ought to be!)
 Serving in Joy
 Serving by caring and sharing
 Serving as fulfilling and unselfish
 Serving glorifies God: Matt. 5:16 “Let your
light so shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father
which is in heaven.”