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Summary of Research Strategy
The objective of the RRAC Research Strategy for the RA is to
use technical research as part of the spectrum management
policy. The aim is to re-align existing research projects and to
maximise effectiveness by promoting:
A Research culture
Developed by recognising radio research as a means of
implementing and aligning with the UK Spectrum Strategy.
Promoting within the RA and Government and externally with
industry the importance of research into radio science,
technology and propagation to promote efficient spectrum use
and allow development of new radio-based communication
"To assist in the planned deployment of radio research
Research Focus
Achieved by recognising that strength and excellence can only
be achieved in a limited number of areas. Here the "four
themes" may help to focus and prioritise research as follows:
• improved use of existing spectrum
• coexistence/sharing studies
• spectrum efficiency
• long-term research
Research Dynamism
Stimulated through the planning process being responsive to the
changing needs of radiocommunication research. The RRAC
may need to recommend structural changes to the RA's internal
research management function with an emphasis on feedback
and evaluation.
Background and objectives
The RRAC was set up to advise the Radiocommunications
Agency (RA) on its technical research strategy. The RRAC
aims to help the RA to consolidate its current research
programme (propagation, EMC, Mathematical projects, Sharing
studies, and Other technologies) and implement a research
strategy (over a timeframe of 6 years) based on four themes;
improved use of existing spectrum, coexistence/sharing studies,
spectrum efficiency, and long-term research (including
extending the usable frequency range).
The overall objective should be to assist frequency management
by planning, provision and creating a research environment
where radio research can be co-ordinated in the UK and impart
information to radio users.
The methods of meeting this objective should include:
•Review of RA's existing research
•Build on the recommendations of previous research reviews and
Government policy
•Survey and feed back information from radiocommunications
industry to assist the RA
Research responsibility
All RRAC members will have a research interest in their particular
field and an awareness of spectrum needs and should be on the look
out for projects and research issues that the RA might support.
Although the RRAC is confined to radio technology aspects of
research only, it may touch on economic drivers, training and policy
issues that form part of government regulatory requirements.
• to produce a list of priorities for RA to consider in terms of
research needs with associated timeframes.
• to promote a "focal point" for radiocommunications research
• to improve the dissemination of data and information
• to develop (one) research area on the RA's RRAC website and a
list of major UK "radio research" centres.
• to consider reviewing the technical Task Groups (TG's)
and making these multidisciplinary.
• to promote collaborative research and monitor and liaise with EU,
CEPT and International bodies on radiocommunications to avoid
• to encourage and promote feedback on this research strategy
Task Groups (TG’s)
There are currently three TGs providing expert advice and
disseminating research information on a range of services including
Mobile, Fixed and HF.
The RRAC role in top-level research strategy will be:
• Advising the regulatory body on radio research
• Project co-ordination (top-level)
• "Gap analysis", advice on evaluation and feedback of research
• Recommend mechanisms for change (convergence of regulatory
function with the convergence of technology)
External liaisons
Interaction with RAL, Industry, ITU etc.
RRAC Committee
Mr Peter Kiddle OBE (Chairman)
Mr Chris Cheeseman
Mr Tim Cull
Prof Jim James
Dr David James
Prof Peter Ramsdale
Prof Ray Steele
Dr Gary Tonge
Dr Walter Tuttlebee
Prof Peter Watson
RA Members:
Mr Barry Maxwell
Mr Mike Goddard
Mr Martin Skingley (Meeting Secretary)
Mr Chris Carey
RRAC Secretary
RA, Wyndham House
189 Marsh Wall
London E14 9SX
Tel:020 7211 0039
[email protected]