Turtle 'Hide“

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Transcript Turtle 'Hide“

Turtle "Hide“
(Put hands up in front of face
and hide behind them.)
Frog "Jump"
(Put hands on both on legs
and jump straight up.)
Beaver "Gnaw"
(Put both fists beside cheeks of
face and gnaw with teeth.)
Mouse "Squeak"
(Put fingers to head like little ears
and say "Squeak.")
Bees "Buzz"
(Put your hands to your sides and
quickly flap your fingers to simulate a
buzzing bee's wings while making a
buzzing noise.)
Crow "Caw"
(Put your arms out to your sides as if
you're a crow
flapping your wings,
and make one "caw" sound.)
Duck "Quack"
(Put hands under armpits and
flap while saying "Quack.")
Pig "Oink"
(Put finger on tip of nose and
say "Oink.")
Fish "Swim"
(Put your hands together in front
of you and sway them back and
forth to simulate a fish swimming.)
Fox "Sleep"
(Put hands together and at side
of your head and act like you
are going asleep.)