Transcript Document

What is Animation?
The bringing of apparent life to inanimate objects.
(Mancis & Van Dyke, 1966)
Animation Timeline
(the history of animation part one)
1820 Persistence of Vision
Persistence of vision, first noted in 1820 by Peter Mark Roget, refers to the
length of time the retina (the "screen" at the back of our eyes which is sensitive
to light) retains an image. If we see a light flash every tenth of a second or less,
we perceive it as continuous. The impression of each flash of light remains, or
persists, in the retina for at least one-tenth of a second. Because of this
persistence, we can't tell where one flash ends and the next begins. Instead, we
perceive a continuous light.
Persistence of Vision- An effect that occurs when the brain receives images
faster than it can process them.
1826 Thaumatrope
The Thaumatrope is invented by John Ayrton Paris in 1824 to
demonstrate the persistence of vision. It consists of one disc
with a different image on both sides and a string on either
side of the disc.
The word "thaumatrope" has Greek roots. "Thauma" means
magic in Greek and "trope" refers to something that turns.
The thaumatrope is somewhat magical because it creates
illusions dependent on persistence of vision. When you spin a
thaumatrope, the two images on either side seem to blend
together and become one picture.
The Phenakistoscope is a toy that was invented in 1832 by a
man named Joseph Platue. Much like the Thaumatrope, the
Phenakistoscope relies on the persistence of vision (The eyes
ability to retain an image) to achieve it's illusion.
The contrivance consisted of a series of drawings or painted
pictures of figures in steps of motion. It had two disks with the
inner disk holding the pictures in order on the rim, and the
outside disk which the viewer (one at a time) looked through.
The outer disks had blackened slits to ensure a constant clear
frame and to shield unwanted light off the picture once seen.
Both turned on the identical axis. When turned together the
impression of motion was achieved.
Phenakitstoscope (fantoscope) a machine which produced
an illusion of movement by allowing a viewer to gaze at a
rotating disk containing small windows, behind which was
another disk containing a sequence of images. When the
disks were rotated at the correct speed, the synchronization
of the windows with the images created an animated effect.
Plateau's device required disks with 14 to 16 images, all
showing the progression of movement in successive order.
When turned in the device, the subject would appear to
1834 Zoetrope
The zoetrope appeared first in England in 1834, then France in 1860 and
finally the United States in 1867. The “Daedatelum" was invented by
William George Horner in 1834 and renamed "Zoetrope" by French
inventor, Pierre Desvignes. In "zoetrope" you might recognize the root word
"zoo" from a Greek word meaning animal or life. "Trope" is also from
Greek and refers to things that turn. The zoetrope is the wheel of life. When
you place a strip of drawings inside the zoetrope's drum, spin it and look
through the slots, you will see the images come to life. Of course, they are
not really alive. This illusion of motion depends on two things; persistence
of vision and the phi phenomenon.
If, when you spin the zoetrope, you look over the top of the drum at the
drawings instead of looking through the slots all you will see is a blur. The
illusion of motion is gone. The slots of the zoetrope simulate flashes of
light, creating a strobe. Persistence of vision is a stroboscopic effect. The
images you see must be interrupted by moments of darkness in order for the
illusion to work.
The Phi phenomenon is a result of human instinct. Our brains strive to make
meaning from what we perceive. When we see different images close
together our brains quickly create a relationship between them. The
metamorphosis of an umbrella into a mushroom (left) makes a certain kind
of sense, even though this is not something you would ever see in the real
1834 Zoetrope
1872 Motion by Photography
Muybridge started his photographic compilation of animals in motion.
1889 Motion Picture Projector
Thomas Edison announced his kinetoscope which projected a 50ft length of film in
approximately 13 seconds.
1906 Animated Film
J. Stuart Blackton made the first animated film called Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
1909 Cartoons
Winosor McCay produced a cartoon called "Gertie the Trained Dinosaur"
consisting of 10,000 drawings.
1913 Cartoon Series
Sullivan American cartoon series “Felix the Cat”
1914 Cel Animation
Method used for creating hand-drawn animation.
Individual frames are drawn in a sequence that, when played back
quickly (usually 10 to 30 frames per second), creates the illusion of
continuous movement.
The invention of the technique is generally attributed to Earl Hurd, who
patented the process in 1914. What is cell animation? Generally, the
characters are drawn on cels (short for celluloid)and laid over a static
background drawing. This reduces the number of times an image has to be
redrawn and enables studios to split up the production process to different
specialized teams. Using this assembly line way to animate has made it
possible to produce films much more cost-effectively. The outline of the
images are drawn on the back of the cel. The colors are also painted on the
back to eliminate brushstrokes.
Cel Animation
Animators drew on semi-transparent sheets of vellum, or acetate
cells (cellulose acetate) - they could see through the frame they
were drawing to the previous frames.
1928 Animation and Sound
Walt Disney combined cartoon with synchronized sound.