Transcript Slide 1

EU funding
Available EU Structural Funds
• Objective 2 / Mål 2
Interreg 4A NORD
Kolarctic ENPI CBC
Northern Periphery Programme
Baltic Sea programme
North Sea Programme
Interreg 4C
Objective 2/ Mål 2
Priorities – European Regional Development Fund
Innovation and renewal Strengthen regional competitiveness by
creating a favorable environment for
entrepreneurship, stimulate
entrepreneurship and innovation
Develop a sustainable IT infrastructure
with high quality interaction that improves
the quality of life and contributes to
increased competitiveness of the region.
Develop a sustainable transport system
Next call for proposals closes March 4, 2010!
Objective 2/ Mål 2
Innovation and renewal
1 Entrepreneurship and company Start Up´s (35%)
2 Innovative Environment (22%)
3 International co-operation (7%)
4 Regional attractiveness (11%)
1 Interaction between transportationsystems (8%)
2 Regional enlargement (8%)
3 Information and Communication Technologies (5%)
Objective 2/ Mål 2
Priority growth areas
Test and training activities
Tourism and experience industry and creative industriy
Energy and Environmental Technologies
Basic industries - technology and service development
Information and communication technology and services
Interreg IVa Nord
Development of business and industry
• Cooperation between basic industries and SMEs
• Information and communications industry
• Creative industries and tourism and experience industry
• Renewable energy and environmental technologies
• Testing operations
• Services
• Creation and development of innovative environments
Next call for proposals closes May 3, 2010!
Interreg IVa Nord
R & D and Education
applied research for the benefit of the region's economy
development of strategic alliances
creation of strong cross-border research – facilitating
future FP7 collaboration
• Joint training programs eg common
• Master courses
• Networking
• student, teacher, researcher and trainee exchange
• encouragement of entrepreneurship and innovation in
Interreg IV A Nord
Regional functionality and identity
• common public amenities and common infrastructure
• cross border collaboration between national authorities
• development of information channels that increase residents'
knowledge of
their region
• small scale projects, developing contacts between the
region's young
Kolarctic ENPI CBC
Programme priorities
Priority 1 Economic and Social Development
Priority 2. Common Challenges
Priority 3. People-to-People Cooperation and Identity
First call for proposals closes April 9, 2010!
2 calls will be open each year
Kolarctic ENPI CBC
Priority 1: Examples, directions of support
- Development of SME:s and business cooperation
- Promotion of trade and investment
- Development of sustainable transport, logistics and
communication systems
- Implementation of educational and research activities
- Utilization of innovations and new technology
- Enhancing the use of renewable energy sources and active
energy saving
- Development of energy cooperation
- Development of the labour market and support for
Kolarctic ENPI CBC
Priority 2: Examples, directions of support
• Improvement of security
• Prevention of accidents and environmental risks (incl.
emergency preparedness, radiation safety, marine
pollution risks)
• Supporting actions in regard to adaptation to climate
• Environment and nature protection
• Border crossing efficiency (incl. small scale
infrastructure, harmonisation of border crossing
procedures and increase of transparency)
• Education and research
Northern Periphery Programme
EU Contribution
60 – 75% for EU Member States
for Non Member States
Minimum 3 countries represented, of which one must be a EU Member State
Triple Helix partnership
Promoting innovation and competitiveness in remote and peripherial areas
– Innovation, networks and competitiveness
– Accessibility
Sustainable development of natural and community resources
– Environment as an asset in the periphery
– Urban-rural development and promotion of heritage
Next call for proposals closes March 4, 2010 !
Useful links
Objective 2/ Mål 2
Interreg IVA
Northern Periphery programme